Thursday, March 24, 2016

Mega Bucks

Robin, I hope you win mega bucks.  That would be fun.  I saw on Pintrest that if you rub vicks on your feet and put socks on you won't cough.  I tried it and it has really helped.  Dad does it every night.  He says it just makes him feel better.  I worked really late tonight and then we went grocery shopping.  I am so excited for the weekend.  I am ready to play.  I have the play and pack ready to go also.  I just need to pack up our clothes and PJ's and we are ready to go.  Everyone be safe.  LOVE MOM


Today was good we all have friday off for Easter so they let us go early today. We decided that since no one else in the world has friday off we are going to wendover. It should be fun. Walters mad because I'm coughing up a lung but I told him who needs lungs in wendover. Lol but I'm just resting tonight trying just stay ahead of the cold i have. Everyone travel safe this weekend.


Easter Fun

Today was good.  Isaac had school and they did an easter egg hunt and he had a fun time.  While he was gone I needed more interfacing so we went to the hobby lobby and got that.  Then it is one of my visiting teaching ladies birthday so we went over and brought her balloons.  My companion is on top of things.  I had a doctors appointment today to check my birth control, it is just standard check and now I don't have to go back for two years.  We are going to leave when Casey gets home from work around 3 or 3:30.  Casey is also going to take Monday off so that will be fun.  Everyone get some sleep because you may not the rest of the weekend, just kidding.



Well my day was good. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am excited to play. It is suppose to snow tomorrow so everyone drive safe. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

And I was out

Sorry I didn't blog last night.  I laid down for one minute and that was all it took.  I am glad that everyone had a good day.  I love the pictures Rachel.  I am going to start packing up for North Canyon tonight so we can leave from work.  I am excited to play.  I figure if I miss anything we will be down here on Saturday so I can pick stuff up.  Have a great Thursday.  There is a bad cold going around Robin.  I am glad you got some rest.  Are you still going to Wendover on Friday?  LOVE MOM

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Down day

Work was good nothing to crazy. I think I'm getting a cold I am starting to get a raspy cough. I didn't have to work at scheels so walter came over and I made bbq chicken. I didn't do anything else tonight I am tired so I am just resting. Have a good


Minky Mess

Today was good.  It was snowy this morning but by the time we dropped Isaac off at school it had warmed up a bit and we went on a walk.  By the time I fed Ruthie and went on a walk it was time to pick up Isaac so it went fast.  When Casey got home him and Isaac went and looked at another car dealership.  Ruthie and Oliver were asleep so I work on the back for those quilt.  I was cutting out minky and it went everywhere.  When Oliver got up he keep saying what a mess it was in their.  Casey made carne asada for dinner and it was really good, he is a good cook.  Isaac took all his covers off his bed and the boys were sitting on them on the bean bags so I turned on a move on my phone and they watched it in the pillow and blankets.  I think they were kind of tired.  Well Isaac is excited to go to North Canyon (Karen's house)  Thanks for having us.



Well the week is officially half over. Things are going good here. At least the furniture movers weren't there today so it wasn't freezing in my office.  I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Well just before lunch at work they started moving the new office furniture into the building. So it was 52 by my desk when I got back from lunch. I decided that was too cold to work in so I took the afternoon off. It was nice. I cleaned my house a bit, so it won't look scary when everyone comes up this weekend. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye

Photo shoot

It was cold and snowy here today so we didn't play outside.  We went grocery shopping this morning and then after lunch I sewed with Jenn.  It was fun and the kids did pretty well.  When Casey got home we did the photo shoot for Ruthie's blessing dress.  Do you guys like the white background?  If not we can do it again.  After dinner we just watched shows downstairs.  It was a good day.  Karen, thanks for calling it was good to talk to you.  I am excited for this weekend, it will be fun.  PS Oliver doesn't like his picture taken so he is not in any photos.


No camping here

It snowed most of the day here.  No camping this week.  Those were funny Robin.  I am sorry I missed all the texting but I did read them all and I love the plan.  We do have to go to the Easter Egg hunt at Kays at 1:00 on Saturday.  Robin we can hang out then.  Not much going on with me.  We are almost done with our puzzle we started on Sunday.  Karen did you enjoy your afternoon off?  Have a great Hump Day.  I am excited for this weekend.  LOVE MOM


Today was ok. I was training for most the day. The I am working at scheels. I luckily have tomorrow night off. I am going to just relax a bit. I am down for sunday I was going to leave around 4 for Walters family dinner. I work Saturday night but I'm free in the day. Have a good one


Monday, March 21, 2016

Just keep swimming

Today was good. A new guy started in our department so everyone was high energy. I worked at scheels so my day was pretty chill. Nothing to exciting. I am not sure if I blogged or not but I got my sewing machine back. I haven't had time to sew but patience makes the heart grow fonder. Well not much else with me. Have a good night


Excited for weekend

Well, I have to admit that I am ready for a weekend.  Oh right it is only Monday.  I can do it.  I worked late tonight and then went to the store.  I got some things for this weekend and some easter stuff for the kids.  Other than that it has been a quiet evening.  I did do dishes and scrubbed my kitchen floor.  I know that sounds like a lot but my kitchen isn't that big.  I am glad that Isaac had a good day being a super star and his carrots were a hit.  Have a nice Tuesday.  LOVE MOM

Super Star

Isaac was super star at school today and had a good time.  He learned about spring, chicks and rabbits so he ate his carrots like rabbits.  He must of been comparing things at school because when he go home he was finding similarities and differences in everything for an hour.  Casey finished putting the planters all together and they look really good.  The boys played outside most of the afternoon while he worked on that.  After dinner we went and looked at some jeeps and then used the rest of the gift card Karen got us and got some Ice cream, thank Karen.  I need to work on the backs for those bear river quilts and just get them done and out of the sewing room.  Everyone have a good night and thanks for everything.



Well we made it thru Monday. My day was good. Work is moving along. Nothing to wild and crazy happening. It is suppose to snow tomorrow. I am so ready for it to stop snowing and be spring already. Well I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Quiet day

WE had a quiet day.  We just laid around and put a puzzle together.  It was nice.  Thanks Karen for getting us all organized.  I am excited to come up and play.  Not much else going on with us.  We went to Liberty Park to walk around and it was a mess.  There were cars every where.  They were even parked on the other side of the road up on the curb.  We didn't even try to go in.  We decided to go to Trolley Square and walk around.  It was quiet there and we stretched out legs.  It was probably better for dad's allergies.  LOVE MOM


Thanks for the fun time yesterday.  It was a really fun time.  I forgot to say I finished Oliver's quilt and he likes it.  Isaac has been getting his out and we have been laying with them.  Today was good.  We stayed in our pajamas and watched shows this morning which was nice. This morning I put Ruthie in a knit dress and she was just sweating so I put her in the new spring outfit you got her Mom and she liked it a lot better.  Casey made chicken enchiladas for lunch and they were really good.  While Oliver napped Casey finished putting the bleeding hearts bed back together and I got the raspberries and some of the blackberries done.   When Oliver woke up we went on a hike with Randy and Terry up on the river walk.  It was fun and the weather was really nice.  The boys are a lot stronger than last year and we made it to the center pretty fast.  Ruth slept most of the time and did good.  Thanks for having us for Easter Karen, it will be fun.  Robin, how was your trip?  Did you do anything fun in Chicago?




Well my day has been good. I got the hamburger browned. I also got 5 dozen eggs hard boiled so we should be good to dye eggs. I had a fun time yesterday. It was fun to hang out. I hope everyone had a great Sunday. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...