Saturday, February 5, 2011


Well I took my car back to Jiffy lube cause it was leaking alittle anti-freeze after they did a coolant flush on my car last Saturday. They said that one of the clamps on the tube was bad and they replaced it. They said that they were sorry that they didn't catch it when I was there before. So yeah it is fixed now. Then I went grocery shopping. I went early because, I found out at work, that Sunday is the Super Bowel. So I figured if I went early I would miss most of the crowds. It was still busy but not too bad. Rachel I like Isaac's pictures. I know you said that he hated the button down shirt but he looked really cute in it. His hair also looked really red against the white background. Well I think that I am all set for my lesson tomorrow. I hope that it goes well. I am using the bag Rachel made me to keep all my Primary teaching stuff in. It works good for that. I took mom's advice and went and got pens and pencils at Walmart. They didn't have chalk there but I found some at Micheal's so I should be covered. Well I hope that you all had a great Saturday. BYE

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