Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Oliver woke up once but he had a hard time falling back to sleep, he is wearing us out.  He took an hour to fall asleep again tonight.  I guess overall we are making progress and I am glad that he is in his new bed.  Isaac had school this morning and me and Oliver went on a walk while he was gone.  We haven't done that in a while.  I sewed with Jenn today and it is harder to get ready when Isaac has school so we only sewed for a hour but it was fun.  When Casey got home he hung lights outside with Isaac and they set up the pink hammock.  We just played downstairs this evening.  I finished another basket last night and it was flaring out like my old ones were doing.  I must of not done it tight enough.  I have three done so that is enough for Christmas.  I want to get the pink one done for Ruth also.  Mom Josh Groban tickets are on sale this Friday.  I am excited.  I just thought I would throw out a reminder.


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