Saturday, December 4, 2021


Sorry I forget to blog last night Luna has a rash. I out cream on it. If she has it tomorrow I'm going to take her to insta care. Karen got us cute Santa pictures. Luna was smiling but the camera guy didn't get any. She just like stunned. Lol Luna took a long nap so I got to sew a bit. A girl I use to work with at lagoon amber had a stroke and cardiac arrest. They don't think she's going to make it through the week. So that was sad. On a happier note I think my glowforge is being delivered on Monday



 We got up and took Karen's car into Tooele. We hooked up with robin and.jeramu for lunch and got Luna's Santa pictures. She has a rash but was happy. Karens car was Cushing oil this.mornimg and they found the will take a couple days to get the parts in. Dad is taking her up to kamas tomorrow so she can take her final in park city. I am going to work from home on Monday so  we can get the washer and dryer. Rachel I think that is so neat you guys do bikes for sub for Santa. That helps so many children. Love mom


 Well they found the leak on my jeep. Yeah! It is a oil pressure sensor that is leaking. The part is 2 days out so that sucks, but other that that it went good. Mom and dad are letting borrow their car so I can go take my final on Monday. We meet Robin and crew for lunch and that was fun. The I just hung out with mom and dad the rest of the night. Hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 I walked this morning.  Casey worked all day fixing bikes.  They got a lot done.  We had lunch and then went up and helped for while.  The kids were really good to help and we were able to sort through a lot of bikes.   I took Oliver and Ruth home and Isaac stayed and helped.  We had a ward Christmas party tonight.  The kids had a lot of fun running around and playing with the kids.  I started cutting out a quilt from a layer cake Mom got me but it is shorter than 10 inches which is so frustrating.  Anyway love you guys and have a good Sunday.



Friday, December 3, 2021

Yeah for Friday

 Today was good. It was quiet and I got a lot done. Karen came down and we went to jinyas and then Costco. She is spending the night and having them look at her jeep again. I am going to buy tickets for the lights in Ogden for the 11th. That is a lot if bikes. Casey is going to be busy. Love mom


 Today was good.  Isaac felt a bit better but not a hundred percent.  He went to school and had a good day.  He said he was feeling better at the end of the day.  I walked this morning and exercise class was cancelled because the instructor is sick.  Me and Ruth made ornaments for the tree.  I helped in her class and that was fun.  She wanted to bring her big bear for show and tell.  I emailed her teacher to ask if it was ok.  She was fine with it.  Ruth was so excited and was showing everyone it when they walked into the room.  It was cute.  I met Casey for lunch and that was really fun.  It was nice to met up.  Then I picked the kids up from school.  After dinner we went over and helped fixed bikes for sub for Santa.  Casey friend has been collecting bikes all year so they have a lot which is nice.  He is staying late and I am going to bed early.  Love you guys.



Thursday, December 2, 2021


 Work was busy but that is the norm. I left early and we took the car in to get a new engine. We found a place down the street and he is really reasonable and has good ratings on Google. Wish us luck. We went to hobby lobby afterwards and that was fun to walk around. We came home and dad a had a virtual doctor appointment and that went well. My work had a dinner and that was fun. We went to the Asian star and it was so good. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. Karen is coming down after work and then Saturday taking her jeep in to check again for an oil leak. That is funny Luna found her tongue. Dad use to do that and when he was a toddler he bit it. He has a scar. She us so cute. Rachel I hope Isaac gets feeling better. Love mom


 Isaac felt nauseous this morning so he stayed home from school.  He seems ok but it was good for him to rest.  I walked this morning.  After I took Oliver to school we all watched the Grinch and I fell asleep.  Me and Ruth went to the grocery store.  Me and Tony walked her to school and then walked the long way home.  It was such a beautiful day.  Isaac was bored so he went in the back and jumped for a while.  Ruth had dance class today.  She love it and can do a one handed cartwheel.  We did the boys homework while she was gone.  Then they played games after dinner.  Casey worked at sub for Santa this evening.  They have a lot of bikes and they had a good time.  Love you guys.




Today was good. Nothing wild we returned my glowforge. So that was good to have done. It weighs a billion pounds. Then we went to Texas for dinner. Luna keep sticking her tongue out I think it was out 90 percent of the night


 Things are going good here. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I had to make like 10 rendered images today. It took about 30 minutes for each one to render and if I tried to do anything else on my computer it crashed. So I was busy and bored at the same time. I  hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Wednesday, December 1, 2021


 Today was quiet at work and all that I have left to do is contract problems. It is hard to try and fix problems. I came home and we finished the puzzle. It was hard but it was fun to do. We had nachos for dinner. They tasted good. I am glad everyone is doing  well. I am glad Luna did good her first day. Rachel.hild strong go to you have to. She is wrong. Karen I am glad you are doing good. Is it strange not to have a lot of school. I am working half day tomorrow. Dad has a it will be nice. Love mom


 I walked this morning.  They cancelled my exercise class and I am the worst and didn't do any other exercise.  Me and Ruth drove out to pepperidge farm and they are closed on Wednesday, so dumb.  The dog bit lawyer called and they met again with the lady.  She is still reluctant to pay the bill so they are giving her another month to think about it.  It she won't then we will go to trail.  Me and Ruth made beaded wreaths for the Christmas tree.  We walked her to school and then I took Tony on another walk.  We are trying something new with the kids hour.  They always have it after school and then want a family movie so can play after dinner again.  So we aren't doing an hour after school and doing homework before dinner.  Then they can play their games after dinner.  We did it tonight and I thought it worked out really nice.  I think it will be better for everyone.  Casey is working at sub for Santa the rest of the week in the evenings so it is going to be busy.  The kids loved the chocolate countdown calendars and we're so excited to do them today.  I forgot to get Isaac picture.  He had orchestra.




Today was good. Luna did really good at the new day care. She didn't have a very long nap so tonight it was a struggle to keep her up. We boxed up my glowforge and while I was finishing up, Jeramy was holding her and she was out. She couldn't hold on any longer. They finally got it together at glowforge and sending me my replacement. So we boxed up the one I had to give to fed ex tomorrow. 



 My day was good. Work was busy so it went by fast. I finished the internal audits and then I had a bunch of email requests to do. I hope Luna had a good day at her new daycare and I hope everyone else had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, November 30, 2021


 I didn't sleep well so I didn't walk early this morning.  We just walked Ruth to school and went on a long walk home which was nice.  Ruth was tired so I let her sleep in and finished quilting my quilt.  I love my machine so much.  Oliver wanted long sleeve shirts so I used the Kohl's cash on that and got Lily a present.  It is Lily's first birthday today so we went to Randy's for the party.  The kids had a fun time playing together.  It was a nice evening.  Love you guys.




 I got a lot done today and that felt nice. I came home and made hamburger pie. It tasted so good. I think Luna is tiny. She is so cute good luck tomorrow. I hope it goes well. She is such a good baby she will do great. Karen congratulations on finishing your classes. Yeah. Rachel I hope you had fun at lily's party. It was so smoggy here. I can hardly see out the windows on the 5th floor. Have a nice hump day. Love mom


Today was nice. A label vendor took us to r and r bbq and it tasted good. I was so hungry I ate everything. Today was Lunas last day at her day care tomorrow she starts at my work daycare. Hopefully it all goes well. The daycare sent me a picture of her today next to another baby. I asked how old she was and she is 6 months. Luna looked ginormous next to her lol. 


 My day was good. I got two out of the three internal audits done and I am almost done with the third. The person I needed to talked to was busy but I have them set to talk to me tomorrow. It was meeting day so i was in meetings for most of my morning. Then after work I came home and there were three deer in my neighbors back yard. So that was fun. Then i watched my school lecture, just one more to go and then I just have the final left. Then I adulted and paid bills. I hope that everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye 

Monday, November 29, 2021


 I am sorry about your car Karen.  I am glad you have an appointment.  I am sorry about your work Mom.  They are the worst employers and make it a stressful work environment.  I love Luna's hat also.  I was so sad this morning that everyone had to go back to work and school.  I walked at my normal time and it was so dark that was depressing.  I went to exercise class and that was hard but it made me feel so much better.  I had a better day after that.  Me and Ruth went and picked up the ceramics and they turned out so cute.  Ruth got a pretzel for lunch while we were there.  I loaded my quilt on the frame while she was at school.  Casey wanted a ring to hang from the wall for rock climbing.  We went to two stores and they didn't have anything so he just ordered it online.  Ruth learn about addition at school and was so excited about it.  They called Santa at school and an elf is coming to their class tomorrow.  Oliver made an snowman ornament at school.  Isaac had orchestra and he seems to really like it which is fun.  Tony fell asleep with a ball in his mouth and I thought it was funny.   Love you guys.




 Well work was busy.  Payroll took forever and I was tired when it was done.  I got the letter for the reorganization of administrative assistants.  They are going from 13 types to 6 types.  We will find out the details on December 12.  Of course the first thing they said is no one is getting laid off.  I will keep you posted.  My boss thinks we have already been reorganized.  She is sure we are all fine. I just know they don't like anyone to know what they are doing until they do it.  I love that Oliver is playing with that nativity set.  That was Rachel's favorite part of Christmas when she was a little girl.  They have been played with for a long time.  Luna looks so cute in her hat.  Good luck with your last day of day care.  I hope they are nice to you.  Karen congratulations on finishing two of your classes.  I am sorry your car is still leaking. We will take dad with us on Saturday.  Not much else to report.  We have been busy working on the puzzle.  I can't believe tomorrow is the last day of November.  LOVE MOM 


 Well the new oil cap hasn't stopped the leak, so I have an appointment on Saturday to  get it looked at again. Other than that it has just been the usual for a Monday. I turned in everything for 2 of my classes so they are finished. I have 2 lectures left in my last class and a final on the 6th then I am all done. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye 


Today was good nothing to wild. Just work then feeding everyone and cleaning then bedtime fills up the night


Sunday, November 28, 2021


 I am so glad you got a new washer and dryer Mom.  That is exciting.  Luna is busy and it is a lot of work to keep her occupied.  She is really cute.  We had a a good day.  I had a meeting this morning.  Primary went pretty good.  Casey has been working on the office.  The water has been slowly leaking and he was able to fix it.  It will be nice.  We went on a hike in green canyon and it was a pretty day.  It felt good to be out.  We finished up the kids homework.  I am not ready to get back to normal.  I was able see a bunch yesterday and finished my quilt Mom got me for my birthday.  I am so excited for my batting so I can quilt it.  Good luck tomorrow.




Thank for the fun Thanksgiving. We set up our Christmas stuff and just relaxed today. Luna is so wiggly she needs to move all the time. Shes a wild one. Hope everyone has a good week


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...