Tuesday, June 20, 2017


Swimming lessons went good.  Oliver didn't want to go and was crying but his teacher is so good and ten minutes into it he was having fun.  Isaac is swimming so good and learning a lot.  We swan afterwards and that was fun.  Ruthie took a nap and we hung out in the basement since it was so hot.  Casey had scout and after he came home we told Isaac we could go to pet smart to look at pets.  his rollie pollies died and he was sad.  He was so good to feed and give them water everyday he seemed ready for a pet.  We got a Guinea Pig, they are awake in the day and are good with kids.  It takes a couple of days for him to get used to his new home and then we can start petting him.  Then after a week of that we can hold him and play more.  Isaac was super excited, it was cute.



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