Thursday, August 30, 2012

Parmesan Lover

The spaghetti sauce turned out really good.  I made it a little too spicy so Casey loved it.  I cut up some noodles and put Parmesan cheese on it for Isaac and he ate it.  I think that if I cut up the noodles he will start to eat them.  He also has the Parmesan cheese jean in him like Casey and Karen.  My day was good.  I went visiting teaching this morning.  Only on of the people could meet with us the other two were busy.  But we were at her house for an hour.  It was nice to talk to them.  We were their late so we didn't meet Casey for lunch.  Isaac woke up at 6 this morning so he took a long nap which was nice.  I am excited for this weekend.  Thanks for driving up Mom, we will have fun.  Drive safe.  I am glad that you got your apartment.  That is exciting.


Karen I am hoping this has made you reach your deductible for the year  YEAH.  I had a good day.  It was quiet and I got almost all caught back up.  That felt nice.  We went and put our deposit down tonight.  The place is ours.  I hope it works out.  It looks clean and nice.  There are 82 apartments so that is a lot less than what we have had.  It has rained here a little bit.  It feels so nice outside.  I am off to Logan in the morning.  Have a great day.  LOVE MOM

Almost Friday

I am glad that it is almost the weekend. Just one more day. Work was good. I had a couple of projects to work on so it went by pretty fast. Then after work I went and got my prescriptions from Walmart. Fun times I know. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. See ya soon BYE

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Nice day

Wow I had a nice day.  Work was quiet and I got a lot done then I met Robin and Karen for dinner and shopping.  It was fun.  The leaves are turning red.  It was such a pretty drive.  I only have to work on one more day.  We are going to go put our deposit down tomorrow and then we have an apartment.  Should be fun.  Dad took me grocery shopping when I got home so now I have food for the weekend. We are set to party.  I am excited to drive up on Friday.  This is going to be fun.  Thanks for the recipe.  The looks really good.  I am going to make it.  Good luck with your spagetti sauce.  I bet it will be fabulous.  Anything with homegrown tomatoes is the best.  You can put it in canners and freeze it also.  Well have a great one.  I hope your ears are good Karen.  LOVE MOM


Karen, that is so random.  That is awesome.  I am excited for you.  I am glad that you got a picture Robin.  I don't have anything near that exciting.  I did peel a tomato today.  I wanted to make a slow cooker spaghetti sauce and I had to peel the tomatoes for that.  It was really easy to do.  I was surprised.  It takes 15 hours to cook so I did it after Isaac went to bed and it should be done for dinner tomorrow.  I hope that it is good.  It is nice to use more of the tomatoes we have.  Here Mom is the recipe that I made yesterday.  It was really good.  I am glad that you guys had a fun night.  That is awesome.


4 potatoes
3 med. tomatoes, sliced
1/2 c. grated cheese
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. oregano
2 tbsp. butter
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 onion, sliced thin
1/2 c. Provolone cheese, shredded
1/8 tsp. pepper

Peel and slice potatoes 1/4" thick. Oil large casserole with olive oil. Arrange potatoes, tomatoes and onions in layers. Sprinkle each layer with the cheeses and other seasonings. Repeat, ending with a layer of potatoes sprinkled with cheese. Dot with butter. Bake at 400 degrees for 50 minutes or until potatoes are tender. 4 to 6 servings.

i got random purchase day :)

so karen got her ears pierced I am excited and jealous at the same time :) that is my big news other then that I work and work. so that is fun. I am glad everyone is doing well have a great thursday! robin


Well my day was good. Work went by pretty fast so that was nice. Then I met mom and Robin for dinner and shopping in Park City. I got me a coat for winter. I also got my ears pierced. I have been thinking of doing it for a while and it seemed like a good time. I am glad that the weekend is half over. It must be cause I am excited for the weekend. It will be fun to have a 3 day weekend with everyone. Well I hope that everyone else had a great Wednesday. BYE

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

He is a cute hurricane

That casserole looks really good.  I will have to get the recipe.  It is always fun to make something that everyone will eat.  That always makes my day and to use from the garden. It is so healthy for you.   I like your quilt and am glad you have such nice friends to sew with.  That makes it so much fun.  Karen, I am planning on coming up tomorrow.  I got my headlight fixed and all the stuff I need to apply for the apartment on Thursday.  I was wondering if anything sounded good that I could make this weekend.  I am open for all suggestions.  Is Isaac liking one thing over another?  I had a really bad night last night and I am really tired tonight.  I am going to go to bed early.  I think I might have to try melatonin.  I hate not being able to sleep.  I am so excited for this weekend.  I am looking forward to Swiss days.  That will be fun.  Have a great Wednesday.  We are half way through.  WEll I don't work Friday so I am more than halfway.  I just had to rub that in a little bit. 


Our own Hurricane Isaac

Isaac wasn't a hurricane but I just thought it was a good title.  Our day was good.  We went to story time and that was fun.  Isaac is doing much better.  I sewed this afternoon with Jenn and Kaylesse.   It was fun.  I attached a picture of the first part of the mystery quilt.  It is quilt so far.  I made the best dinner.  It was an Italian Potato Tomato Casserole.  It was so good.  It was fun because it was all stuff from our garden.  It tasted really good, all three of us liked it.  I cleaned up Robins area in the backyard and it looks nice.  The grapes are filling in so you have a grape wall happening like you wanted.  Everyone have a good night and stay safe.



Well I am sorry that I didn't blog last night. I went down to SLC and then I forgot when I got home. My day has been good today. I was even good and didn't have a coke today. I know shocking. Mom I also have an almost red tomato on my plant so you may be a tomato this weekend. I am excited to play with everyone this weekend. Also mom are we still on for dinner tomorrow or are you busy? Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE

Monday, August 27, 2012

Nice evening

I am glad you had a good evening Rachel.  That is nice to just get out and walk around.  Karen brought dad's saffron bulbs down tonight and we played pinochle and then she took us to ice cream. It was really nice.  I had a nice day at work.  It was quiet and I got a lot done.  I hope tomorrow is a repeat.  I am excited for this weekend also.  I think that China is off until next week.  It will be interesting to see if that is the case.  I hope Casey get feeling better soon.  LOVE MOM

Window Shopping

I am sorry that Dad didn't leave today.  I hope that they get everything going for him soon.  Today was good.  Casey wasn't feeling great so he went to work a little late and come home early.  I didn't do any sewing this weekend so I was ready to get things done today.  I have made all the pot holders I just need to quilt everything now.  They aren't fancy but I did get the themo batting so they should work really well.  This evening we walked around pet smart and Isaac really got a kick out of that.  He loved looking at all the animals.  We also walked around downeast and old navy.  It was so fun just to walk around the stores.  I had a fun night.  We didn't get the lawn mowed but we are going to do that tomorrow.  Kelly is going to stay with us for a few days until the place he is going to live is ready.  I haven't seen him in a while so it was good to talk with him.  He was bitten by a spider on his arm (not at our house) and it looked bad.  So Casey and him went to insta care and they gave him an antibiotic.  I put the bath fizz that you got Isaac Mom in his bath tonight.  It just turned the water pink but he really liked it, it was fun.  I hope that everyone had a good day and I am excited for this weekend.


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Everything worked out

I am sorry that Dad didn't get to go today.  I hope that they gets thing up and running for him soon.  Today was a really good day.  It all worked out good.  I made fresh salsa for lunch and it tasted really good and was fun to do.  I had to give the closing prayer at church so I woke Isaac up a little bit earlier and we went to most of sacrament meeting which was nice.  My old boss was sitting on the stand and I got to talk to him for a bit.  It was nice.  He got a new job in SLC and is commuting down there.  I was happy for him.  Isaac did really well in nursery.  He is getting over his anxiety a little bit.  He didn't cry when people talked to him.  Casey made it home safe and watched Isaac when I had a meeting this evening.  Well here are two pictures of my salsa and Isaac sleeping.  I am glad that you are done with Lagoon Robin that is exciting.  We should celebrate.


No China Today

Well dad didn't leave for China today.  They didn't get everything running so I guess he might leave tomorrow.  I will keep you updated on that one.  I had a good day.  I spent most the morning getting ready for dad to leave and then just read and book and took a nap this afternoon.  It was nice to have a quiet day.  I even cleaned out all the old food out of the fridge.  It was getting out of control.  I am going to call the apartment complex in the morning and get arranged to sign a lease.  I hope I am doing the right thing.  I hope everyone had a good weekend.  LOVE MOM

and were off

sorry i haven't blogged i have been so tired i lay down and I am asleep. but today was good I worked at lagoon. one more day :) i work on saturday. I Have to go see everyone for frightmares though i've been asked a million times. so I don't know if you guys want to plan a frightmares trip. Its not family prices though so it will be pricy. well not to much else with me. I am going to enjoy just working one job for the weekdays then I get two full days off. it will be amazing. have a good night robin


Well i had a nice nap today. I hope that dad got off to China okay. It looks like it might rain outside. It is super windy at least. I am doing laundry right now. It will be nice to have clean socks. i am sorry that i didn't blog last night. I cleaned both my bathrooms and forgot to blog after. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...