Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Stomach Flu

Karen, thanks for the minion trailer, that made me laugh.  We will have to take Isaac to the theater to see that.  It doesn't come out until next summer so maybe we could even take Oliver.  Robin congratulations on your second job.  That seems like a lot to me but I understand why you are doing it and it will be fun to have tons of money.  You are a hard worker and that sounds like the perfect second job, good job.  Me and Casey have a stomach flu so we just took turns watching the kids and took it slow.  I think I am almost over it and hopefully tomorrow will be a lot better.  Isaac had preschool today and when he was gone Oliver played with all the toys he can't when Isaac is around, he got away with murder.  After dinner Casey put up the tent and we watched a movie in it.  It was fun and the boys had a fun time.  Everyone have a good night and a good day tomorrow.


Oliver getting away with murder

Putting up the tent and wrestling

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