Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hang in there

Robin I am sure that you will conquer over kinkos in the end. You are tough and can beat the bureaucracy. Well today was hot outside. It was at least 100 out side. Summer is defiantly here. I have the same problem as you Robin I freeze when I go to work. I have to take a jacket, but if you wear one outside here you will die of heat stroke. Work was pretty good I was only bored for a little while. Well yesterday about 20 minutes before the end of work our IT guy Ron told us not to log all the way out when we left because he was going something to the server and we wouldn't be able to sign in. So guess who forgot and logged out? Yep me. It is just habit to log out when I leave. But he came and fix it so I was able to logg in. He said he figured that a few people would forget. Oh well. I will have to try the apple dip and see what people think. I will wait a little while though I wouldn't want them to expect a treat every week. Well I hope that every one has a great on. BYE

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...