Saturday, March 25, 2017

Hair cut

We had a quiet day we slept in and then we went to the mall and walked just a little bit. I went and got my hair cut. It feels so nice. It rained and rained. I am glad that you got to play. Dad did fever all day but is really not doing much better. Tomorrow is suppose to be sun shine I am glad for that love mom


I am sorry that most everyone has a cold. I hope everyone is getting better. I had a nice day. I met Robin for lunch and then we went shoe shopping. I needed some new ones. It was fun. It rained like crazy all day. Bye


Sorry the kids still feel sick. Today was nice Karen came down and we went out for lunch and went shoe shopping. She got some cute boots and was really sweet and bought me a new shirt. I came home and watched sing. Vudu is nice thanks for buying it mom and dad. I hope everyone was able to relax and heal.


Friday, March 24, 2017


I think we will come down tomorrow if Isaac doesn't have a fever.  He didn't have one tonight which is good but he was panicky about his nose.   Isaac and Ruth had a bad night.  Isaac was fevering again this morning so we kept him home again and he slept until lunch and then sat on the couch all afternoon.  Everything tastes bad to him because of the cold so we made snow cones this afternoon and they liked that.  Me and the little kids had a fun day.  It was pretty outside and it was nice to go out.  Oliver is feeling better and is happy which is fun.  Thanks for getting Sing.  Hopefully we will see everyone tomorrow.  I hope that Dad feels better.


We made it

We made it to the weekend.  I am excited.  Work was good and I got some things done.  That is always good.  So Robin are you going to be doing a different job?  Are they just going to surprise you with all the changes.  Dad is still not feeling very well.  He did eat tonight so I think he is going to start recovery.  LOVE MOM


I'm glad today was friday. Monday we start our big office switch up so the next couple weeks will be crazy. Hopefully it will all be good. Not much else on my.side of life. Hope everyone had a good day



Well I am glad that the weekend is here. My day was good. Work stayed busy was it went by pretty quick. Other than that nothing too exciting here in Kanas. I hope everyone is feeling better. Bye

Thursday, March 23, 2017


Thanks for buying Sing, that will be fun.  We rented Moana tonight and it wasn't great but I missed some of it.  Isaac had a fever this morning again and didn't sleep well so he stayed home.  I wasn't able to drop off his project and we missed the science fair.  Isaac was really sad about it and I said we could show it to you guys and maybe ask his teacher to show it to the class, I don't know.  Oliver slept in till 11 and Isaac wasn't feeling good so he was watching movies on the couch so me and Ruthie got to spend some time together which was fun.  In the afternoon Ruthie was napping and Oliver and Isaac were watching a movie so I put the binding on my sampler quilt and I love it.  I was worried I didn't quilt it enough but I think it is fine.  It is so big it fits on our bed so I think I am going to use it their if Casey agrees.  Mom I am starting to cut out our quilts for the class, is it alright if I do the preliminary sewing for yours also?  Everyone have a good night.



I forgot to tell you that I bought Sing for a prize for day yesterday.  He put it on VuDu tonight.  You guys should be able to watch it soon.  LOVE MOM

Nice day

I had a nice trip to Wendover.  We weren't there very long and it was fun to ride the bus and play bingo and then have a buffet lunch.  Austin won a little bit and he was excited about that.  Kay won 300.00 but lost that and some more.  I lost and so did Julie.  Jeff won the last man standing in bingo and won 2 dollars and then the next game was black out and he won that.  It was 25 dollars play money so you could use it in a machine.  He didn't have one of those cards so he went to get one and they said it had been since 2008 and he would have to get special permission so we went to lunch and came back and said that he had been band from all three casinos in 2008 and could even be in them.  So he left and went to Red Garter and I was showing Austin how to play craps and roulette (no win on black 26).  So when we finished we went over and played with Jeff the rest of the time.  Kay and Julie stayed at Rainbow.  We went to Montego Bay and Austin cashed the 25 dollars and we spent that on a dollar machine.  It was fun.  It really rained today.  I am glad everyone had a good day.  Rachel did you make it to the science fair?  Karen I am glad you didn't have to hang out with the big wigs.  Robin, I love you nails.  LOVE MOM  PS  What are we doing for the weekend? 


Things are going good here. It rained most of the day here also. The bigwig meeting stuff didn't involve me. Except for the company meeting at 11. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday and I am excited to play on Saturday. Bye


Today was good. It rained all day. For some reason I didn't feel like going home after work. I decided to go get a pedicure. It was fun and it made me feel girly. My toes are cute. Then I went grocery shopping and then just chilled. I'm glad you had fun in wendover mom.


Wednesday, March 22, 2017


I am glad that Dad is okish, viruses suck.  Have fun tomorrow, I hope that goes ok.  Robin did Josh Gorban song end up in the movie?  The previews look so dumb that is interesting that is was a good show.  Good job on the bread Karen.  In my sickness I have been watching the Great British Baking Show.  It is really good and now I kind of want to bake.  Isaac had a fever this morning so I called in him sick and let him sleep, he slept until 11.  Oliver and Ruthie seem to be doing better although Oliver had a fever last night.  It was nice to get back to normal a bit and get up and play.  I had a meeting this evening for young women so Casey rented Sing and they watched that and rested.  The rain is so nice, I love how it turned everything green.  We were outside in the front and I was cutting back weeds so Oliver went in and got some scissors and the next thing I knew Ruthie was out with scissors, it was so funny.  I attached a picture.



Well my day was good. It rained here off and on this morning, but the afternoon was mainly just windy. Work was good I made progress on a change I had to do. Then when I got home i noticed the 3 bananas i had we starting to look not so good. Which means they were perfect for banana bread. So I made that. It made my place smell really good. I also got my laundry done. Tomorrow the CEO of graco is coming to visit, so I have to dress up a bit. I hopeyou have a great time tomorrow mom, i hope you have great luck. Bye

Hump day

I went into work early and left early.  I took dad to the doctor and they took an xray and he is fine.  He has a virus and it just takes time to get over it.  I am so glad.  I think it will just take him a little while to get over it.  Matt called me tonight they are blessing his baby on April 9th.  He wants dad to help bless the baby.  I thought that was nice of them.  I am going to Wendover tomorrow with the Gumm gang.  I hope we have a good time.  Dad is just going to stay home and rest.  Everyone have a nice day.  Karen I am glad you made banana bread.  That is good for you. I forgot to tell Robin how much I am loving her rice pack she made dad.  I have been using it on my ear and man it is so nice.  LOVE MOM

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


Today was fun. We went to beauty and the beast for a work outing at lunch. I really liked it. They did a good job. Then I noticed I have the whole week off scheels which I'm pretty jazzed about. So I stayed late at Maggie to make up for lost work time going to the movie. Then I came home and washed my sheets. It was nice to putter around. Have a good Wednesday

Big busy day

I am so glad that you are all starting to feel better.  I am sorry that Oliver is still not doing well.  Poor little guy.  You tell him that Grandma and Grandpa are worried about him. Work was busy today and that made the day go really fast.  Dad woke up with his cough a lot worse and throwing up.  He stayed home and I called Dr. Strong and he is going in tomorrow afternoon to just get checked and make sure he is OK.  Robin,  I hope all is well with you.  Everyone have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM


I am feeling better today, my throat and voice are getting a lot better.  Oliver is still struggling but the other two have it mildly.  Ruthie didn't sleep well last night and Casey was a saint and took care of her and I slept all night.  He called in and slept in, we all did really.  I sent Isaac to school and then came back and fell asleep.  We did laundry today and Casey fixed the leaking pipe.  Isaac's science fair project is due tomorrow so after school, me and Isaac and Ruthie went and got some poster board and some pictures of the spam.  Then we put it all together.  Isaac kept saying how artsy science fairs are, it was funny.  He used glitter glue and it shows through the paper but it is alright.  I went to young women's tonight and I didn't miss too much on Sunday which is good.  I hope that everyone has a good Wednesday.



Well my day has been good. It was warm and windy here today. I had meetings today so that took up a bunch of time. I hope everyone is getting over their colds. They are going to give out a rubixs cube at the trade show they are going to at work. So I got one. I did slove it, but i had to follow the instructions online to do it. But hey i did it. Well i hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, March 20, 2017


Today was busy but I made it out alive. I didn't work tonight. So I took a nap. I know I won't be able to sleep tonight but it was nice to nap. I'm sorry the Anderson clan is still down and out. Tomorrow at work we are going to see beauty and the beast. It should be fun. Not much else with me.


Praying for you

I hope the virus leaves you soon.  I am glad you took Oliver in.  That way you know what you all have.  I hope you mend soon.  If you need help just give me a call and I can come up.  Today was good.  Work went well, it was quiet and I had a lot of meetings.  Someone had strep so I had to cover a meeting today.  I was worried when she wrote me this morning that is what you guys had.  I am glad you got checked out.  We didn't get any rain today.  It is suppose to get rainy by Wednesday and cool down.  Robin, I hope all is going well your way.  LOVE MOM


Today is the first day of spring which is nice.  I love your pictures Robin, they turned out really nice.  We are still sick here but I am thinking we are on the upswing soon.  Yesterday I skipped my meetings and just stayed home.  Casey took today off work and took care of everything.  I dropped Isaac off at school and then the rest of us just slept the rest of the morning away.  Oliver has been fevering a lot so we took him to the pediatrician this afternoon and he said it is just a cold and that Oliver looked ok.  Isaac did make it to martial arts and had a good time.  Here are my pictures from the weekend.



Well Monday's seem to start extra early and today was no exception.  It rained here a bit today. Not too long, but it was enough to wet the sidewalks a few times. My day was good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Quiet day

It was a quiet day here.  We went to Wheeler park and walked around the trails.  It was good to check out where to go next time we go there.  We came home and worked on the electric stuff so we can make our terrarium.  I have been worried about the Anderson bunch.  I hope you are doing OK.  You guys got really sick really fast.  I hope it goes away soon.  If you need help let us know.  I am glad the Karen and Robin had a nice day also.  It is suppose to rain on Wednesday and get back down to normal temperatures.  We have been spoiled but this nice warm weather.  Have a nice week.  LOVE MOM

Made it

I worked at scheels today. It was really boring but I made it out alive. I had a lot of greys starting to pop up so I died my hair back to brown. Not much else on my plate have a good week



Well my day was good. It was queit and I took a nap. I really don't have anything exciting to report. I hope everyone is getting over their colds. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...