Friday, November 7, 2014


Today was good work was super busy. Thanks for the artical Rachel that is cool I will share it with walter. I am planning on going to Logan tomorrow. So I will see you all soon. Have a good one



That brought back a lot of good memories Rachel.  I use to do that with you and Karen.  I would put an R on the toy for you and a K on the same toy for Karen.  It was great because when Robin came I just kept the ones with the R on them.  :)  Thanks.  I made my night.  I am glad that everything is going good.  It was a quiet night here.  I was tired today so it was nice to veg.  I will see you tomorrow.  I am looking forward to that.  It will be dinner time before we get up there.  Everyone drive safe and sound.  LOVE MOM

Whisper Doll

Robin, I was reading an article that it is the ten year anniversary of Fallujah and I thought you would be interested because of Walter, here is the link. 10 Years After Battle For Fallujah, Marines Reflect On 'Iconic Fight'
// NPR News

Today was good.  Isaac wasn't feeling good this morning but he seemed better as the day went on.  Oliver is scooting or kind of army crawling all over the place, it is cute.  He is starting to get the hang of it.  After Oliver's nap we went to a Christmas Expo.  It was fun to walk around and Isaac liked seeing everything.  I got the boys a wooden truck for each of them and I wrote their names on them.  It was nice and we played with them for a long time, it was fun.  I saw a whisper doll and it was only 50 cents for I bought it.  It brought back memories.  Everyone travel safe tomorrow, thanks for coming up.  We are excited.



Yeah it's finally the weekend. My day was good. I had a project at work today so it went by pretty fast. I hope that Isaac is feeling better today. I am excited to go up to Logan tomorrow. It will be fun to hang out. I hope that everyone had a fabulous Friday. Bye

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Girls night out

I am sorry that Isaac got sick but I am glad it didn't last long.  Kids get so sick and then well so quickly.  I wish I could bounce back like that.  I met up with Kay and Julie for dinner and Robin and Karen joined me.  It was fun.  Austin came with Julie and we all laughed and had a good time.  We went to the South Town Mall afterwards.  They have these animals that look are mechanical that you can ride around the mall.  I think we should take Isaac and let him drive one around.  Julie just loves the Christmas tree skirt.  Thanks Rachel for making that.  Karen wanted to buy a candle and if you bought two you got two free.  I think they weighed a hundred pounds but she was a trooper and carried them around.  I am glad that tomorrow is Friday.  LOVE MOM

Slow it down

Today Isaac woke up and then threw up so we just took it slow today.  After lunch he was feeling a lot better and had lots of energy again.  Me and Casey are still not 100% but are doing better.  Casey made Rye bread today and it was really good.  He had to make a sour dough start a couple days ago and it smelled bad so we weren't sure if it would taste good but I really liked it.  I made potato soup for dinner and that tasted really good as well.  After dinner we all had cabin fever so we went to Lowe's and got Ice cream, it was fun.  Casey is headed back to work tomorrow so it is back to real life again.


Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Way to go Robin.  That sounds like the perfect second job.  It won't interfer at all with what you are doing now and it sounds like a nice job.  Congratulations.  I went to scouts for the first time tonight.  The kids were really cute.  I went to Walmarts afterwards and they had that walker toy for Oliver even cheaper than at Shopko so I got it.  My first Christmas present purchase.  Karen I am with you it is tough to come home in the dark.  I am going to meet Kay and Julie for dinner tomorrow and take Julie the tree skirt.  Robin is going to come with me.  I am sorry that you and Casey have the stomach flu.  That isn't very much fun.  I guess Isaac and Oliver will be next.  You might be in for a long week.  Dad only worked until 8 tonight so that was nice.  He has been burning the midnight hours.  I loved the trailer for the minion movie.  That looked really cute.  LOVE MOM

Stomach Flu

Karen, thanks for the minion trailer, that made me laugh.  We will have to take Isaac to the theater to see that.  It doesn't come out until next summer so maybe we could even take Oliver.  Robin congratulations on your second job.  That seems like a lot to me but I understand why you are doing it and it will be fun to have tons of money.  You are a hard worker and that sounds like the perfect second job, good job.  Me and Casey have a stomach flu so we just took turns watching the kids and took it slow.  I think I am almost over it and hopefully tomorrow will be a lot better.  Isaac had preschool today and when he was gone Oliver played with all the toys he can't when Isaac is around, he got away with murder.  After dinner Casey put up the tent and we watched a movie in it.  It was fun and the boys had a fun time.  Everyone have a good night and a good day tomorrow.


Oliver getting away with murder

Putting up the tent and wrestling


The girl at work with the foot injury didn't come In today. The doctors thought she might have MRSA so she is staying home till she gets the tests results since it's contageuos. Hopefully she knows soon. But she will most likely be out the rest of the week. So I've applied at scheels for a part time receptionist, I had a couple interviews and today they offered me a job. I start on Monday I think it will be good. I will work usually 5-9 and every other weekend about 20 hours a week. I think it will be good. I will work on people's schedules, mail, signs and answer phones when it's busy. So that's all my big news. I was thinking of maybe coming up to Logan this week. But I am going to wait to hear if the girl has MRSA or not, if she does I might stay home just in case. But I will keep you updated have a good one



Well my day was good. It was a lot warmer this morning than it was yesterday morning. So I enjoyed that. Work was good. Nothing crazy to report. After work I went to Walmart to get some groceries. It was sad having to drive back with my lights on. Just last week I didn't have to. I saw that they are making a minion movie so here is the trailer so everyone can be excited for it. Have a great one

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Black Hawk Down

Rachel, I am glad you sent them the snow men.  I have a lot of beautiful pictures.  That was a great idea.  I am with you Robin, by 9, I am so ready for bed.  Dad worked really late last night and again tonight.  I guess they are going to California in the morning to demo the detector.  It was 4 in the morning before he got home.  I don't know how he does it.  There was a helicopter landed right in front of my window today for a emergency drill.  It was fun to watch it take off and land.  There were a lot of people that came out and watched it.  I have cub scouts tomorrow night.  Wish me luck on that one.  Karen I am proud of you for voting.  I have to admit that I loved having a mail in ballot.  It sure was nice.  Rachel, I hope you don't get sick.  You have not been getting much rest with Oliver and his teeth.  I sure hope they break through soon.  Have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM


I am glad you guys liked the pictures.  It is fun to send them out.  Mom he drew them at church and I didn't have enough to send you one but we will make something else awesome and send it to you.  Today was good.  Oliver didn't sleep great so Casey let me sleep in and then Casey took a nap when I got up.  It was nice.  Jenn sewed with me this afternoon.  She just got called to be in the Stake Primary Presidency.  I made the ribs for dinner Mom and they turned out really good, thank you.  I feel like I am getting a cold, my bod is achy.  I am just going to rest this evening.  I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow.



I got a snowman face from Isaac also. It was a nice surprise in the mail. My day has been good. Work seemed busy today so it went by fast. Then after work I went and voted. Surprisingly enough there wasn't a line at the Kamas voting station, so it only took ten minutes. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Sorry i forgot to blog last night. It was Walters sisters birthday. We went to the cheese cake factory it tasted good. Walter gave me his phone at the restaurant. Once I got home I had a Facebook message. I forgot to give him his phone back, so I drove back and gave it to him, by the time I got home I just went to bed. I get so tired at 9:00 now. The time change hasn't sunk in yet. Work was good today. The other qc girl got stung by a scorpion a week a go and it flaired up again today. So she left to go to insta care. They thought it was a staff infection but since it flaired up again they are doing a ton of tests now. So we will see how the week goes. I'm already 1 hour over time it's been so crazy busy. Thanks again for the picture Rachel, Isaac drew me a snowman face. It was really cute. He is an amazing artist. Well have a good night and stay warm


Monday, November 3, 2014

Poor little guy

Oh those poor teeth.  That has to hurt.  He is such a good boy I hate to see him suffer.  Well at least he will have all his teeth, too bad it was all at once.  I am glad that Isaac got his snow.  He was convinced that Halloween was over and it was winter.  Dad is working late tonight.  He was going to San Jose tomorrow but they decided to leave him here and have him work.  I am not sure which one is worse.  Driving in a car for 20 hours or working all day and night.  He said it was starting to work really good.  Work was busy for me.  The day flew by.  I am hoping it calms down because I have a lot of work to do.  Not much else going on with me.  LOVE MOM

First Snow

Karen that would be sweet of you to come up but don't feel obligated.  I think that we were talking about you coming up and that got him excited about it.  We would love to have you come up.  Today was good.  We woke up and their was a wisp of snow on the ground and Isaac was super excited.  He thinks winter comes after Halloween.  He wanted his snow boots so we found them and Casey and him walked around for a while.  It motivated me to clean up the closet and get rid of some things.  It looks a lot better now.  Isaac had preschool this afternoon.  It looked like he wrote his name which was exciting.  Me, Casey and Oliver took a walk and Oliver fell asleep, I attached a picture.  I also put a picture of his poor poor teeth.  He is a trooper.  It is Terry's birthday today we all went to dinner at Texas Road House.  It tasted really good, I haven't been their forever.  They were slow though, they forgot our table so they gave us free desert which was really nice.  Well I hope that everyone has a good night and don't work too hard.



Rachel since you sent me that text that Isaac was going to dream about me visiting I was thinking about coming up on Saturday. If that is okay with you of course. My day was good. It seemed cold today even inside. I think it was the snow that makes it seem colder. There was just a sprinkling on the roofs this morning but it still makes it seem colder. Work was good. It was quiet today until the last ten minutes and then there was a rush. I survived the rush and got all the stuff I needed to done so that was good. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, November 2, 2014


Today was good  slept for most of it. It was nice to sleep an extra hour. I went over to Walter family's for dinner. It his sisters birthday. We are also going to cheese cake factory tomorrow. So that will be fun. Not much else on my side It's been a chill weekend, have a good Monday :) I can't believe thanksgiving is in a few weeks.


Long Day

That extra hour today made it seem long.  I kept thinking isn't it bed time yet.  We had a good day.  I was excited when it was cold outside so I could put the boys in their new sweaters.  They looked really cute but I never got a picture of them together just separate.  Church went well both boys were really good and it went smoothly.  We brought Casey lunch after lunch which was fun.  I forgot to say yesterday when Casey got home we went to Kohls and spent the Kohls cash before it expired.  We got the boys new shirts.  I also finished my quilt and I have attached a picture.  I love it.  I think that is about it.  I hope that everyone has a good week.


I was having Isaac get dressed and this is how he put his pants on.  He thought he was pretty funny.

Fell back

I sure like have electronic clocks.  Everything just changed time on it own.  That was nice.  We took Grandma down to Provo for the baby blessing.  The baby was cute but she sounded like she had croup.  They said it was reflux.  Some of the stories they told me about Anja mad Issac look like a saint.  I thought that would make you feel good Rachel.  It was 5 before we got home so we just vegged.  Karen, I am glad you didn't get a lot of snow.  Boy the clouds were just black over the mountains.  Someone got a lot of snow.  Robin, I hope you had a good weekend.  It is going to be tough to get back to the real world tomorrow.  LOVE MOM


Well I have had a nice day. We did get a little snow but none of it stuck at least. It also rained a bit. Well I really don't have much to report so I will sign off. Have a great week everyone. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...