Friday, May 15, 2009


Well I am glad that it is Friday also. I had plans to clean my carpets this weekend. So after work today I clenaed up and vaccumed and then I went to Walmart to get a rug doctor and they don't rent them any more. It is a little dispointing. I guess I will just have to goof off in stead. It was hot and humid down here today. I nearly melted. Well I hope that everyons has a great weekend. Love ya


I am so glad it is the weekend and a long one for me. Monday I have off for victoria day. Well pizza was fun last night we stayed out way to late though, I was so tired today but I made it through. :) Its amazing how big the city is. I took the subway and it was a 20 minute ride could you imagine the walk. its a huge town. Well i have nothing huge planned for the weekend. I need to practice my french braiding and do laundry. But it will be fun to chill and relax. I probably won't write for the weekend since it will be boring but if something comes up i'll post it. I hope everyone has a great weekend and have fun! 

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Powdered Milk

I went to enrichment tonight and it was really fun. I went early to help set up and I stayed a little late to clean up. They did a really good job. They demosrated recipes that you can make with powdered milk and then they had premade samples that they passed out as the demostrated them. They showed us how to make yogurt, and with homemade yogurt you can do alot. You can made sourcream and cream cheese that are low fat and heathly for you. They gave us some samples and it tasted really good. I never thought of doing that before.

Here is a reciepe for " Cream of Something Soup".
2 cups dry powdered milk
3/4 cup cornstarch
1/4 cup chicken bouillon granules
2 tablespoons dry onion flakes
1 teaspoon each basil and garilc powder
1/2 teaspoon pepper

You made this powder up and then when you want to use cream of chicken, cream of mushroom or cream of celery you mix 1/3 cup of this mix and 1-1/4 cups of cool water and bring to a boil. Then you can use it in any reciepe calling for a can of cream soup. Then it is low fat also. She just kept it in a jar and when she needed it she pulls it out.

They also made Frosties. I think that I forwarded the email with the reciepe for that, if not I can do it again. They had that sample and it was really good. Well I am glad that everyone is doing good.

I worked out in the front yard tonight. I got some merrigolds and planted a few in the planters. I still have a ton of weeds but I figure I'll just keep battling them. I was going to round up and it started to rain a bit and that is diffently not the time to round up. You need it dry for a couple of days afterwards. It was a slow day today at work. Boy it does make the day longer. I felt for Karen on that one. I am excited for Rachel to come over to tomorrow while she waits for Casey to take her to a movie. Have a great Friday

Robin I hope that you had a good time getting pizza and that you didn't get lost on the long road. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I could use a weekend. It is really windy down here right now. Rachel for your camp activity what if you did a compass thing. Where you gave them instructions with a heading and how many steps to take and things like that. Like a treasure map. then you could show them how to use a compass then send then out. Last night I went to a Relief Society activity and learned how to can bread in a jar for food storage. It was pretty neat. Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday.


Well today the prosthetic people were doing there photo shoots so everyone was in there outfits and monster faces. This one girl did a fish thing it was pretty cool. Its fun to go to lunch and people are sitting in the hallway eating with burns and lesions on there face laughing. Its kinda fun. Well we learned how to do french braids and lets just say all weekend I'm going to be doing braids. I suck. Well I was talking to some of the girls in my class and they have cars and were saying that parking is 130 a month were they are living. I am so glad that I don't have a car. I would suck me dry of money. Well there are some girls going out for pizza tonight so I'm going to go with them. I think it will be fun, i hope I don't get lost though. they are on Younge street and we all know that is the longest street in the world. So hopefully i can narrow it down. :) well I hope everyone is doing well. Have a great day. :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hump Day

Well I had an OK day. I was supposed to sew with Mom tonight with our new fabric but instead I had to tour the camp site. It would of been funner to sew. It was a pretty cabin and really big, it is a pretty area. He said that he is pretty much booked through out the summer with girls camps and family reunions. It is 200 a night which I didn't think was that bad, it is just like a hotel room. Work was busy today and it went pretty fast. They are moving the row behind me at work and I am pretty excited about that because people drive me crazy. Well it is Wednesday and that means almost the weekend :)
I have an idea for decorations. Get gloves and blow them up and decorate them. You could even make them famous doctor's and nurses' on TV. You can also make water ballons out of them. That is always fun. Tongue Depressors (wooden sticks) and cotton balls are always fun and you do make stick people out of them or mobiles. They are cheap and easy. If we could get some shots without needles you can do all sorts of things with those. I wonder if Cache Valley Oxygen would have some. You could make weird candy and put them in it. Coban is expensive but it sticks on itself and that is always fun to play with. I will come up with more ideas. I am glad it is warm in Canada. It was beautiful here today. I hope Robin gets to work on a movie and we get to go visit her. That would be way cool to see a movie set. I went and babysat tonight for the parents with children with special needs. I thought I could help out. It was fun. I knew everyone there. There weren't very many kids. Love you guys MOM
Well things are good in St. George. It was cooler today than it has been so it was really nice to be outside. It was only 86 today. Tomorrow is suppose to be back up into the 90's. Good luck with camp Rachel. Do they have to do doctor related related...or will any activities do? I am getting really excited to go to the Grand Canyon. I hope that the weather is good when we go. Well I can't think of anything else to report so I will let you go. Take it easy. Love ya BYE


Well it was sunny up here to day it was nice its usually cold. I didn't have to wear my coat. Well karen was right it is a bun cage thingy, it was a strange assignment. Today we were working on hair and our teacher put in chicago the movie. she did hair for it. She said that about average you make 4-6 thousand a week on a film. and they usually run around 4 months. Not to bad. well I can't think of any crafts for camp week for rachel. I will try to come up with some ideas. the only thing I could think of for doctor ideas was beating everyone up. I have some fake blood in the down stairs basement if you need it. :) Loves


Girls Camp

Last night I had a meeting on Girls camp since I am the camp assistant. Camp is going to be June 2,3, and 4. It is a ward camp. If any one has any ideas please let me know. I need to think of a craft and some doctor themed decorations. I think that this will be a good calling. Tonight we are going to go and look at the cabin. It is in oxford, someone in our ward owns a huge cabin up in the canyon. It is only 3 miles from our house so I will not be too far away. I will try to take a picture of it tonight to show you. I am going to miss Lost tonight and I missed it last week. I will have to get online and watch them. I tried looking Cage up on the internet but I couldn't find anything. Good luck Robin, I don't know what it is. Have a good day. :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It has been a good night here. I got all the apricot branches off the back yard and just as I finished Jared came and mowed the lawn. It looks really nice. I hired Joseph 3 hours a week to help me in the yard and in the house. He is going to start in the front yard and make it pretty. It looks really bad right now. I also swept in the garage and moved things around. They wanted Rachel's old bike so that gave me some more room in there. With dad parking his jeep in there it is a little crowded. LOVE MOM


My day was good. I am getting caught up on the the stuff that was on my desk from missing Friday. I figure I will be bored again tomorrow sometime. I have offically done 500 ECO at work though. It is getting hot down here. The high today was 96 and on MOnday it is suppose to get up to 100. I may need to learn the perfect ponytail to keep cool. Well I can't make this blog too long I have to do and finish up some prints for dad and Jed. They have started calling so I better get going on it. Well good luck with your up do and I am sure that it will be fablous. Robin that only thing I could find on the internet about cages and hair is a bun cage. One of those hair thingys that go over the hair to hold it in place. DOn't know if that helps, but there you go. I also didn't know that Nic Cage had such bad hair. WHo knew. Well I love ya guys BYE


Well my bed sucks. The mattress sucks it has no cushion, so its like sleeping on a wood bar, so I went out today after school and bought a foam thing its already a million times better. I'm excited to sleep tonight. Well Monday is victoria day up here so we have the day off of school. I am going to take my mannequin head home and practice. We have a timed test on tuesday so it will be nice to practice. We have to do an up do in 5 minutes. Everyone at school says that film is the hardest course i guess its really demanding and there is alot of information. that class isn't for a while but i might be sputtering sentence fragments at the end of it. I have this assignment were we have to find out definitions for hair terms like Trichoptilosis is a overrated word for a split end. but every word has to relate to hair and one word is cage. I have no idea how that relates to hair. I asked the teacher and she said that out there some where there is a term for hair. Me and this other guy could only find nicolas cage and his bad hair do's. I might end up putting that in once i reach the point of frustration. I think its odd but whatever. well i better go I have to figure out how cage relates to hair. exciting night i know. Have a great one 

Monday, May 11, 2009

I am glad Robin's first day at school was good. It will make the time go by really fast. I love the pictures Rachel has posted. I need to learn how to do that. Not much going on here. Dad and I went to Walmarts and bought food for his apartment. Tomorrow Jen and Joseph are coming over so I can show them what I want them to do when he comes to work for a couple hours a week. I am hoping I can get the deck painted and the house organized. I know I have high hopes of getting a lot done. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM

Twin Lakes

Yesterday me and Casey rode our bikes out to the Twin Lakes and it was a beautiful bike ride. It was fairly flat and only one hill and it isn't that far from where we live. Here is a picture of one of the lakes.

hair the do

Today was my first day of school. I think I'm going to have a great time. I usually dread first day you will never get anywhere first day but everyone was really up beat. I start out with a 3 week course in hair. We had to make the perfect pony tail. let me tell you its harder then it looks. You can't have any bumps in the hair and it has to sit on the crown of your head. its an angle from the ear. I guess it makes for elegant up do's cause it enhances the angle of the face. We only had a few hours cause it took us all day to make sure we had everything in our kit. that took forever. But we learned a updo that takes five minutes from beginning to end. Its really pretty and pretty simple in a way. once you conquer the "perfect ponytail." the teacher takes the mannequin head and shakes it and the up do has to stay in place. I passed one but the others were like a massacre. But if you get a car wreck your hair will look fabulous. :) We have a test at the end of the three weeks and we have to pass her standards. She's really nice but she's not an easy grader, if she doesn't like it you have to practice again and again. Its good to get all the experience. One day I will a up do fool. Well they decided to rip up the road right next to my room. I didn't notice till I got home from school. Its really loud. Luckily I will be in school most of the so I don't think I will notice much. :) Well I'm glad Karen made it home safe and that everyone had fun in SLC. better go eat dinner. Loves


Sunday, May 10, 2009

We're Home

We made it back to Logan. What a fun weekend. It was fun to have Karen with us and to go to the quilt store. I love skype. That will be so much fun to see and talk with each other. I love the bags you made. Boy did Rachel have a busy weekend. I need one of those for my yard. Karen made it back to St. George safe and sound. We went to the spagetti factory for dinner for mother's day and I thought it would be packed but it wasn't very busy. Karen won the 50 cc on Mario Cart so she gave us a whole bunch of new things. I just played on my computer. It is nice to be downstairs and write emails. Good luck Robin on your first day of school. How exciting. LOVE MOM

Sewing and Yard Work

You already know all my stuff but I thought that I would post some pictures. Yesterday Casey had bike class so I did some sewing and them yard work. I first made a travel case for me and Mom from a pattern that Mom got me at the quilt show.

They were fun to make and they turned out really good.

Next I mowed the lawn, which went a lot better this time. Here are some pictures on how wonderful it looks.

Then I worked on cleaning up the sticks from the apple trees. It was a lot of work. Then when Casey got home we went to Preston for dinner. Then we came back and worked on the branches some more. It is not cleaned up yet but it is realy close.

I was really fun talking on Skype with everyone. We will have to do that often. :) Happy Mothers Day.




 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...