Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Sorry i forgot to blog last night. It was Walters sisters birthday. We went to the cheese cake factory it tasted good. Walter gave me his phone at the restaurant. Once I got home I had a Facebook message. I forgot to give him his phone back, so I drove back and gave it to him, by the time I got home I just went to bed. I get so tired at 9:00 now. The time change hasn't sunk in yet. Work was good today. The other qc girl got stung by a scorpion a week a go and it flaired up again today. So she left to go to insta care. They thought it was a staff infection but since it flaired up again they are doing a ton of tests now. So we will see how the week goes. I'm already 1 hour over time it's been so crazy busy. Thanks again for the picture Rachel, Isaac drew me a snowman face. It was really cute. He is an amazing artist. Well have a good night and stay warm


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