Saturday, December 12, 2015


Well my Saturday has been good. I got all my laundry done. I even washed my sheets. I am planning to leave here sometime in the morning tomorrow. I should be up to Logan sometime before lunch. I hope everyone had a great day. See you all tomorrow.

Friday, December 11, 2015


We got tickets to Josh Groban today.  YEA!!!!!!  I didn't get you one Karen but you siad you wanted to go Robin so we got you one.  I am so excited, it will be fun.  It isn't until Aug so we have something to look forward too.  Today was good.   Oliver didn't sleep great again but I think he will start to get it.  We went to story time and got books about satellites, Isaac has been interested in that.  They boys were cute their so that was fun to watch.  Then we went to the hobby lobby and got some burlap for the fire bushes.  Their was some really cute girl fabric so I bought some to make a mitered edge blanket for Ruth.  Casey and Isaac worked on the white camper cake and it is looking good.  Tomorrow they are going to put the finishing touches on it.  Today went pretty fast.  Thanks for coming up this weekend for Isaac's party.  He is pretty excited and it should be a lot of fun, thanks.



I am glad that it is Friday also. Work was good. It did seem it drag a little bit this afternoon, but i made it thru. I did get Isaac's birthday present in the mail today, so now i just have to wrap it. So i am all set for Sunday. I hope everyone has a great Saturday tomorrow.


I am so glad today is finally friday! I don't work tomorrow but I have a lot to get done so I will be busy. Christmad is only 2 weeks away :/ I am not ready. Work was good nothing to exciting. I am working scheels so it's a slow night. Have a good one


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Party day

I had two parties today both with really good food.  For lunch Primary's had their holiday luncheon and I made a slide show with everyone's pictures in our department and we watched them.  It was fun.  It helps get to know everyone.  Then Dad came with me and we went to Karen's house for her company party.  Dad stayed at Karen's house and me and Karen went.  The caterers car broke and dinner was an hour late but it tasted really good and Karen won a tool kit.  She also got the cutes white elephant, I am going to use it next year at my white elephant party.  It was bad snow on the way home.  You couldn't see the lines on the road because it was snowing so hard.  Crazy.  I was so glad that dad came and drove me home.  I love those quilts Robin.  Those are a lot of fun.  I am sorry your machine isn't doing well.  That is not good.  Rachel, I am glad that Oliver slept better.  That does make for a better day.  Karen thanks for inviting me to your party.  Everyone have a great Friday.  LOVE MOM


Today Was good. For our Christmas party at work thet wanted us to do a service project. So we poly filled stuff animals that will go to kids in need. Then they bought us lunch. I didn't have to work tonight. I was going to call century link but I didn't want to ruin my night so I will goto the store on saturday. I decided to sew. I need to take my machine in after Christmas it can only embroider 4.squares before it makes my tension weird. I hope it holds out for the next few weeks. I got pretty far making the blaket. I have added a pict below. Have a good night. I am so glad it's friday tomorrow


Today was good.  I slept really good and Oliver woke up once and went back to sleep well.  It was nice and I felt good today.  Isaac had school and me and Oliver had to run to the store to get a couple of things.  I had the quilt group today and I Randy watched the boys.  It was so fun to go and talk quilts and look at everyone's things, it was a really good time.  I taught the block today and I think that everyone liked it.  The boys had fun at Randy's, Oliver fell asleep so we just stayed and visited for a while.  Casey got off work about the same time I got their so he came up also.  When we got home Casey and Isaac made the cakes for his party.  Then we were going to drive to preston to get a lottery ticket but Oliver wasn't happy so we only made it to Smithfield.  We stopped at McDonalds and they played on the slides.  I hope that everyone had a good time and that the weather was good in Kamas.


Oliver climbed up to get binkies

I made some neighbor gifts.  They were easy and fast.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Oliver woke up once but he had a hard time falling back to sleep, he is wearing us out.  He took an hour to fall asleep again tonight.  I guess overall we are making progress and I am glad that he is in his new bed.  Isaac had school this morning and me and Oliver went on a walk while he was gone.  We haven't done that in a while.  I sewed with Jenn today and it is harder to get ready when Isaac has school so we only sewed for a hour but it was fun.  When Casey got home he hung lights outside with Isaac and they set up the pink hammock.  We just played downstairs this evening.  I finished another basket last night and it was flaring out like my old ones were doing.  I must of not done it tight enough.  I have three done so that is enough for Christmas.  I want to get the pink one done for Ruth also.  Mom Josh Groban tickets are on sale this Friday.  I am excited.  I just thought I would throw out a reminder.


Made it

I made it through half the week.  Robin, I am so light sensitive also.  It is hard when you never get to see the light.  I am glad you had a better day.  Karen, you are better than me, I pulled everything out to wrap and then didn't wrap one thing.  We did watch Elf and I enjoyed that show.  I am not sure what the weather is really going to do tomorrow.  I am going to look out the window and decide if I am coming to Kamas.  It has been so weird lately.  Yesterday they had high wind warnings out and now there is nothing.  One says 80 percent and the other weather says 20 percent.  I will keep you posted.  Rachel I am glad you had a good day.  LOVE MOM


I am glad that the week is half over. Things are going good here. I got my free ham today at work. It looks yummy, but i will save it for Christmas.  Then after work i wrapped mom's Christmas present and my white elephant gift for my work party tomorrow night. We had a little rain here this evening.  I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow.


Today was better. I was tired though. This weather is killing me. It's dark alot. I worked at scheels tonight so nothing to exciting. Tomorrow we are having a Christmas lunch in. So that will be fun. Not much else on my end have a good night


Tuesday, December 8, 2015


I am sorry you had a bad day Robin, I am glad that you had a fun party Mom and that you got a good movie Karen.  Oliver woke up twice last night but he went back to sleep pretty fast.  I had Oliver nap in his new bed which went well.  Isaac was so tired tonight he fell asleep really fast but Oliver hung in for a while.  The weather was so nice today, it was really warm.  We had to go to the post office and then went to Skopko.  I wanted to get some bins for the legos and Isaac's allowance was burning a hole in his pocket.  Casey took Isaac to get his cake mix for his birthday cake when he got home, he wants a white camper cake again.  Casey had scouts and we watched a hot wheel movie and they made a epic track so we had to make one also.  I hope that everyone has a fun day tomorrow.


That makes me mad

Robin you need to send Walter and Dad down to century link to have them fix that bill.  I hate all cable companies.  They are all big crooks.  My day was better than Robins.  Work was good.  We had our white elephant party and it was fun.  I ended up with a candle making kit.  It is really nice.  Dad took me to Target tonight and we got some really tiny lighted Christmas trees. They are really cute.  If I could get them to load onto the blog I would show them to you.  Karen I am glad you got Antman. That is a really good movie.  I am glad that tomorrow is hump day also.  I did buy some wrapping paper so I am going to try and wrap tomorrow night.  Someone at my work made apple/cranberry sauce in the crock pot.  I am cooking that tonight.  I thought it would be something that dad would like.  I hope it turns out OK.  Have a great day.  It was so pretty outside today.  LOVE MOM


Well I went to Walmart after work today and got Antman. It is a good show. I am sorry that you are having a bad day Robin. I wish you luck dealing with century link Robin. My day has been good. I am glad that tomorrow is the halfway thru the week mark. Have a good one.


Today was ok. I think I was in a bad mood so everyone had to unlock the crazies. Design wants to defect 2 styles that is over something so stupid. Then I worked at scheels while I was working I was checking my personal emails and Century link is charging me like 80 dollars in stupid fees that don't make sense. I have Thursday night off and someone at centry link is going to have a bad night. So I'm glad today is almost over. Lol hope you all are.doing well have a good one

Monday, December 7, 2015

Only One

Oliver did alright last night.  He slept until 5ish and then had a hard time falling back to sleep.  It was rough but we made it.  I think we just have some bad habits from when he was sick, I started rocking him again and he wants to rock all the time.  Tonight it took over an hour but he fell asleep in his big boy bed without me rocking him.  I hope that helps him sleep through the night also.  Isaac was a chatterbox and it took a while for both of them to calm down.  I told Isaac I was tired and he said that I was the only one, it was funny.  They are good kids.  Isaac had school and then we went grocery shopping.  The day seemed to go fast since the boys slept in a bit.  I cut Isaac's hair, he said it took forever and he was never cutting it again.  I made the Amish soup for dinner.  It was alright, Casey described it best by saying it tasted old timey.   I have two baskets made and I was working on a third that was grey when I had some time but I messed it up so bad I threw it away.  I just didn't wrap it well and it wasn't going together at all.  I still have three more to make so we are good and I will be more careful.  Their is a pink one I am going to make for Ruth for her binki's.  I am excited.  Well enjoy this winter rain and have a good night.


You'd never know

Today was good. Work was busy. I met up with mom and dad afterwork. It was fun. Mom got me some cool bathroom stuff. Then on my way home I remembered I was put of shampoo so I went and got some. I also decided to dye my hair. I am getting really grey. Expecially in the front. Tomorrow I work at scheels so nothing crazy. I can't believe this weather it.says it will snow this whole weekend. But it wasn't suppose to rain tonight and it did who knows



It is raining here tonight.  Go figure that one out.  The weather man didn't say it was going to rain.  Weird.  WE hooked up with Robin tonight for Dinner at the Valley Fair Mall and got her passport stuff ready for her birthday.  It was fun to hang out.  Work was crazy busy today.  I ran all day. It was a weird day.  I am hoping tomorrow will be quieter.  Tomorrow I get free food for an administrative party.  I got my white elephant already to go.  I hope it isn't too dumb.  Karen Antman was a really good movie. I hope it is good weather for you.  Everyone have a great Tuesday.  LOVE MOM


Well today was pretty good for a Monday. Work is going good. Tomorrow I am going to go to Walmart and getting Antman. It was a good show and comes out tomorrow. I am glad that the boys are liking the calendar. I hope everyone had a great Monday.

Sunday, December 6, 2015


Robin, that is weird out the packages.  I didn't know that the even delivered on Sunday.  Thanks for getting them for the boys.  Today was good.  We stayed in our pajamas this morning and that was nice.  The advent calendar is going well.  Yesterday was an airplane and today was a bulldozer and the boys liked that.  Oliver didn't nap so I took him to nursery and Isaac went to his class.  Casey stayed home and vacuumed and steamed the floor and cleaned.  It looks really nice.  He also made bread, wheat and white.  They were very good and he was very proud.  We decided to start having Oliver sleep in Isaac's room so I stuck with it tonight and he is asleep in their.  I hope that he has a good night and it works out well.  Everyone have a great Monday.



Well my day has been good. Nothing too wild and crazy going on here. It was nice having a quiet weekend. I hope everyone has a great week.

Same old Same Old

WE went and got Grandma for lunch.  We took her to Winco to see how big the store was and then went to Black Bear Diner.  It was OK but fun to try something new.  We went to the store on 5600 West.  Robin that is weird they delivered to the wrong apartment and then called and said it was wrong.  I am so glad you got them.  I did look on line and you can renew your passport online.  Not much else going on with me.  LOVE MOM

100% wrong

I had to work at scheels tonight. While at work I kept getting calls from a strange number and not having a message. So I finally answered. I guess fed ex delivered to the wrong apt. # and they were calling to let me know. I had to meet up at Walters family for dinner so after that I picked it up. It was the karaoke machines for the boys. Every package that has been delivered to my place has gone to the wrong apt #. I have lost faith in ups and fed ex. Any way other then that I just embroidered all last night and the rest of tonight. Christmas is coming up fast :/
Have a good week



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...