Friday, August 6, 2010
Well early this morning I had a photoshoot in provo. It was at the insane assylum. weird but it was really pretty there is like a castle area up there with a theater. we took "wedding" photos they were all models who were not getting married, but it was still fun. Then I worked at lagoon. I'm pretty tired. Tomorrow I am doing zombies for a parade in roy Then I work at lagoon at night. After work I will head to logan. I think I will drive home sunday night because I work monday morning. well I will see you all on sunday/ saturday night. drive safe :)
fun weekend
Rachel I didn't get your email today. It was so busy I never had a chance to write you and I never saw an email from you. Weird. We are for sure going to the Italian Place for lunch and then grandma wants to take us out for dinner for Gary's birthday. Robin is coming up Sunday so I thought we would open presents on Sunday lunch. That way we can all be there. Well have a safe trip. I am excited for you to come up.
I am not sure if you got me email today Mom, but we are planning on leaving here around 10:00 so we will be up there by 12:00 for lunch. I am up for anything for lunch but the Italian Place does sound good. Well Casey has tonight off and we are taking it easy. I hope that you make it safe Karen.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
So the photoshoot I had planned on sunday got canceled so I have the whole day free. I didn't know if I should come up or not now..... whatever is good with me. Well today I worked at xpose photography and then at lagoon. Tomorrow I am going to help a photographer with a photo shoot and then work at lagoon. its going to be a ruff day. :) i'll be strong... well not to much going on hope everyone is doing well. drive safe karen
Quiet night
It has been a quiet night tonight. I really needed one of those. We just watched a movie and I crocheted on the baby blanket. I really like doing that and the patterns are so cute. It is fun to do. Karen drive careful I am excited to have you home. I have been missing you. I am excited for the weekend. Robin I think Tuesday works out better for us to hang out with. Do you need me to bring you anything? Work was busy and I am behind as usual but I had fun with the kids today. Sometimes I need to just hang out with the kids. Well have a great friday. LOVE MOM
Well I am packed and ready to come up tomorrow. I hope that tomorrow at work goes fast. Fridays always seem to drag a bit. It did rain a little bit this afternoon. Just enough to mess up my windshield. Oh well such is life. I am excited to come see ya later. BYE
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
squirty blood
Well today I worked on a short film, it was just a day shoot so that is nice. Then I drove to kaysville to go to a meeting. There is another short being shot the end of the month and they need a SPFX artist for a day. I am going to do some tattoos and someone is going to die. guess I'm in the killing business :) anyway tomorrow I am going into x-pose and do some makeup and then I work at lagoon. No rest for the wicked. I'm glad that your open house went well mom and that the gift card worked. :)
love you
Birthday Present
Just a thanks to Robin I turned my Farmville points tonight and was able to expand my farm. YEAH. I have been wanting to do that. I still have some FV left. Oh what to buy?
One tired mom
The open house was OK. I was glad though we had it because it makes me keep things up. I am glad it is over however. We went to Chili's to eat and that was nice. It was really busy there. I am glad Rachel you took dad out to dinner thanks for taking care of him. He said he was feeling better. He is thinking about coming home with you Karen so I will keep you posted on that one. See how he is feeling and when he can come home. Well I am tired tonight so I am going to make it an early night. I have to go to work early to help with a cast.
Rainy Days
This weather is crazy, it was fun to see it rain and thunder. It was fun. Well I had a good day. We had a pot luck at work for someone's birthday. I scarfed down the sandwitch. Casey had to work tonight but Dad took us out to dinner to the bombay house and it was really good. It was fun to go to dinner with Dad and talk with him. I tried to get him excited for his Birthday present. Well I hope that everyone had a good night and the open house went good.
Well made it half way thru the week. I am sorry only one person come to the open house mom. It just takes a little time to sell houses nowadays. My day was pretty good. I needed paper for my printer so I had to go to Walmart. Always fun. Have a great Thursday tomorrow
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
So let it begin
Tomorrow is the open house and I think I am as ready as I am going to be. It isn't as good as I hoped but it looks good. I hope it goes well. Work was good today, I was on fire and got a lot done. It was nice. I like it when things click like that. Not too much else to report other than I am trucking along. I am excited for this weekend. It will fun to play a little bit. LOVE MOM
Well today was nice, I mostly did laundry. I had three loads. I didn't even know I had that many cloths. Well tomorrow i am helping on a short film it should be just a day thing so that will be nice. I'm glad your ac works mom, AC makes life so much better. Well I'm glad everyone is doing well. Have a great one
Take that Idaho
Well Idaho sent us a letter today and our tax situation is all fixed. They even owe us 70 dollars so we went to the Spaghetti Factory to celebrate. It was good. I was looking online today and Maroon 5 came is coming out with a new CD in September and I like the single they released. David Garrette has a new CD and I "got" it. I haven't spent much time looking at music lately and it was fun to see all the new stuff. Well good luck tomorrow Mom, I hope that the open house goes well.
Be excellent to each other
Well my day has been good. It was busy at work so it went by pretty quick. I am glad that your ac is working mom. I don't think that I could make it without mine. I hope that you enjoyed your day off Robin, I am jealous. I am still impressed that I washed my car last night and it still hasn't rained. Usually it rains right after I wash my car. I am excited to come up and see you also. Have a great one. BYE
Monday, August 2, 2010
That movie looks so funny. we should go see it. :) well today went well I worked at lagoon and then I had the night off. Me and dad went out for dinner and then we came home and watched netflix. I slept through most of it. I'm pretty beat. Tomorrow I have the day off wa hoo. I don't have anything to do, it will be really nice. well Have a great one
Dad will love that movie
That is a funny movie. Karen I am excited for you to come up this weekend. That will be fun. I have been working in the house tonight getting ready for the open house on Wednesday. The airconditioner is working so that is nice. I think I just cooked and it got to hot in the house. That will teach me to cook won't it. Not much else to report Dad made it safe and sound in SLC. LOVE MOM
Well I made it thru Monday. I will bring the dvd I got up if it comes in time. It should be here on the 5th. I am sorry that your AC is broke mom. I don't think that I could live without mine. Work was pretty good. It was a little slow but not too bad. I am excited to come up on Friday. I went and got my car washed after work so it will probably rain tonight. Robin I liked your photos, good job. Well I hope that everyone has a great week. I love ya
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Circus paint
Well today was my photoshoot for cirque I think it went well, We were rushed on time but I think we got everything. I took some pictures with my camera so you can kinda see but I will post the real pictures when I get them from the photographer. I am beat though it was a long day. Tomorrow I work at lagoon in the morning. I really like your quilt rachel. he will love to sleep and drool on it :) I'm sorry about your ward karen hopefully there will be some cool people. Well I better run, Sorry your air conditioning is broken mom guess you will have to have a lot of slurpee's to compensate ;)

love you
Forgot something
I forgot to tell you that Jeff caught a 7 1/2 pound 25 inches. He was so excited when he called mom. If we get a picture I'll post it.
Well today has been a good day two naps and I got the receiving blanket done for the baby. Rachel love the blanket and Robin love the hair piece. We tried to put up the hall closet doors but one of them has the wrong roller size on it. I will have to go to Lowes and get a new roller for it. The paint didn't go very well on the doors so I hope they look OK. Karen that is sad about your ward. You loved it. Now you will be back with 18 year olds. I was thinking about the videos you got for dad for his birthday and if you don't mind I think I will pay you for them and give them to him. I am going to buy him some more videos and he would like them. That way he will get more than one present. Do you want to come to Logan or SLC. Dad wanted to make plans for the weekend and I wasn't sure what they were. Our airconditioner isn't working and it is soooo hot in here. I hope I can figure out what is wrong with it soon.
The babies first blanket
Well I have been so worried about what quilts to make I decided to just jump in today. I used the dinosaur fabric we got at Walmart and some scraps of soft fabric I had. I think that it turned out really cute and I really like it. I did the mitered corner receiving blanket pattern and it was fun to do.

We went to church this morning and we have an interesting ward. They are a lot of people from all over the world and it seems like most are older. It was nice. Then Casey had to work and I watched some movies and sewed. It was really fun to work on a baby blanket and I am glad that I got the first one out of the way.

We went to church this morning and we have an interesting ward. They are a lot of people from all over the world and it seems like most are older. It was nice. Then Casey had to work and I watched some movies and sewed. It was really fun to work on a baby blanket and I am glad that I got the first one out of the way.
Well apparently they are re-organizing the singles wards. They are getting rid of college wards and making just single wards out of them. So now there are just going to be singles wards for 18-30 age people. So they are getting rid of my branch. The 22nd will be the last time my current branch meets together and then we are getting re-organized into a new one. Well other than that is has been a quiet day. I even got a nap. I hope that everyone had a great Sunday. Love ya
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...