Thursday, May 14, 2009

Powdered Milk

I went to enrichment tonight and it was really fun. I went early to help set up and I stayed a little late to clean up. They did a really good job. They demosrated recipes that you can make with powdered milk and then they had premade samples that they passed out as the demostrated them. They showed us how to make yogurt, and with homemade yogurt you can do alot. You can made sourcream and cream cheese that are low fat and heathly for you. They gave us some samples and it tasted really good. I never thought of doing that before.

Here is a reciepe for " Cream of Something Soup".
2 cups dry powdered milk
3/4 cup cornstarch
1/4 cup chicken bouillon granules
2 tablespoons dry onion flakes
1 teaspoon each basil and garilc powder
1/2 teaspoon pepper

You made this powder up and then when you want to use cream of chicken, cream of mushroom or cream of celery you mix 1/3 cup of this mix and 1-1/4 cups of cool water and bring to a boil. Then you can use it in any reciepe calling for a can of cream soup. Then it is low fat also. She just kept it in a jar and when she needed it she pulls it out.

They also made Frosties. I think that I forwarded the email with the reciepe for that, if not I can do it again. They had that sample and it was really good. Well I am glad that everyone is doing good.


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