Saturday, October 12, 2019


Karen came down and we had lunch and hung out.  We bought some bullets so we could take Casey shooting for his birthday.  We had lunch at El Matador.  I had that for dinner as well.  It tasted goo.  We just sort of vegged afterwards.  Dad bought 4 disc of Men in Black and we watch the 3rd one today.  I have never seen it.  It was pretty good.  We are going to watch the 4th one tomorrow.  Everyone enjoy tomorrow.  It is so pretty outside.  I love the kids Halloween costumes. I am so glad they are enjoying them.  That is fun to dress up.  Rachel that looks really nice.  That is a nice color.  LOVE MOM


Today was good and we worked on the house a lot.  I finished painting the living room and got it put back together.  It looks nice and fresh.  Casey installed the light in the bathroom and started working on the floor.  We met Randy and looked at tile but no one had what we had talked about so we are thinking about it still.  Around 3 the kids were getting bored so we went to the park and played.  It was a pretty day.  I am glad that everyone is doing well.  We are excited for Lagoon next weekend.



My day was good. I went down and met mom and dad for lunch. Then we went shopping. It was fun. I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye

Friday, October 11, 2019


Work was good.  I am actually getting caught up.  it feels so good.  We came home and vegged.  I had a bad headache all day.  Robin that is crazy you have to go to jury duty.  I hope it isn't a bad case.  Rachel, congratulations on painting.  I am excited to see it.  The pictures look so nice.  It will really change the look of the house.  Karen is coming down for lunch. I am going to clean my bathroom.  It needs a good scrubbing.  LOVE MOM


Today was.busy. next week we are down 3 people so it will be even busier . And to add to the madness I was called to jury duty and have to go in on Tuesday. Lol it will be a crazy week next week.



Today was good.  The kids had the day off of school and it was good to have them home.  We went and saw the Abdominal movie and it was good.   The kids liked it.  We came home and I painted the living room, I have everything done but the fireplace.  It was a pretty day so we went to the park and played which was nice.  Then we picked up Casey and went to Lowes to get some paint for the fireplace wall.  Everyone stay warm and have a good weekend.



I am glad that the weekend is here. Work was good. It was cold today. At least it warmed up during the day. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye

Thursday, October 10, 2019


Today was fun we did a Disney murder mystery. I was queen black who ended up being evil and being murdered. We went to spaghetti factory and that is where I died. But at least I had good food. Lol no one figured out the murder.  But we read the ending and figured it out. Then I online groceried from Walmart so we picked them up tonight and had hot dogs and watched naked and afraid


Almost Friday

Today was good.  Work was quiet and It went well.  We stopped at Walmart on the way home and got some paint for dad's pumpkin he made and also some hand warmers for me at work.  It was cold, not like Karen but cold.  Man Karen that is really cold for this time of year.  Congratulations Robin on 5 years that is amazing.  Rachel, I think you roof will be fine.  There isn't a big rush.  I am sorry you broke your picture but I do like the color.  That looks really nice.  You are a painting wizard.  Everyone enjoy Friday.  LOVE MOM


Congratulations on being at your company for 5 year.  I can't believe it has been that long, crazy.  That is really really cold Karen.  Today was good.  I like Thursday's their isn't very much going on which is nice.  This morning I saw some paint to touch up and I ended up painting the entrance way.  It looks nice.  I messed up though, I hung up the picture frames by myself and later this evening the big one fell and broke.  It is sad but we will get a new one and it will be ok.  I called the insurance company about the roof and someone came and looked at it today.  He was nice and seemed really competent.  He sends a report to our insurance and they make a decision.  He said not to use the door to door roofing guys.  They don't always use the best materials and cut costs a lot.  He said to look around and get a good company to replace the roof.  He said that it isn't good to just replace the damaged shingles.  He said it is best to replace the whole roof.  He said that we wont have problems for years but if we try to sell the house people will come and say we have a damaged roof and it will devalue our house.  Sorry that was more than you probably needed to know.  Ruthie was super star at school and had a fun time.  We walked to pick up the boys and it was cold but felt nice to be out.  Imogene came and played for a while.  Casey is on his way home.  We are in our Pj's watching a movie waiting for him.  The kids don't have school tomorrow so it doesn't matter if they go to bed on time.  Love you guys and have a good Friday.


Before the tragedy


I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. It was cold here today, but I made it thru. We broke the record low for today which was set back in 1919. The old record was 16 and we were 10 today. Burr! Work is still going good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

5 years

Work went well today. I'm finally coming up.for air. Tonight my company took Ruth's Chris for my 5 year dinner party. It was fun Jeramy went with me. The food was good but man their sweet potato s were amazing. I couldn't stop eating them..I found a copy cat recipe online. I'm going to try and make them if I'm success full I will bring them for a party one time :) maybe bingo? Anyway hope everyone has a good Thursday. Stay warm


Hump day

Rachel, you are on fire.  That looks really nice.  I saw that you had put lights on the pirate ship that looks cool also.  That hallway looks so nice.  That has to feel nice.  Isaac is amazing with cooking. He really does enjoy that.  We might have a chef on our hands.  That would be fun.  Karen, I am so glad you got a night off.  That has to feel good.  Robin, I was showing my boss your makeup on facebook and he thought that was really cool. He also loved the pirate ship.  Dad went to the doctor and we are going to try Physical Therapy.  I think it will be good to go and talk to people about ways to help with pain.  I hope it works out for him.  We just vegged tonight as well.  Dad is making rainbow unicorns tonight.  I am hoping that will look cool.  Have a nice Thursday.  IT is suppose to be really cold.  Bundle up.  I am glad that all is going well with Casey.  LOVE MOM


Today was busy and kind of stressful but it feels good to have everything done.  I went to exercise class and we had a sub today.  I left a couple of minutes early.  It was snowing when we left and the kids really liked that.  It is snowing in the pictures but you can't tell.  I had quilt group at my house today so I had to clean.  I also showed everyone how to use the quilting rulers.  Everyone really seemed to like them so it was good to show them.  Everyone liked my machine also and it is fun to show it to people how appreciate it.  Right afterwards I had to go and help in Oliver's class.  We made it on time and the kids were good.  I took the kids to get a cookie since Ruthie had to sit through quilt group and Oliver's school.  It was fun to go and we haven't been in a while.  The kids were playing outside when we got home and I started painting the hallway.  I ended up getting it all done and it looks nice.  I have a gallon left and I am going to continue on and paint the living room.  Isaac was really sweet and made spaghetti for dinner.  He could do the whole thing and was cute about doing it.  Isaac had scouts and he loves going to that.  I picked my counselors for primary.  I figure I was just going to decided instead of agonizing over it.  Casey is coming home tomorrow.  I think the audit went pretty good.  He went and saw the Joker with his co worker tonight.  He said it was pretty good.  Love you guys.



Things are going good here in Kamas. It was warmer when I left for work than when I got home. So it got colder as the day went on. Work is going good. I know I say that most days but nothing really crazy happens at my work. I didn't have anything to do for school today, so I took the night off. It was nice. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


Dad had a sick stomach last night and so did I.  I hope we aren't getting sick.  Dad stayed home but I went to work.  We are both feeling better tonight so I hope it was just a 24 hour thing.  Dad is going to have his hip looked at tomorrow.  I hope there is an exercise he can do to help make it not hurt all the time.  Work was good, I got a lot done and that felt nice.  Not so many people were interrupting me all day.  Robin, I am glad you got to his friend.  Rachel, the room looks so nice.  It is going to be so pretty when it is all done.  Karen stay warm.  It looks like the storm is going north of us so hopefully we won't get to much.  Everyone have a nice hump day.  LOVE MOM


Today was long but made it out alive. We went back up to the hospital and visited his Friend..he was in rough shape he fell on his face when he had a heart attach so his face was all swollen and bruised. We went to Chili's after it was fun to get some dessert



Casey made it to Kansas and will be there until Thursday.  It sounds like everything is going good with him.  We had a good day and it was busy.  I walked this morning and I don't like it dark but I am glad I went.  Isaac needed more socks so we went to Walmart.  The little kids brought their wallets and bought a new toy.   They were happy.  We also got some lights for the pirate ship and it looks really good at night.  I helped in Isaac's class and then (drum roll) I painted the bathroom.  It looks a lot better and it feel good to have done.  It was a nice day walking to get the boys, the sun felt good.  We were booed last night, someone dropped by treats.  So tonight we made cookies and we took them to Isaac and Oliver's friend.  It was fun, we need to do stuff like that more often.  Love you guys and I hope that you stay warm.



Well it is supposed to be super cold tomorrow. Not very excited about that. My day was good. I had meetings all morning, but I felt productive in the afternoon so that was good. Mom I hope you and dad are feeling better and that dads doctor's appointment goes good tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, October 7, 2019


Thanks guys, you are sweet.  I am sorry about Jeramy's friend, that is hard.  Today was good.  I didn't walk this morning but I did go to exercise class.  A kids hit Oliver and he was sad so we left a little early.  I am not sure what happened and he couldn't show me the boy who did it.  While the little kids were at school I worked on the bath room.  I have been spackling and it is looking a lot better.  We walked to pick up the boys and they don't want to walk with me but I am going to keep walking with them because I like too.  Tonight was the fall festival so we didn't homework before we went.  I was supposed to help with the food so Casey met us there but they didn't need me.  The kids all had a fun time and were exhausted by the end of it.  I think I am going to get some lights for the pirate ship so you can see it in the dark.  It is fun to see people drive by and point at it.  Everyone loves it.


Ruth took her sweater off and she had fuzz all over her shirt.


Good luck with the primary presidency Rachel. You will do good. Things are good here. It is cold, but mom is right it is only going to get worse. Work is going good. Nothing too crazy at my place. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Payroll Monday

So I went to work early and dad drove me.  It didn't seem like to long of a day so that was good.  Dad has a doctor's appointment on Wednesday to have a doctor that is a rehab doctor look at his hip.  He is the one that recommended the shots for dad's neck.  It has helped so much.  His hip isn't sore now but it has been off and on and I thought we could get it check.  We did go grocery shopping tonight.  That is always fun to have over with.  Robin that is sad about Jeramy's friend.  That was nice that you went to visit him.  I am sorry that your work is so crazy.  I think that is just how work is now adays.  Rachel, I think you are going to be a wonderful Primary President. You will have it all organized before you know it.  I hope the fall carnival was fun.  Karen it is suppose to get bitter cold Wednesday night.  You better bundle up for sure.  It is suppose to be a high of 46 here on Thursday.  Everyone have a great Tuesday.  LOVE MOM


That is crazy you are going to be primary president. Good luck! That's alot of was good but busy. I think that is going to be my life for a while. Jeramy has a friend that is sick in the hospital. He isn't doing well. It was a distant relationship but he's young and had a heart attack so it was hard. We tried to visit tonight but he was changing tubes so we.might try tomorrow. Love you


Sunday, October 6, 2019


Thank you again for all your hard work and brilliant designs.  We love it and it was so fun spending the day with everyone.  I hope that Jeremy gets feeling better.  Today the bishop called me and Casey in and called me to the the primary president.  It will be a lot of work but it will be good to be with the kids.  I worked on the bathroom and got a lot of spackling done.  It is looking better which is encouraging.  Casey worked today but came home to meet at the church and we went out for lunch.  Ivy's birthday is Tuesday but they had her birthday party tonight.  It was fun and good to see everyone.  I am not ready for Monday, I hope that everyone has a good one.  Love you.


PS I blogged earlier but it didn't post

Not ready

I'm not ready to go back to work. Lol thanks for the fun Saturday. Today we slept in and that helped Jeramy alot. We just rested all day. It was nice. I did work on my turtle shell a bit. It's slowly moving along. Love you



I had a fun weekend. Thanks everyone. The zoo was really fun today. Mom already hit the highlights in her blog so I won't restate. I took a nap this afternoon as well. I love naps. I hope everyone has a great week. Here are my pictures of the pirate ship.

Fun times

Thanks for the fun weekend.  I sure had a nice time.  We went to the zoo today and it was amazing.  The lions were roaring at each other and then the elephants had moved into the rhino cage and had ripped off a log off the fence and were eating it.  There was a zoo keeper at the gorilla cage and she said they do that all the time.  It keeps them busy and then the just replace the fence.  The gorillas were amazing and all of the sudden someone starting throwing lids in the cage.  I about came unglued but it was the zoo keeper I guess someone had paid extra for a tour and the put special stuff on the lids and the gorilla's like them.  It didn't think it was a good example but that is my soap box.  We just came home and vegged and slept after that.  I sure love the pirate ship.  That is way cool.  You do amazing work Robin.  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...