We made it back to SLC safe and sound. We had a really nice time in Logan. We swam this morning and then went and watched Isaac's basketball game. He is really good at guarding. We went back and Casey and Randy finished up grouting all the tile. It was really nice. Then we went to lunch at this new resturant in Smithfield. I really liked it. Then Rachel went to a baptism and we got a toilet. After she came back I went with them and they got a new vanity. It is going to be beautiful. We decided to come home. I hope your table went well Robin. Karen, I am so glad you Physics lab went well. LOVE MOM
Saturday, March 6, 2021
I did laundry this morning, so yeah that is nice to have done. Then after lunch I did my physics lab. It worked the first time yeah. I only had to call dad for one of the calculations. I still need to write the lab report but that won't take long. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Friday, March 5, 2021
We made safe and sound to Logan. We went swimming and then Rachel made casey's roast sandwiches and they were so good. We came back to the hotel but didn't swim again. We watched harry potter and it got too late. Randy came by to help grout the tile so that was so nice of him. Robin I am excited for your new table. You will love it. Karen I hope your lab goes well. Have a nice weekend. Love mom
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Today was good but busy. I walked this morning and we went the long way which was nice. I had to bring chips for the teachers to have a treat and I remembered which is awesome. We helped in Isaac's class and I like doing that. Preschool was fun. We made bird feeders out of pine cones. The boys got out of school early so Casey worked from home and picked them up. Parent teacher conference was good and the teachers were really positive and nice. They are good kids. Oliver hadn't missed any day so he got a perfect attendance award. Isaac got a pencil just because. Isaac is reading really well and his lexile score is 1100 which is 7 grade reading level. I ran to the store after I dropped the boys off. After dinner we went to Als and got Casey some climbing shoes. His other ones hurt his feet. I am glad Dad's heart checked out ok. I am glad everything is good.
I went into work half day and then went with dad for an echo. Doctor said his heart looked good. I was glad about that. I was worried about that. Dad has been helping Brian at work. His son had lung cancer and now he has a tumor in his shoulder. Not good. We took him up some creams. They were hoping that would help. He is getting radiation next week. Poor kid. They said they would take the neighbors food so that was nice. We came home and just vegged after that. I am working from home tomorrow and leaving a little early to go to Logan. Robin I hope work is ok. Karen congratulations on your test. Rachel hope your parent teacher conferences went well. Love mom
My day was good. Work is still moving along. They are remodeling the breakroom so the coke machine is now out of order. Sad days. After work I took my physics test and got an 86 on it. Then I hooked up my new vacuum. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Hump day
Robin I love that luna loves music. That made my day. They have their own personalities even before they are born. Karen I love your hair cut. It looks so nice. Rachel you are busy. Tony loves the cold. I went into work today. I went early to do screenings. I am taking half a day off tomorrow to go with dad to his doctor appointment. I am also going to leave work early in Friday. We decided to go to Logan and finish up tiling. I rented a hotel so the kids can swim. It is nice to swim. I hope it isn't crowded. I have been spoiled. I love that luna can dance to music. Have a nice thursday. Love mom
I love you hair Karen. That is fun. Today was good. I walked this morning and it is so light. We went to exercise class and it took a couple songs for my hurt muscle to warm up by then it felt good. The energy at exercise class awesome today and it was so much fun. After Ruth was done with school we met her friend at the climbing gym. It was fun and we stayed unt it was time to pick up the boys. It was a pretty day and we played in the backyard with Tony. He got so hot. He kept laying in the snow. We met Casey at the climbing gym and climbed for a while. It wasn't as busy today which was nice. Isaac had basketball practice so I ran him over and we stopped climbing when it was time to pick him up. He had a fun time and really likes basketball. The boys have half day of school tomorrow and then we have parent-teacher conference.
So I forgot to blog that my robot vacuum broke. It just stopped running. I had to call the manufacturer and the amazon and then the extended warranty people but I finally got it returned. They refunded my money. So today I order anew one, but a different brand because I was annoyed with how unhelpful the manufacture was. It should be here tomorrow. They ship it quick. Work was good. It was just the usual. They are finally done with the demolition under my office so at least the floor isn't shaking any more. I decided I wanted short hair so I went after work and got it cut. I think that it looks good. I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
My day was good. It was meeting day so I had my usual meetings plus an extra one in the afternoon. So I wasn't very productive because I was in meetings most of the day. Tonight I reviewed for my physics midterm on Thursday. Can't believe it is midterms already. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Back to the real world
I had a meeting to take minutes at 7 this morning. I had meetings all morning. I came home and we made hot dogs and chili. I have to go into work early tomorrow also. On thursday dad is having an echo of his heart so i am taking half a day off. Not anything else to report in my end. I hope you all had a nice day. It looked so pretty outside today. Love mom
Monday, March 1, 2021
It was nice to have the boys home today. It felt like a normal day because Ruth didn't have anything cancelled so I was running her to everything. It was a pretty morning and it is nice to have it light outside. Oliver came with us to exercise class and he had fun with his old friends. I worked on coloring the posters while Ruth was at school and it feels so nice to have them done. Isaac made you tube videos so I was able to program because he was on the computer all day. We met Casey for lunch which is fun. Ruth had dance class and when she was done we played outside with Tony. It was a pretty day. Casey worked late so we had a earlier dinner and watched a movie. Love you guys
Work was quiet. I made some progress. Robin I love your math problem. That is so true. We did go to the gym after work. We walked in the park for awhile. The sunshine felt good. We did get arby's for lunch. I have been liking their fish sandwiches. I made chili for dinner and it tasted so good. I have a 7 meeting so it will be early for me. I am not great at minutes but I try. I am going into work after I am done with meetings. Enjoy the sunshine. Karen I am so excited for you. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. We enjoyed Isaac's new you tubes. Love mom
It was cold here this morning. I am so ready for it to be spring. Work is going good nothing too exciting to report just the usual. I did get registered for summer and fall classes today so that was fun. I only have to take 2 classes this summer so that will be nice. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Sunday, February 28, 2021
We had a nice weekend. We went to kamas today to help karen with physics. Well dad helped, I took a nap. Karen made a really good chicken and rice lunch. We came home and just watch star trek movies. It is suppose to be nice weather this week so that is nice. I can't believe it is march already. Everyone have a nice week. Love mom
Today was busy with church stuff. I was tired this morning and didn't walk Tony. I had a meeting this morning and then church. I had to text people about church stuff. We walked Tony to the park and that was fun. It was a pretty day. I had to talk at a baptism. I get so nervous and it was a disaster. When I got home we went to the climbing gym. Casey worked today and he worked until we went climbing. We went to formosa for dinner and the kids thought it was the best. The boys don't have school tomorrow but Ruth does. It should be a fun day off. Love you guys.
My day was good. Mom and dad came up to help with my physics lab. Dad figured out my problem pretty quick so that was nice. I got it all finished so that was nice. Then I did some other school stuff. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...