Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I have an idea for decorations. Get gloves and blow them up and decorate them. You could even make them famous doctor's and nurses' on TV. You can also make water ballons out of them. That is always fun. Tongue Depressors (wooden sticks) and cotton balls are always fun and you do make stick people out of them or mobiles. They are cheap and easy. If we could get some shots without needles you can do all sorts of things with those. I wonder if Cache Valley Oxygen would have some. You could make weird candy and put them in it. Coban is expensive but it sticks on itself and that is always fun to play with. I will come up with more ideas. I am glad it is warm in Canada. It was beautiful here today. I hope Robin gets to work on a movie and we get to go visit her. That would be way cool to see a movie set. I went and babysat tonight for the parents with children with special needs. I thought I could help out. It was fun. I knew everyone there. There weren't very many kids. Love you guys MOM

1 comment:

  1. Mom, that is a really good idea. I didn't even thing about gloves. I have to make awards to give out to the girls. Mabye we could make them together.



 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...