Thursday, September 11, 2014
Happy Birthday
Dad's jeep is still in the shop. It might be done tomorrow morning. So I am going to take him to get it in the morning and then go up to Karen's. If it isn't done then I am going to Karen's and Dave will take him down to the shop when it gets done. If it doesn't get done tomorrow than I thought maybe Robin or Rachel could pick him up. So many options. I am excited to have a day off and play. Rachel and Robin drive safe. If you need any thing just give us a call. I am so sorry about Casey's windshield. That sucks. I love your pictures of hiking in the mountains. It looked like everyone had a really good time. Have a great Friday. LOVE MOM
Happy Birthday Eve
This morning started off bad. Casey's Dad came over to help Casey put the windshield in and they almost had it sealed and it cracked down the middle. It was really sad. They found a place that could order it so they are going to install it on Wednesday. After lunch we went on a hike in the canyon and it was so much fun. I wanted to get some fall leafs and we got a couple good ones. Isaac wasn't that interested in finding them he just liked being in the mountains. That took all afternoon, we came home and had dinner. Oliver fell asleep when we got home and took a three hour nap so he didn't go to bed until Isaac did. I just put them to bed together. Casey has to go back to work tomorrow and we will miss him. It has been really fun having him home. We will see everyone tomorrow. I wrapped up Karen's present and Isaac is super excited for your Birthday. Oh I may be crazy but I had this idea to make Kleenex holders for everyone for Christmas. I attached a picture of them. Their is enough for everyone so if you want them take them.
I will come up tomorrow after work if that is ok. Happy birthday eve Karen. Today was good. Work went by fast. We are working on spring 15 so things are getting busy. Walter is doing good after his procedure. He said he is feeling loopy. I don't know if he will remember me calling I'm not sure how long the drugs last. Well not to much else with me have a good one
Birthday Eve
Well my day has been good. It has been chilly here the past couple of day. I have almost had to turn on my heat. It is suppose to get warmer on Saturday though. Robin I have started watching criminal minds. I am liking it. I hope everyone has a great Friday (and my birthday) tomorrow. Drive careful Rachel. I am excited to see everyone. Bye
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Oliver is doing better. He had a fever early this morning but when he woke up it had broken and he was a lot better today. I think he is over the worst of it. I think that Isaac may be coming down with it or the apple he ate today was bothering him. He feel well at bed time. Today felt busy. Casey's windshield was delivered by a big semi truck. It is really hard to put on though. He worked on it a lot but it is difficult to put in. Isaac had preschool and had a fun time. The practiced the letter A so when he was home he wanted to make a Christmas decoration because the Kleenexes came and I said that they were for Christmas, so we made "A" Christmas decoration. It is cute, I attached a picture. Casey's crown fell off and he had an appointment at 2 to get it fixed. We only have one car so I drove him out and I had to go back to pick up Isaac so he rode his bike back. They were able to glue it back on so it wasn't too bad. I also made zucchini bread, I double the recipe so I have four loafs. It tastes pretty good but that could be the chocolate chips I added. That always helps. :)
I had a nice time with Kay and Julie at the fair we saw it all. It was so pretty outside, I hated to leave. We all drove trax and that was fun. I just thought you would like to know Rachel your quilts are 100 times better than what was there. Robin that sounds fun to come up and spend the night. I am so sorry that Walter isn't feeling well. I hope he is OK. Rachel, I hope that Oliver is feeling better. He is just to cute to be sick. Dad's jeep is still in the shop. They had welded the pipes from the transmission to the radiator so they couldn't get them off. All I can say is Pep Boys is on my black list. Work was good. It went by fast. I am glad tomorrow is my Friday. Enjoy the weather. LOVE MOM
Robin I am good with anything also. Rachel and crew, and mom and dad are coming up Friday night. I think we should try a hike on Saturday. My day has been good. I am glad that the week is on the downhill side. I hope that you had a fun time at the fair mom. I also hope that Oliver is feeling better. Have a great Thursday tomorrow everyone.
Whatever works
I am good with whatever. I went out with Walter today. He said his stomach is still upset. They are doing a colonoscopy tomorrow. So he's not going to make it this weekend. Sorry. But I'm free to move around. Are you guys going up Friday night ??? I can come up after work and stay Saturday. Whatever works best. I might just spend one night though if that is ok. Well that's about it for me. My back is sore from carrying my makeup all over the place. Have a good night
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Poor Oliver
Sorry about your jeep Mom, that sucks. I am glad that they are going to fix it for you. Nice bag Robin, that is fun. Poor Oliver wasn't feeling good today and had a fever. He ate well and just slept a lot. I took him to story time before I realized how sick he was and I feel bad. He did a good job though and it was fun to go. I sewed with Jenn and Casey took the boys to the mall and that is when he started to have a fever. After they got home Oliver fell asleep and Casey and Isaac were playing so I canned some more tomatoes. I did another 5 quarts so that makes 10 total. I think I might get another 5 done. Isaac fell asleep and Casey went to scouts so after Oliver went to bed I was able to sew for a while. I was able to get about half of the Kleenex holders done and they are cute. We are putting Isaac to bed late since he took a late nap. I hope that he sleeps in tomorrow.
Fair time
Julie wants to go to the fair for her birthday so me and Kay are taking her tomorrow after work. We are all going to drive trax to the fairgrounds. I know we are wild and crazy old people. It should be an adventure for sure. Dad's jeep was leaking fluid again so we took it to that mechanic we liked and the radiator is cracked. He said they didn't put it in right so he is going to fix it up for us. It also needs new brakes on the back. I think we live under a bad moon sometimes. Oh well life will go on. I think we should sue Pep Boys but I don't know if I have the strength.
That is neat that you got a free bag Robin. I love free stuff. It really rained here today. I sure have enjoyed the rain. It said on the weather tonight that New Harmony got 2 1/2 inches of rain today. I thought you would like that piece of information Karen. I bought stuff to make birthday cupcakes at Karen's house. I thought Isaac would like that. Have a great hump day. I am looking forward to playing this weekend. Robin did you decide yet when you are coming up? We will be there all weekend so anytime will work. LOVE MOM
That is neat that you got a free bag Robin. I love free stuff. It really rained here today. I sure have enjoyed the rain. It said on the weather tonight that New Harmony got 2 1/2 inches of rain today. I thought you would like that piece of information Karen. I bought stuff to make birthday cupcakes at Karen's house. I thought Isaac would like that. Have a great hump day. I am looking forward to playing this weekend. Robin did you decide yet when you are coming up? We will be there all weekend so anytime will work. LOVE MOM
Today was good. It was cool to watch the storm come through in the office windows it was hailing and lighting. They gave us free bags at work. I thought that was fun. Then I had a makeup gig tonight it went well it was with the vodoo darlings. now I am beat. Well have a good night
Well my day has been good. It rained here most of the morning but it stopped in the afternoon. I kept hoping that it would keep raining but no such luck. Work did go by fast. I hope that the fixing of the jeep wasn't too traumatic, mom. Hopefully it won't take too long to fix. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Monday, September 8, 2014
Work was really busy today but I got a lot done. I hope I can keep up that pace tomorrow. Dad picked me up in a rainstorm and we decided to go to Yellow Fin for our anniversary. It was really good. As we were driving it was a river running down the street. I took some pictures. The water is up over the curb and running down the sidewalk. I also took a picture of my office the other day and thought you would like to see it. We did have a nice time walking around Borders. Pete the cat has a whole series of books. I hope Oliver gets feeling better. Robin that is neat you got some many jobs. Wow. Karen I am excited to come up for your birthday. We are taking dad's car in tomorrow to get it looked at. The radiator is leaking again. Have a wonderful day tomorrow. LOVE MOM
Today was good. I didn't have to work late so it was nice to leave at 4. Work is going well, it keeps me busy. I have a makeup gig tomorrow so that will be fun. I am going to do techno makeup so I tried to make some stencils hopeful they look cool. It will be fun to do makeup again, well not to much else going on with me, have a good Tuesday, happy anniversary mom and dad
Happy Anniversary
Karen we will be their Friday evening then, thanks. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad, congratulations. I hope that you had a good day. We had a good day. Casey didn't have to work and it was nice to see him. I feel like we haven't gotten to see him in a while. He mowed the lawn and it looks good. Isaac had preschool today and his teacher said he is doing good. He is a watcher and is learning how to play with others. I was talking to his teacher and Isaac said "Don't you have to go to your class", basically go away. He really wanted bread sticks afterwards since I got them for him the first day so we did that. I may be buying bread sticks after school each time. He didn't say much about what they did today. It is hard getting much information out of him. It was raining this evening and it was really pleasant. Oliver seemed like he didn't feel great today, I am not sure what was going on with him. I hope he feels better tomorrow.
Rachel I am good with you guys coming down Friday night. That will be fun. My Monday was good. Work was a little slow but not too bad. Melody at work made some cakes for a wedding last Saturday and she ended up with an extra one so she brought it into work for everyone today. It was delicious. It has been rainy here most of the day. I love rain there was even some thunder. Well I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Tired Boys
Mom, the clothes you got fit great. The 4t pants fit Isaac good. They are a little big around the waist but the length is good. Oliver's pajamas are cute and are a little big which is great so he has room to grow. Thanks. Today was good. Oliver slept in the morning and Isaac was kind of grumpy so we skipped sacrament and built all the legos. Isaac loved it and it put him in a good mood. We made it to church and my lesson went good and Oliver was good. Isaac did really good in sunbeams also. After church we meet Casey for an promptitude lunch that was fun. We just played the rest of the day. Calleen gave us some corn so we had corn and potatoes for dinner, it tasted good. I would like to come to Kamas Friday Karen if that is alright around dinner time. I thought that would be fun. Isaac woke up this morning and was ready to go to Aunt Karen's house and give you your present. I think that is why he was grumpy because I said we couldn't go today.
So quiet
Today was a quiet day. We went and got Grandma for breakfast. She didn't want to do much so we just came home. The jeep is leaking radiator fluid again. We are going to take it in and get it checked out. We drove over to Murray park this evening and walked for a few minutes. It was then we decided there was something really wrong with the fluid leaking. It probably just is a hose. Robin, I am so glad you got to do a photo shoot with Joe. That is always a lot of fun for you. I hope Walter gets feeling better soon. Karen, I am glad you had a quiet day. You need to rest up for your birthday weekend. Have a great week. I am excited I only have to work 4 days. LOVE MOM
Well I had a quiet day. I don't have much to report so this will be kind of short. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye
Today was good joe ask me to do makeup so that was fun. It was good to get back into it. Yesterday Walter was till under the weather so I figured I would take myself out and have fun. I went and got my hair cut. Nothing crazy just trimmed and refreshed my layers. Then I went to gordmans and spent my 10 dollar reward points. I got some jeans. Then I wanted to try swigs so I went to bountiful and tried it. Smart cookies are way better then swig cookies, but it was a cute place. It's been nice to relax and just go at my own pace. Well not to much else with me. Have a good one
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...