Saturday, March 1, 2014


Well me and dad made it to Logan and back. It was pretty stormy both ways. It was fun seeing Oliver and Isaac. They are both cuties. That sucks about your pay check Robin I hope that they get it all figured out. Well have a great Sunday tomorrow everyone. Bye

Friday, February 28, 2014

Now a problem

I'm glad everything in Logan went well. The pictures were super cute. Good job guys. Today started off rough my check was 50.00 short and I was trying to figure out why. So when I got my pay stub they took the maximum out of my 401 k. I guess when the guy signed me up the first time it didn't go through so for 6 months I hadn't contributed to my 401. I noticed but I didn't want to take more out of my check for the holidays so I didn't worry about it. Then the guy came back to work and I talked to him about it and I said I wanted to do 10 to 20 dollars a check. But he just did the max, I talked the the owner about it because I was pissed. No one could do anything but give me a number to call so I hopefully got it all figured out. But they can't do anything about the 50.00 this check. So it is what it is. We'll not to much else I work tomorrow. Everyone travel safe ! 


Nice day

How is that vacation days go so much faster than work days.  We got pictures dine and they were really cute. I had a good day.  I got to play with Isaac and Oliver.  It is suppose to snow tomorrow don't come if the weather is too bad.  Karen I am glad the doctor was good.  Congratulations.  You do such a good job.  Robin good luck with the play.  Love mom

Grandma is here

I am glad that you had a good time bobsledding Karen, you should provide more details of how it was.  Robin I am glad that you got some rest.  I didn't blog yesterday, we had a good day.  We gave Oliver a bath and I have attached a picture of him sucking his thumb.  Mom made it up last night and it has been good to have her here.  We did pictures this morning and they turned out really good, I sent everyone a link.  Casey did yard work today and we took a nap which was nice.  Drive safe tomorrow Karen and good luck at work Robin.


Thursday, February 27, 2014

Safe and sound

I am safe and sound in LOgan.  It rained and snowed the whole way but I did really good.  Work was busy today but I think I was just nervous to leave.  I think that is cool Karen you got to go bobsledding.  Good luck at the doctors tomorrow.  Love mom

Cool running a

That's awesome you got to go bobsledding Karen that always makes the day fun. Sorry I didn't blog yester day I came home from going to dinner with mom and dad and I fell asleep watching netflix. I was tired. Today was good it rained all day. I am excited tomorrow is Friday. I am working pioneer Saturday. I hope everyone has fun in Logan this weekend, 



Well apparently they had activities for the distributors today. They had snowmobiling, skiing, and bobsledding. One of the guys that signed up for bobsledding couldn't go, so they asked if I wanted to go instead. I of course said yes. So I got to go bobsledding at park city at the Olympic park. It was fun. They don't let you drive but I still had fun. Other than that the day was kind of slow cause I was excited for bobsledding. I hope that everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Say What?

I am so glad Oliver can hear.  I already knew that one but it is nice to have them test him.  I got all my taxes done tonight and Friday dad is going to take them in.  Yeah!.  I also am all packed and ready to go.  I am a little worried about the weather tomorrow but if it is bad I will just leave early on Friday.  I am flexible.  I am so excited to come up and help out.  We did hook up with Robin tonight and got her taxes and Julie came over and dropped hers off.  I also went and got all the pills so dad is all set for his trip if he goes.  Karen did you go to Park City and get your ink cartridge?  I hope your doctor's appointment goes well on Friday.  LOVE MOM


Well things are good here. The weather was really nice here. I was sad I had work all day. Tomorrow is suppose to nasty tomorrow though. Work was quiet today. They had all the distributors in north America come for a meeting, so most everyone was in that. I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow. Bye

He can hear

Oliver had his hearing test today and he passed which was good.  We didn't do too much else.  It was nice to have a day home and the weather was really nice.  Isaac and Casey did some yard work.  The deer ate our baby trees and Casey doesn't think they will make it.  We have had people bring dinners all week which is really sweet of everyone.  It has been nice.  I cut Isaac's hair today so he would be cute for the pictures on Friday.  Oliver sleeps a lot so he is really easy to take care of and he is really cute.  I have attached a couple more pictures, I can't help myself.  I hope that everyone has a good night and thanks for everything.


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Karen bomb

Well I cooked tonight and when I was done all I could think of was that a Karen bomb went off in the kitchen. Rachel I was planning on coming on Saturday if that's okay. I made some cheeseburger soup tonight and I made a double batch so I could bring some up for you. Well have a great one. Bye

Spring fever

Love the pictures Rachel.  I am so glad everything is going so good.  Karen I hope you had a good trip to Heber City.  Robin, I am with you, I just want to sleep.  I think it is I just want to be outside and play.  We went to Sam's and got meds tonight, I feel good about that one.  Getting ready for my vacation in Logan on Friday.  I am hoping to work on taxes tomorrow night and get them all done so dad can turn them in next week.  Rachel that pillow thing is nice that Deena and Vickie sent.  Oliver is really going to like that one.  Have a great Wednesday.  We are to hump day.  LOVE MOM


I was so tired today I have no idea why. The weather was so nice today it was 60 degrees it was nice to not freeze. Your Picts are cute Rachel. I'm glad things are going well. Not to much else with me. I am going to bed early so that will be nice :).  


I'm back

Sorry I haven't blogged.  Last night just got away from me.  We have been doing really good.  Oliver is a really good baby and Isaac has been doing good.  Yesterday Randy and Casey took him to a playland at Mcdolands I think.  Today Casey went with his Dad to SLC to cash in the silver so we watched a show and took it easy.  Isaac ate a good lunch and was a lot happier after that.  Thank you guys so much.  We feel really loved and spoiled, thank you.  Here are a bunch of pictures.  I love the pictures you posted Robin, thanks.



Monday, February 24, 2014

Way to go

Robin, I was worried about your interview.  I am glad that it went well.  The big question is did they give you a raise?  I had a quiet day and that was good.  Not much else going on with me.  I am glad that Oliver's doctor appointment went well.  I hope he does OK with his circumcision.  Poor little guy.  I am off to bed.  Work should be quiet this week so that will be nice.  LOVE MOM

Let's have a talk

Today was good. I had my dreaded review at work with my manager. It went better then I thought it would, it lasted 3 hours but at the end of it I think it was good. I felt bad though because Walter wanted to surprise me and take me out to lunch but my review went long and I had no Idea he came to my work and he had to go so I missed him. I felt bad but it was just bad timing all around. Other then that things are good. I made some more buttermilk honey bread. I sounded good. I hope everyone is doing well. Love you



My Monday has been good. I was a little sleepy, but I made it thru. I am glad that Oliver's appointment went well. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Robin, thanks for the pictures.  They are so cute. Rachel the boys are wonderful!.  I am glad that everything is going so well.  I will be up there on Friday.  Karen and Robin thanks for coming up.  Karen thanks for all your help.  I don't have any more news other than it sure if fun to be a grandma and mom. 




 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...