Friday, November 7, 2014

Whisper Doll

Robin, I was reading an article that it is the ten year anniversary of Fallujah and I thought you would be interested because of Walter, here is the link. 10 Years After Battle For Fallujah, Marines Reflect On 'Iconic Fight'
// NPR News

Today was good.  Isaac wasn't feeling good this morning but he seemed better as the day went on.  Oliver is scooting or kind of army crawling all over the place, it is cute.  He is starting to get the hang of it.  After Oliver's nap we went to a Christmas Expo.  It was fun to walk around and Isaac liked seeing everything.  I got the boys a wooden truck for each of them and I wrote their names on them.  It was nice and we played with them for a long time, it was fun.  I saw a whisper doll and it was only 50 cents for I bought it.  It brought back memories.  Everyone travel safe tomorrow, thanks for coming up.  We are excited.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...