Saturday, June 13, 2020

Get the work done day

We were all in fire today. Floors painting. I even got the lawn mowed. Karen took us to Provo falls and then we drive over the mountain on a dirt road. It was beautiful. We drive by camp piuta where I went to camp as a beehive. It was so beautiful. We came out above where we camped. I love that floor Rachel that is amazing you did it in one day. Wow. Robin I hope you are doing well. Love mom


I glad you got Karen's room painted.  It looks really good.  We worked on the floor all day.  This morning we went to the dump and dropped off the carpet.  We met Randy and Teri at Lowe's and bought the floor.  We got a really nice Bamboo floor.  We were able to get most of the floor done.  We just have a tiny strip along the wall that we need to think about.  It looks really pretty and we love it.  I hope everyone gets some rest.  Love you guys.


Friday, June 12, 2020


We got all the paint done tonight. It looks really nice. Rachel way to go on the carpet. You are on fire. It looks nice. Let us know what we can do to help. Ruth is funny. She remembers. I am glad she got something fun. Have a nice Saturday. Love mom ❤️


Today was good.  I walked this morning.  We stayed up really late last night so I let the kids sleep in.  I started to see but my sewing machine started to not work again.  I am going to try to fix it this time.  I worked on my class this morning.  Ruthie has been talking about going to red balloon toys.  She said Grandma told her to go.  She bought a jewelry craft and was so happy.  We went to the library after lunch.  Isaac has already read one of the books he got.  Randy and Terry came over and we took out the carpet.  It is really nice to have it gone.  We went and looked at floors and we had troubles deciding which one.  We had a late dinner at Culver's and it tasted good.  We looked online when we got home and I think we have a plan.  We will see how it goes tomorrow.  Thanks again Karen for the beautiful ballet outfit.  You are so sweet.


Thursday, June 11, 2020


Casey thought it was Friday also.  That is funny.  I am glad you had a good day Mom.  I walked this morning which was nice.  Swimming lessons ended today.  The kids were swimming so well and they all went up a level.  We got a healthy smoothie outside the sports academy.  Oliver had a meltdown and we just ate it in the car.  We didn't go to the jump zone which was nice.  I finished painting the ceiling and did my certificate.  The kids did their homework which we haven't done all week.  Isaac has his magic class and had a fun time.  After dinner Isaac's room flooded.  We were watering the yard and the hose was too close to his room.  We cleaned it up.  Then we went to Lowe's to look at floors.  We got Karie Ann's afterwards. It was fun.  I also put the binding on my quilt.  I forgot but I got my new phone working.  I am excited.  I went to the sprint store and they got it going.  Love you guys.



Today was good. Work went well so that is nice. Mom and dad came down and helped me with my 3d printer and changed out my nozzles. It was fun. Thanks for coming down. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. I'm ready for the weekend



We had an interesting fun day  Dad called from work and said something broke on his jeep and he needed to take it in.  It was making a really bad noise.  It was a shock that had broken.  We replaced them.  It wasn't safe to drive.  I went to pick him up and we went to the army store and it was fun.  We got him two new pairs of pants and I love all the stuff in there.  We went to Capriottis for lunch.  I like their sandwiches.  I came home and went back to work.  I might have to take PTO for long lunch but it was so worth it.  We picked up the jeep after work and then met Robin and Jeramy for dinner.  It was nice to visit.  Dad helped Robin with her printer for awhile.  She made a really cute groot.  Tomorrow I am going into work at 730 to help take temperatures.  I know that is dumb.  We are going to go to Kamas after work and finish painting.  It is suppose to get hot tomorrow.  Rachel I am glad the kids learned a lot with swim lessons.  They are good to have.  Enjoy Friday.  LOVE MOM


I kept thinking today was Friday so tomorrow might be a long day. I am ready for it to be the weekend. I have just finished watching a 2 hour lecture for my statics class. It was really long. Other than that my day has been good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, June 10, 2020


I got 4 new sims cards this evening for my new phone.  I was working with someone on chat all night and we couldn't get it to work.  I am going to a sprint store tomorrow and get the right sim card.  I really hope it goes smoothly.   Today was good.  The kids had made a lot of progress swimming and it is fun to watch.  I worked on my certification afterwards.   We met Casey for lunch and then stopped to get more paint.  The kids wanted to go to the jump zone so we did that.  I am getting a lot of reading done since we are there for two hours.  I painted the ceiling but looking at it tonight I missed a bunch of spots.  It is so hard to see what is going on.  I hope you guys feel better.  Headaches are the worst.



Robin and Karen, I am sorry you have a headache.  There is nothing worse.  I had a bad one last week and I am still recovering.  They are awful.  Get feeling better soon.  Karen you might want to go home and work.  It could spread really fast at your place.  Be careful.  Robin, I like you heart you made.  That is neat.  Rachel, I hope your swimming lessons went well.  Tomorrow is the last day already.  Time goes to fast.  Dad went to work and on my lunch I went and picked up drugs and then went and picked up a few groceries.  We were running out of stuff.  I had some frozen cooked roast in the freezer that had been there for awhile so I took it out and put broth on it and made hot roast beef sandwiches.  It tasted so good. The gravy turned out really well.  Well that was my exciting day.  LOVE MOM


Robin, I had a headache today also. It must be something in the air. Today one of the people at my work tested positive for covid so that was exciting. Don't worry though I never see that guy. Other than that is was just the usual for a Wednesday. Work is still going good. Then after work I went to Heber and picked and a prescription and went grocery shopping. Then I came home and did school stuff. I know it is an exciting life I lead. I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. BYE


I woke up with a headache. Our CEO had a heart attack a few weeks ago. So everyone signed a card. I thought it would be fun to make a 3d heart that twists. I forgot to take a picture but I put a picture below of one that is like it. I made mine in white. Everyone thought it was cool. I guess on Wednesday they have food trucks at the park by us. So we went down and ate at the food trucks. It was fun. Then I mowed the lawn and rested the rest of the day. I still have a headache so hopefully tomorrow it goes away


Tuesday, June 9, 2020


Robin, I am glad you are doing good at work and it has calmed down.  Karen, I am glad your shot didn't react too bad.  Rachel, Ruth is beautiful.  Those pictures are so cute.  I love them.  My day was good.  I just worked and then we did go for a walk.  I am working from home until Friday.  Dad did go to work all day.  I think he is going all week.  Everyone enjoy hump day.  LOVE MOM


Things are good here in Kamas. It was such a pretty day today. It was nice seeing the sun after all that rain. I went and got my shot this morning. They were slow so I didn't make it to work until 840. Oh well what can you do. Then I had meetings all morning. After that I just worked on my to do list. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Family pictures are a good idea, let's do it.  Today was good.  We didn't start after swimming lessons because it was cold.  I finished the third course which was good.  We ran to the store because Isaac was low on underwear and we needed groceries.   Ruthie had her first dance class.  She felt so pretty and loved her dance leotard.   I couldn't stay and watch the class but she said she had a fun time.  We went to the jump zone afterwards and stayed until dinner.  I had all the kids help fold and hang up laundry and they weren't happy but it was nice to have help.  Randy came over and they worked on fixing his bike.  I am glad that it gets warmer this week.  Love you guys.



Mom I am ok to do family pictures I can pay to have some printed out for your birthday. I'm working at work but next week I am working at home. It's kinda a week on then a week off. But I can work from home whenever. I am just training girls on my work to off load some work. I made some bacon chicken and it tastes good and me and Jeramy took Jenkins on a walk he was busting at the seams and wouldn't sit still. 


Monday, June 8, 2020


I went to work today and did a goal board for my boss.  It turned out OK.  I hope it works out for her.  We came home and just vegged.  I did make garlic chicken with the whole peeled garlic we found at Kamas food town.  It was yummy.  Robin are you working every day now at work?  Karen, I am glad your bone is ready for a stud.  Rachel, I am excited for Ruth to dance.  She looked so cute.  I am going to work from home now until Friday.  I traded my day for someone that wanted Friday off.  Dad has a big test so I think he is working every day this week. I was pondering an idea for my birthday.  I was wondering if we could take family pictures.  Rachel and Robin take such good pictures, I was thinking of meeting up and just taking a few pictures and having a picnic.  Hook up on either Saturday or Sunday (27 or 28) and see what happens.  I just need a new picture for my desk.  I don't have one of Jeramy and Ruth is just a baby.  It was just an idea.  Everyone enjoy the cooler weather.  It is suppose to be hot by the weekend.  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  We had swimming lessons.  Isaac swimsuits ended up in the wrong place and I was washing it this morning.  So we got it out and tried to dry it but he still had to wear a wet suit to class and he was freezing.  We just came home afterwards since it was cold.  We went and got Ruth a leotard for her dance class tomorrow and she is super excited.  The kids really really wanted to go to the jump zone so we went and bought the summer card.  You can jump for two hours and they had a blast.  They wanted to go back after dinner so we went for an hour.  They have endless energy.   Thanks for helping me with my new phone Karen.  I got my new phone today but it didn't work so Karen ordered me a new sim card.  I made cinnamon rolls this morning.   The kids have wanted them and I finally got around to it.  Love you guys.



It was so cold this morning I didn't want to go to work. I finally made it. Work went well. Then I came home and cleaned my kitchen. It's nice to have it back to being clean. It was getting bad. Glad you had fun at lagoon and painted Karen's house.robin


It snowed here off and on all day today. It was also cold. I took a half day off so I could go see if my bone had healed enough to get my stud in. It has so I will get that on the 3rd. Besides that I have been reading text books and watching class lectures. I did take a break to help Rachel with her new phone. Tomorrow I go and get my allergy shot. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, June 7, 2020


Things are good here in Kamas. The half of the living room we painted looks really nice. Thanks mom and dad for all your hard work in my yard and house. Tomorrow I go into the dentist to see if I can finally get my dental stud in. I am glad you guys had fun at Lagoon. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

Fun day

Wevputv everything back wherever painted at karens this morning and then we left to go to lagoon.  It was pouring rain all the way to farmington. We met rachel at Cabela's and had lunch and then the storm left and we went to lagoon. It was so nice. No one was there by and we the kids rode every thing they wanted. We left around 430 and came home. It was nice to see rain. Everyone have a nice week. I am going to work tomorrow to make a huddle board. Live mom


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...