Tuesday, May 12, 2009


My day was good. I am getting caught up on the the stuff that was on my desk from missing Friday. I figure I will be bored again tomorrow sometime. I have offically done 500 ECO at work though. It is getting hot down here. The high today was 96 and on MOnday it is suppose to get up to 100. I may need to learn the perfect ponytail to keep cool. Well I can't make this blog too long I have to do and finish up some prints for dad and Jed. They have started calling so I better get going on it. Well good luck with your up do and I am sure that it will be fablous. Robin that only thing I could find on the internet about cages and hair is a bun cage. One of those hair thingys that go over the hair to hold it in place. DOn't know if that helps, but there you go. I also didn't know that Nic Cage had such bad hair. WHo knew. Well I love ya guys BYE

1 comment:


 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...