Friday, February 28, 2014

Now a problem

I'm glad everything in Logan went well. The pictures were super cute. Good job guys. Today started off rough my check was 50.00 short and I was trying to figure out why. So when I got my pay stub they took the maximum out of my 401 k. I guess when the guy signed me up the first time it didn't go through so for 6 months I hadn't contributed to my 401. I noticed but I didn't want to take more out of my check for the holidays so I didn't worry about it. Then the guy came back to work and I talked to him about it and I said I wanted to do 10 to 20 dollars a check. But he just did the max, I talked the the owner about it because I was pissed. No one could do anything but give me a number to call so I hopefully got it all figured out. But they can't do anything about the 50.00 this check. So it is what it is. We'll not to much else I work tomorrow. Everyone travel safe ! 


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