Saturday, July 30, 2011
Home Again
Well I made it safe and sound in SLC and Rachel and Isaac came with me. It was fun. I am having a nice weekend. I did have a coke for lunch Karen so you are one ahead. It is hot and humid here also but it was starting to rain when we got out of the grocery store so that is nice. There isn't a lot of news. I am glad you got your pillows. They looks so good on your bed. YOu know have a two year supply of pillows. Have a great Sunday. I am looking forward to a cute day with Isaac. LOVE MOM
Hot day
Well it was hot here today. I had a good day. I went to the bank, then got gas in my car, and then I went grocery shopping. My home teachers were suppose to come at 1 but they called about 20 after and said that they forgot and would come tomorrow. Then I went and saw Captain America. It was good. There was still a line for it mom, but it wasn't as long as when we saw it. Then I went to Joann's and got pillows for my decorative pillow cases. I now have 10 pillows on my bed. I hope that everyone else had a good day.
Friday, July 29, 2011
So Cold
Well Mom figured out that the AC wasn't working so she had someone come today and fix it. It is so nice. It has been so hot and it feel really good to have some coolness. Today was good, Mom went to the golf tournament at 7 am. I waited/slept until Isaac woke up and then we went over and joined up with Mom. It was really fun, we sat on hole ten with some patients and cheered everyone on. Then when Isaac went got tired we left Mom and gave him a nap. When Mom got back to the house she watched Isaac and I got my hair cut. I got it cut short and died. I really like your hair cut Robin, I like the bangs. I will put pictures up later. Then we went to dinner at Chilies, it was good. Then Mom watched Isaac again while I finished mowing the lawn. Good times. :)
Robin and Rachel you are going to have to post a picture of your new hair so I can see it. My day was good. The engineer tech that they hired had his last day today. He is going back to school to become a lawyer. He wants to be one that deals with patient searches and the like. So we went to Chile's' for lunch. It was good. I was even good and didn't get a coke. It was tough but I did it. It is hot and muggy outside right now. I keep hoping that it will just rain, but so far no luck. I like the fabric too Rachel. Thanks for making it for me. It will look great with my new bedroom set. If you don't like that pattern with it you can choose another one. Well I hope that everyone had a great Friday. BYE
hair did
well I got my hair done. I like it, but its totally different from what is was before. anyway life is still trucking along. I thought it was friday yesterday so I am all messed up. but I work tonight at lagoon. not to much else going on I got to sleep in today which was nice, well not to much else happening
love you
love you
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Mom made it safe and we had a fun night. We ate at Firehouse pizza and it tasted great. We went to Shopko, and got some awesome things. I am also going to get my hair done tomorrow and Mom is going to watch Isaac. It should be fun. I did mow half the lawn today, I need to finish it tomorrow. Thanks Karen for the fabric, it will be a really pretty quilt. I will give it to you as your Christmas present. I am excited to sew it.
almost Friday
Well I made it thru Thrusday. It seemed like a really long day, but i made it thru. I was going to go visiting teaching but the lady wasn't there so we didn't. I am glad that you made it Logan safe and sound mom. I hope that you got your hair done and that you had a fun time at the family party thing, Robin. Well not too much else to report so I will just say BYE
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
I am so glad that tomorrow is thursday. I think I might go get my hair done to. I hope. its the only night I will have free. then after I am going to josh's I guess his family is having a party. so that will be fun. he hasn't heard anything from the job yet hopefully in the next day or so. the last of the summer shows are the 4th of sept. well thats about the round about life happenings. I am sleepy so i am going to catch some shut eye
I had a quiet day also. I did go to same and got some bulk formula and baby food. I went.I'm a short bike ride tonight, I am out of shape, it felt good to go.and Isaac was good. I am excited for tomorrow, it will be really.nice to have you come up mom.
Quiet Night #2
It was another quiet night here. It was nice. I read for a while and made fajitas for dinner. They tasted good. We went to spoon me for ice cream and watched the cars drive by. Isaac would have loved that. I am excited to come to Logan. I am planning on leaving around 4 and drivig straight up. Hopefully get there around dinner time. Karen good luck with your gravel. Still haven't come up with any great ideas for you primary lesson. Robin it seems like forever since I saw you. I hope all is going well with Josh. Need to keep us updated on that. Well have a great Thursday. LOVE MOM
Half way
Well the week is half over. Yeah! I had a good day. I am enjoying my new bed. I am getting use to having my bed facing a different direction. I am staying busy at work which is nice. Good luck with Frightmares Robin, when does it officially start? I hope that you have a good trip to Logan tomorrow Mom. I also hope that you and Rachel have a fun time this weekend in Logan. They have put gravel on the road in front of work. I hate that gravel stuff. It sprays every where an you have to drive super slow. Oh well I am sure that is will get better soon. Well have a good one. BYE
I can't believe that july is almost over, yikes. They are starting to get things geared up for frightmares. kinda had a panic moment but it will be good. I can't believe how fast this year has gone by. well not to much else happening just work and work. have a great one
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Quiet Night
I had a quiet night. It was nice. I cooked dinner and then cleaned up the kitchen and then just watched TV. That was nice. I can't believe that Isaac is 7 months old. Time is flying by. I am glad that everything is going good. I made it to work also but am taking Friday off to go play with Isaac. That will be nice. Karen I really enjoyed watching Star Trek. We are watching a series by the Jim Butcher books. They are really good. I have been enjoying them. Well have a great wednesday. That is nice it is already going to be half over with. I just can't believe that July is almost over with. Where has the summer gone.
Not much
Karen, that is good to know. I thought she was on longer than that. I had a good day. It was quiet. My.visiting teachers came over and I got some gas.for the lawn mower. I made a hair appointment for Friday at 4. I think I am going to get a medium length hair cut. It will be nice to have it shorter. Well everyone have a good night.
Well it has been raining off and on here all day. Which is really kind of unusual for July. It did make the day cooler which was nice. Rachel I have been watching Star Trek and the girl you hate is dead now she died in episode 22. I had a good day. Work has been staying pretty busy so that is nice. It makes time go by fast. Robin good job channeling your inner adult. I have trouble with that some days. Hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE
Monday, July 25, 2011
its me
today was good. I woke up not wanting to go to work like every day of my life. but I mustered up the adult in me and went. Then I got my laundry done yeah!! it was getting bad. then I went and did a photoshoot with rich. it was fun. now I am home before 10 i don't know quite what to do so I am going to go to sleep. :) I love your bed karen very nicely done, I'm glad you made it home safe mom, 1-15 is crazy town. Isaac is super cute like always. I put up his picture on my picture counter, hes so cute it makes me smile every morning. well not to much else happening love you
7 Months Old
Karen, I love your bed. It is very pretty, it is very you. I am glad that you found one that is perfect. I had a really nice day. Casey had to go back to work this morning but he came back this evening which was nice. I had three cokes today so I feel really good. This morning I took Isaac to his first parade, the North Logan Parade. I forgot to take the stroller out of Casey's car so I rode my bike. I was worried I wouldn't have a place to put it but it worked out really good. I just put it by the fence at the church and sat by it. It was under a tree and was a great place. Sister Barnett was in front and they let me sit on one of there chairs, it was nice. It was really a nice day, it was overcast and cool. There was one float that they had people jumping on trampolines on a moving vehicle, it was strange. I have attached a picture. Then I took Isaac home for a nap and when he woke up we went and meet Steve and Vickie for lunch at the Indian oven. They are leaving Aug 7. Vickie says that she is feeling better. Then the sprinkler broke the other day so we went to Walmart and bought a new one. After that Isaac took a nap and I got to play Harry Potter. When Casey got home Isaac got up on his knees for a bit, he is getting there. He is also liking to jump out of the jumper, that is what he did most of the parade. He likes his red ball now, I have attached a picture because it is cute.


Thanks for getting my bed all set up mom. I had a nice weekend also. It was fun having you down here. We have a flash flood warning until midnight tonight. My room looks different with a bigger bed in there. I like how it looks though. It is fancy looking. I can't wait to try the heavenly sheets. Work was good today. I stayed busy so that made the day go by fast. I met mom for lunch at the Mongolian BBQ before she left. I like that place it is really good. That is scary about that wreak mom. I am glad that you weren't in it. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE
Nice weekend
I had a really nice weekend. I really like your bed Karen. It is beautiful. I hope you love sleeping on it. That is the real test. It was nice to get away and spend time with Karen. It seems like a long time since I was in ST. George. THere was a bad wreck right in front on me on the way home in Provo. It was so glad I didn't get in it. I was only three cars back. I am planning on coming to Logan after work on Thursday. Boy I am getting to be a world traveler. Rachel if you want to make a hair appointment you can for the afternoon. The golf tournament is in the morning. I was going to spend thursday night up in Logan if that is OK. Well I don't think I have any more news. I did like the last Harry Potter. It was very well done. LOVE MOM
Sunday, July 24, 2011
today was good I worked at zions and then lagoon. Tomorrow I work at zions and then I have a photoshoot at night. I really don't want to work a full week this week. I think it will suck after having a few days off. well not to much else have a great night
Today really fast and was good. Casey made it home safe late last night. We went to church and during sacrament the bread came and I took one and the boy was still standing there, Isaac had a hold of the tray and he got two.pieces of bread, I didn't even notice. It was cute. We made fried zucchini for lunch and it was really good. All three of us took a really long nap today, it was so nice. We also watched true grit, it was a good movie.
Well today has been good. my lesson went well in primary so that was nice. It was warm outside here today. i did get a nap which was nice. Me and mom moved my old bed to the second bedroom so they could put my new one in tomorrow. Mom says that she had a good day also and that she will see most all of you tomorrow. Well I hope that everyone had a good Sunday. BYE
the queen
I'm glad that you got the bed karen, you will sleep like a queen ;) my day was good, I worked. this week is going to be jammed packed like always but it should be good. I can't believe its the last week in july ahhh. so crazy how fast time flies. well not to much else happening going to catch some zzzzzz's have a great night
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...