Tuesday, December 8, 2015


I am sorry you had a bad day Robin, I am glad that you had a fun party Mom and that you got a good movie Karen.  Oliver woke up twice last night but he went back to sleep pretty fast.  I had Oliver nap in his new bed which went well.  Isaac was so tired tonight he fell asleep really fast but Oliver hung in for a while.  The weather was so nice today, it was really warm.  We had to go to the post office and then went to Skopko.  I wanted to get some bins for the legos and Isaac's allowance was burning a hole in his pocket.  Casey took Isaac to get his cake mix for his birthday cake when he got home, he wants a white camper cake again.  Casey had scouts and we watched a hot wheel movie and they made a epic track so we had to make one also.  I hope that everyone has a fun day tomorrow.


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