Saturday, February 5, 2011

strike a pose.

Today Was busy we went and got isaac's pictures taken, he really didn't like the process but I think there are some pretty cute photos. then me and mom went to dads work and helped out for a bit. Teresa was there so we ended up going to dinner with jed and teresa and rachel and casey meet up with us. Then me and mom went shopping for some food, I am going to make tortilla soup this week. I also left my phone charger at dads work so If you need to get a hold of me call someone else :) I'm glad that they fixed your car karen. And good luck with your teaching the children you will be fantastic ;)


What a busy day

I think I had a really busy day but it was a lot of fun. I started the day going with Rachel and Robin and Isaac and getting his 6weeks pictures. Julie met up with us and that was fun. Then we got back home and went over and helped Gary work until about 5:00. Then we got back home got Grandma and went with Jed and Teresa and our gang to dinner. Came home went grocery shopping, came home and am now doing laundry. Whew. I am going to be tired. Well have a great sunday. Tomorrow is Grandma Bodily's Birthday. I am sure she would love a phone call. It is also a year since Grandpa Gumm died. Wow what a year. LOVE MOM


Well I took my car back to Jiffy lube cause it was leaking alittle anti-freeze after they did a coolant flush on my car last Saturday. They said that one of the clamps on the tube was bad and they replaced it. They said that they were sorry that they didn't catch it when I was there before. So yeah it is fixed now. Then I went grocery shopping. I went early because, I found out at work, that Sunday is the Super Bowel. So I figured if I went early I would miss most of the crowds. It was still busy but not too bad. Rachel I like Isaac's pictures. I know you said that he hated the button down shirt but he looked really cute in it. His hair also looked really red against the white background. Well I think that I am all set for my lesson tomorrow. I hope that it goes well. I am using the bag Rachel made me to keep all my Primary teaching stuff in. It works good for that. I took mom's advice and went and got pens and pencils at Walmart. They didn't have chalk there but I found some at Micheal's so I should be covered. Well I hope that you all had a great Saturday. BYE

Friday, February 4, 2011

early spring

Well today was good. I made some mini cakes. We are going to try to decorate them to see if they are a good idea for angelas wedding shower. THen we went out for dinner at red robins. It tasted good. I also started to cut out my new skirt pattern. I have three almost done projects, I just love starting new ones. :) well have a great night


Ready for the weekend

I am so ready for the weekend. I was going to do laundry but I am tired and think I am just going to go to bed early. I will do them tomorrow night. I am excited for Isaac's pictures. It will be fun. He is getting so dang cute. I am sorry about your sink Karen. I wonder what is wrong with it. Just keep after them. It is suppose to be stormy all weekend. I don't think that dad is going to be going to Logan he has too much to do here. So I guess we aren't going up this weekend. Next weekend I made Grandma a perm and nail appointment so me and her are going for sure. Have a great weekend



Rachel, good luck with the photos tomorrow. I am sure that they will be fabulous cause you know Isaac is the cutest baby in the world. My day seemed long. My sink is working a little better but not great so I went back to the office after work and they said they would look at it again on Monday. So in honor of that I ordered pizza for dinner. I am glad that tomorrow is Saturday, I am so looking forward to sleeping in. Well I hope that everyone had a great Friday and I hope that your Saturday will be awesome as well. BYE

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Nice day

It was a nice day today. I was busy and it was good to get work done. We went to Michaels to get a paper cutter for work and the lady in front of us had a coupon and they wouldn't let her use it because all her items were on sale so I asked if I could have it and it saved me 20 dollars on the paper cutter. I am excited for Saturday also. It is going to be fun to take pictures. I don't have much else to do. I willhave a quiet weekend. That will be nice. I think I am going to make fajitas for sunday dinner.



Well my kitchen sink has no water pressure. You turn it on full blast and it takes 5 minutes to get a full glass of water. I have reported it so I hope that they fix it tomorrow. I met with the Primary President and got my binder of stuff. I have to give my first lesson on Sunday so wish me luck. Thanks for the new books mom, I am sure that they will be great. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am ready for the weekend. Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday also. Love ya all. BYE


Today was good. Casey brought me Subway for lunch also, it was really good, I got the tuna. Me and Isaac took a nap today and that was really nice. I didn't get much else done. Casey didn't have to work tonight so it has been good to have him home. The baby has been awake this evening also so it has been fun to play with him. I am excited for pictures on Saturday, I think that it will be fun.

double tag

well today was a thursday. I was no friday but I fulfilled the requirements of a thursday. :) I made some pinapple cake and then we went to micheal's we got some cute things. I got subway for lunch for me and grandma. I think I blinked a time or two..... thats about it. Hope everyone has a wonderful friday...... :)

love you


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It looks questionable to me

I love those out fits. so cute. Thats funny he was concerned about bathing, wait till we take him swimming. it will be an overload. Sorry that they made you pull all that paper work out karen. yuck. Well my interview went well today, they said I didn't have a lot of call experiance and that they wanted me to stay more then a year. My seasonal work history was concerning to them. But I think that I might get it. The rest of the interview went well so we will see. Then we went out with andrea and sean and kay for adreas birthday. It was fun to get out and chat. It so cold out though, I think I've gained 10 pounds to keep myself warm... well thats the excuse :) well nothing else to crazy have a great night


Is this water Sanitary

Well Rachel I think the outfits are cute. Hopefully he will be in a good mood for you. He didn't look happy in that last one. Well my day was busy today. One of our customers came today and when they got here they decided that they wanted to see every change we had done to one of their projects. So I had to dig up all the ECOs and ECRs for this project from the last 13 years. It took alittle while but I got it all. Then one was missing so I had to go and dig thru the files and find it. It was most aggravating. Other than that it was a good day. It was really cold though. The fountain here was all frozen and it stayed that way all day. Tomorrow is suppose to be that last really cold day and then we get up to 50 on Friday. I hope that you all had a great day. I love ya BYE

What do you think

I think I have decided on Isaacs outfits for his picutres. I decided not to do the jean overalls because I didn't want both outfits to be overalls. I think Robin bought me the cute shoes, I think they will bhe fun in the pictures. I gave him a bath also this morning and he didn't cry, he did looked concern though. It was a good step.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

An education

Karen, yes I have been playing Josh for Isaac. I have been trying to only play it when he is happy so he gets postive vibes from it. That is a good point Robin on backup singing, I need to train him young on his proper singer place. I have been trying to get him to wear his Josh outfit but he keeps peeing on it. We watched a lot of musicial today to get Isaac going on his singing career and his musicial education. Thanks everyone for the fun day and good luck tomorrow Robin. :)

le brrrr

Its so cold out. It was so nice and sunny, its a cruel joke. well we sewed tonight I got alot of my dress done I just have to hem the bottom of it. I got a call from the call center I applied for. Its part time 9am-2pm with benifits. My interview is for tomorrow. we will see how it goes. Well I hope that heats up in the next few weeks. If its cold so help me I am going to throw my fist in the air. :) anyway I better go to bed have a great wensday.


Frozen solid

Boy it is windy here also and cold cold cold. I think this is the coldest it has been all winter It is suppose to be warmer by the end of the week. I hope. Sewing went well. I even got the border ready to put on my quilt. I am excited to finish it. It is the one that I had quilted. It is beautiful. We are taking Andrea to Spagetti Factory tomorrow night for her birthday. I think it is just going to be me and Grandma and Gary and Robin. I am going to go read my book. I am trying to figure out what is going on. It has me hooked.



Well it was cold and windy here today. I nearly frozen. They said on ksl that we could get wind gusts up to 65 mph. Well work was good today. I got a new proposal to work on and that is always fun. I cot a call for the primary president today. SO i am going to meet with her on Thursday to get my binder and find out what all I need to do. I hope that you all have a fun time sewing tonight. Well I guess I should say everyone but mom have a fun time sewing and mom I hope you have a a fun time hold Isaac. Well have a great night. BYE

Monday, January 31, 2011

all the leaves are brown

You should teach isaac all the backup singer parts, just so then he doesn't think he can take over as lead singer. :) he's still your son but you lead the group.. lol. Well today I worked at x-pose it was same ole same ole. Then I made some cookies. I took two trips to the store but I think grandma liked them so I was worth it. well nothing to crazy have a great night


Where's the picture

OK Karen you have the most amazing camera and a new shower curtain and no picture. What's up with that. We need pictures. Not much going on with us. Just same old same old. I did have warm ups tonight and made hash browns it was good. We are going to sew tomorrow night so that means Isaac time. I am excited for that one. It is so cold here and has been snowing off and on all day. I am so ready for spring. Have a great Tuesday


You raise me up

So Rachel are you singing a little Josh to Isaac. You have got to get him hook on that early you know. Well It was cold here today and really windy. I decided to get a new shower curtain so I went to Walmart after work and got a cute one. Then I came home and hung it up. It was way exciting. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE


Today went pretty fast, Isaac was kind of fussy today and needed some TLC so we just hung out together. I did get a little done on my heart quilt and it is about done. I have more energy lately and I am excited to work on quilts more again. I was thinking we should tie a quilt for Angela, it would be fun to do one night. I started signing a bit to Isaac today and he really liked it. It was kind of fun to do.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

rain drops on roses

well today was nice. Me and dad went out to see grandma bodily. THen rachel and casey came over for dinner. And then we went to the eagle scout. It was a nice day. Tomorrow I am going to work at xpose photography. This week should be pretty chill but we will see how it goes. LUCKLY its febuary now, january is the hardest month. I am so glad its almost over :)

love you

Eagle Scout

I am glad your church was nice Karen. I had the phone to call you and then I noticed it was 2:00 and I figured you were asleep and I would call you later. Later never came. It got crazy. We had dinner and it was good. I got to hold Isaac and then me and Robin took Grandma to Austin's Eagle Scout award. It was nice. It was starting to snow. We went home right afterwards. It was starting to snow. I had a good nap today also. I am not looking forward for the week. I just want to play. Well have a great Monday. It is the last day of January. I hope it doesn't snow too much tonight. LOVE MOM


Well church went well. I think that it will be a good ward. I got call and set apart today also. It was chilly here today. It looks like it is going to rain. I also got a nap which was super nice. I love naps. Well other than that I haven't done too much. I hope that you all had a great day. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...