Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Well my bed sucks. The mattress sucks it has no cushion, so its like sleeping on a wood bar, so I went out today after school and bought a foam thing its already a million times better. I'm excited to sleep tonight. Well Monday is victoria day up here so we have the day off of school. I am going to take my mannequin head home and practice. We have a timed test on tuesday so it will be nice to practice. We have to do an up do in 5 minutes. Everyone at school says that film is the hardest course i guess its really demanding and there is alot of information. that class isn't for a while but i might be sputtering sentence fragments at the end of it. I have this assignment were we have to find out definitions for hair terms like Trichoptilosis is a overrated word for a split end. but every word has to relate to hair and one word is cage. I have no idea how that relates to hair. I asked the teacher and she said that out there some where there is a term for hair. Me and this other guy could only find nicolas cage and his bad hair do's. I might end up putting that in once i reach the point of frustration. I think its odd but whatever. well i better go I have to figure out how cage relates to hair. exciting night i know. Have a great one 

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