Saturday, June 27, 2009


What a beautiful day it was. I made it to Bountiful safe and sound. Grandma and Grandpa were doing pretty good. Grandma even went with me to Orchard Drug. It was good to see her out and about. Grandma and Grandpa Bodily were with Annette helping her build an apartment on her house so we got home around 6:30. It was so nice to get home early. We just vegged also and watched movies. It was nice to have a lazy evening. I am glad the fencing is done. That will be good to have to goats be able to go anywhere they want. I hope you bonfire is nice. Karn is coming to Logan for the 4th of July celebrations. It will be nice and cool for her here. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM


I'm glad mom had a good birthday. That is really cool that your fence is done rachel, the goats won't know what to do with all the room. Why is Karen going down to Logan, a doctors visit? anyway drive safe and have fun :) well today i have been the definition of lazy. I was going to go out and see some of the city or I think there was a jazz festival going on but I just stayed in and slept and watched t.v online. Its been really nice. I got my shoes today mom thank you for mailing those, I'm excited to wear them again.  Well thats about it with me I'm going to go back and be a lazy person again. :) have a great day

The fencing is done!

Casey came home yesterday and that has been really nice. We went to dinner with Mom and Dad for her Birthday. We had a birthday miracle happen, it didn't start raining until we were inside the restaurant and then it had stopped when we left. It was perfect timing. Then we sat outside for a while, their yard is looking really good and it was nice to be outside. Today we finished fencing the pasture so they goats can go out there unsupervised. We are going to let then be out their all weekend and see how it goes. Tonight Casey is going to mow the pasture and we are going to burn the sticks in the corral. I hope that everyone has a good weekend. I am glad Karen gets to come out next week. It will be fun.


Friday, June 26, 2009

Nice Birthday

It was a nice birthday today. Work was hectic but I survived. They took me to Firehouse pizza for lunch and then dad, Rachel and Casey took me to Olive Garden. It was very nice. I love your picture on facebook Robin you are getting good. I am tired tonight. I am going to go to bed. I think it will be a good weekend. I don't have a lot to do. Dad cleaned my kitchen floor for me tonight. It is beautiful. It really needed it.



Well I am glad that it is Friday. It looked like it was going to rain but it hasn't yet. The rest of the weekend is suppose to over 100. Work was pretty busy because two of the engineers are gone all of next week and they had a few projects they needed to finish, so that means I was busy. I hope that you have fun practicing Robin. I am sure that your photos will turn out great. Happy Birthday again Mom. I hope that you had a great day. Well I hope that everyone has a great weekend Love ya BYE

Beat it

So it was sad to hear that Micheal jackson died. All the radio stations are paying tribute by playing his songs. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM.  I hope you had a great birthday i'm glad you got your package on time also i was worried. Thanks for mailing up my packages its a life savor. Well this week coming up we are practicing practicing and more practicing we aren't going to learn any more theory or styles. Our photo shoots are the week after so we are going to work on styles we want for our photo shoots. I'm nervous though I hope mine turn out. The camera holds no mercy. I hope you have a great day. love you guys lots. and have a happy birthday mom. (sorry farrah facett and micheal jackson stole your day a little) 

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Almost Old

Well one more night and I am 52. Boy time does fly doesn't it. I sewed at Rachels tonight and finished the front of my 4th of July table runner. It is OK but it was fun to do. I am getting better but still need some practice. It was fun to see the goats. They sure love Rachel. I just love watching her with them. They follow her all around and it is so cute. I heard the the Proposal with Sandra Bullock is excellent. We might have to watch that and Transformers next weekend Karen. I mailed you box today Robin with you new book. I will mail you makeup on Monday. Two packages. You are scoring. Well have a great friday.



Well it rained enough to spot my windows. But hey we need all the water we can get in St. George. Well I hope that you have a great birthday tomorrow. Things are going good here. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Just more more week until I get to go up to Logan. I have been pr acting juggling and my record is 10 catches. I am trying to improve. Well good lick finishing your table runner mom. I better let you go. BYE

2 more weeks

So i have two more weeks of fashion makeup. Our next section is going to be theater. I can't believe how times flies. Well today we had mostly lectures. It was on how to get into an agency and all that jazz. Mostly if you want to do fashion makeup up you join an agency and they help find jobs. Since I can't join an agency here I think I am going to focus on making my portfolio stone cold for an agency in the states. Then I don't have to have a long waiting period. They have these things called "creatives" that is the industry term. Its were a photographer ,makeup artist, stylist and model all collaborate together for a shoot. Its mostly people like me who are starting out and need to get work done and get pictures into there portfolio. Everyone has to start in the beginning so its nice that everyone has to rely on each other. I'm going to wait for my photo shoots for fashion to be finished before I start those so photographers and models can see my work and match styles with mine. Well thats my plan but we will see what really happens.  I hope everyone has a great day. And happy pre day-birthday mom. :) 

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Fun Night

It was a fun night. I was going to paint the deck tonight but I couldn't get a hold of Joseph to pick him up so I went home and the second contractor came and gave me a bid. It was the same amount but it included the fireplace and the electric so it was cheaper. Now I just have to decide who I want to go with. Then Library Linda called and took me out for dinner for my birthday and then Rachel came and brought me some new chairs for my birthday. We went to the new coppermil restraunt called the Element. It is very fancy but nice. I had a good time. I guess painting can wait until later. I guess that works out for the best because it might rain tomorrow. I didn't even know that was Robin until Rachel said something. I just thought it was a model with 60's makeup. Robin you are beautiful. Just think one more week and Karen gets to come home. That will be nice. LOVE MOM


I am glad that you are getting busier Karen, that helps make the day go faster. You look really pretty in your picture Robin, you should be a model. My day was alright. It was busy at work. It is hot also, I guess if finally decided to be summer. I can't beleive that the 4th of July is next week. Where did June go??? Me and Mom are sewing tomorrow and that will be fun.


Looks like everyone was pretty busy. It is over hundred today so it is nice to be inside in the a/c. This week is really getting busy. A lot of people are taking next week off so they have to get everything done before they go. Which means that I am getting more work. It is nice because I am not bored very often. I think your cards look good Robin. I am glad that you won the war with kinkos. Well i don't have too much else to report so I will let you guys go. Love ya BYE

ta da

Those houses were really pretty. I'm jealous i would like to have a house like that. Well today we did the 60's although i didn't have to be a model for the teacher. I was kinda relieved i don't like to sit in front of a ton of people staring at me. I am kinda bummed that i didn't get lashes. I think i will just get me some to heal the wound :). well I got my business cards finally completed. They didn't turn out as great as I wanted but I think they will do to start out. 
This is me in the 60's

THis is the makeup I did. She's and older lady but I think it turned out cool. I drew the bottom lashes on with cake eye liner. If you look up twiggy, that is what she did. She was the icon of the 60's

This is just black the sun made it look discolored
Thats all folks....

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Well I went to the parade of homes with Rachel and all I can say is WOW. Rachel is so much better at this than I am. I was just going to say it was fun. She did cover it much better than I would have. She is good. I finished my first block for my table runner for the 4th of July. Yeah. I might even get it done before the 4th. I am on a roll. Well work was quiet and I got a lot done today. Shaun is sick with the flu and he is going to take off the rest of the week. I should be all caught up by then. That will be nice. It is fun to look at houses you get a lot of ideas. The second guy is coming to give me a bid tomorrow on my wall. I hope it goes well. I am also going to paint the deck with Joseph and have my visiting teachers coming. It should prove to be an eventful night. LOVE MOM

The Cache Valley Parade of Homes

Me and Mom and a bunch of her friends went to look at some of the parade of homes tonight. We ended up seeing four houses. Thursday we are going to see another one in Franklin and Mom is looking at the rest on Friday. On bad thing was we had to take off our shoes at each house and I had a hole in my sock so I just tried my best to cover it up. The first house was really pretty and was a house that normal people could afford, it was also really pretty. Here are some pictures.

The Second house was cheaper and wasn't as nice. We really didn't like it too much but they were some good features that we took away from it, we liked the laundry room upstairs. We liked the coffee table, their is a picture below, you can use it as seating or a table.

The third house was expensive, $450,000 and it wasn't that pretty. The rooms didn't flow and the closets were bigger in the first house.

The fourth house was huge and was not affordable to mere mortal, it was $850,000. It was so pretty though and I would feel at home their. It was tiled through out most of the house. It was really pretty.

Good luck with your business cards Robin, and Good luck at work Karen. I hope that you have a good day tomorrow. Love ya.

Hang in there

Robin I am sure that you will conquer over kinkos in the end. You are tough and can beat the bureaucracy. Well today was hot outside. It was at least 100 out side. Summer is defiantly here. I have the same problem as you Robin I freeze when I go to work. I have to take a jacket, but if you wear one outside here you will die of heat stroke. Work was pretty good I was only bored for a little while. Well yesterday about 20 minutes before the end of work our IT guy Ron told us not to log all the way out when we left because he was going something to the server and we wouldn't be able to sign in. So guess who forgot and logged out? Yep me. It is just habit to log out when I leave. But he came and fix it so I was able to logg in. He said he figured that a few people would forget. Oh well. I will have to try the apple dip and see what people think. I will wait a little while though I wouldn't want them to expect a treat every week. Well I hope that every one has a great on. BYE


So i bought a fan today, i was so hot last night. It funny because at school i freeze to death. I need a jacket to not shiver, then i get home and sweat, its seriously bi polar. I want to play your psp rachel i saw an advertisement for it and rock band looks awesome. I'm glad everyone liked your muffins at work karen, you should try that heath bar apple dip. I put it in your cookbook I think its "yummy apple dip" everyone I've made it for has gone mad for it. just a suggestion. I'm sorry dads work is so stressful, at least it keeps you guys busy. :) well not much else here. I'm still trying to battle my business cards. I'm about to slap the people at kinkos.  Every time I go in they tell me one more thing I need to do or they can do it for a charge of 20 dollars. So I go back and do it. One day I will conquer. :) ttyl. 


Monday, June 22, 2009


It was a beautiful day here today. Boy Rachel you booked this evening. I need to work that hard. I am glad everyone liked your muffins Karen. I have never been in a garbage strike. I hope it doesn't last long. With a town of 7 million it won't take long before it is pretty nasty. I have been doing laundry tonight. I am behind again. That is nothing new. Rachel I love the picture you put on for fathers day. I put in on the desk top and dad commented that was so neat and how much he loved that picture. That was neat to think of us. We always have such a good time together. Dad and his girls. He loves you all soo much. He leaves to SLC in the morning. Things are not so stressful right now so that is nice. He had to have his blood drawn this morning to check his cholestrol. He was thrilled. He goes to the doctor on friday to get the results. Thought that would be a good way to get him home for my birthday. Have a great day.



Tonight Kaylynn had a coupon class. She was really excited and I was thinking of the jewelry party that we had so I decided to go and support her. It was fun to talk with everyone but I don't think that I am going to do coupons like they do. Her sons sells paper so I think it was a was for her to sell papers also. Then I got home and spent some time with the goats. They were really happy. I sat in the pasture and they ate a ton of grass, it is nice just to sit outside and think for a while after work. Then I mowed the lawn and when I was almost finished Helen came over. So we pulled weeds for a while together. It was really nice. It was a beautiful evening and was nice to be outside. I am going to play Rock Band for the PSP now. It is pretty awesome. You play all four parts, it is pretty interesting. You can also change the face, hair, body, top and pants for all four members. It is pretty fun.


Well it is Monday. I took muffins into work this morning and everyone seemed to like them. It is getting warm here. it is suppose to be over 100 tomorrow. I guess summer is finally starting here. It has been nice not having temperatures over 100 yet. I am sorry that Robin had to live thru a garbage strike. I hope that you don't go insane like Monk did. Whatever you do just don't mail your garbage to someone else. I like the picture you put on the blog Rachel. That is one of my favorites. Well I hope that everyone else had a good Monday. I love ya BYE

Garbage strike

That was fun to talk to everyone, although karen was mute half the time. we will have to work on that one next time. Well today we did the 40's it was fun, we are doing a decade a day. The teacher is going to use me as a model for the 60's. I hope i get funky lashes. If you are her model and she puts lashes on you she just gives them to you. yeah. So the big news up here is that there is a garbage man strike. It started today so its not to filthy yet. Its funny cause it reminds me of monk, hopefully it doesn't get that bad. The subway stations are going to be disgusting, I'm glad i walk to school. People that live in houses or smaller complexes are worried cause they have to worry about there own trash. We have trash chute so luckily I won't have to worry to much about it unless it overfills. i hope it doesn't last to long I hate the smell of garbage. yuck. well have a great one. Love ya

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day, It was fun to talk with everyone on Skpe. We should do that more often. I hope that everyone has a good week. Sorry about Tyson showing up, bad timing. Love you all.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...