Saturday, May 14, 2011

the sunsets on the street

ITS OVER!! tonight was closing night Yeah It went well I am certianly excited that it is over. Now lagoon starts on monday and that is a whole other bottle of wax. well not to much going on I am tired and going to head for bed



I also was having problems with the blogger letting me blog and I was tired last night so I didn't get to it. We had a good day. Me, Mom and Isaac got a lot of shopping done and it was fun to get out. We also did a little bit of yard work, it is looking really good out there. After everyone left Casey wanted some ice cream so we called his Dad and meet them. It was nice. We are both tired and are going to go to bed as soon as Isaac falls asleep, it will be really nice. Thanks for the nice day.:)


Well I haven't had a real exciting day but I did get all of my errands done so that was nice. I did not get a nap today though. I wish I did get one though. I went this morning and got my blood test done for my doctor appointment. Well I hope that everyone had a great Saturday. BYE

Friday, May 13, 2011


Sorry I haven't blogged in forever. But its not really my fault the blogger wouldn't work so that is why I have not written. Nothing to crazy has changed thought just work work work. I did a zombie shoot today and then I ran to pioneer. I am pretty beat but I guess that is life. well not to much else happening have a great night



Well I did try to blog last night but it wouldn't let me on. My day was good. I got al ot done at work. There were alot of people gone today. It is suppose to be a really nice nice weekend. SO most people went out camping and the like. That makes it easy to get things done when no one is there. I am going to go and get my blood work done tomorrow. I hope that everyone has a good time in Logan. Robin I hope that you are hanging in there working 3 jobs. That makes me tired just thinking about it. Well I hope that everyone has a great weekend. BYE

Off to Logan

We are off to Logan. I think, I had a nice day at work and now we are off to see Isaac roll and roll. WE will be back on Saturday. It is so pretty outside. Nice day

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

half way there

Well I got all my laundry done and even washed the sheets on the bed. I have a ton of ironing to do but hopefully I can get to some of that soon. I am so glad you are playing your piano Rachel you are so gifted. We can look at the stand on saturday and see if we can fix it. If not they sell them. I am sure with a little duct tape and elmers glue it will be good as new. Well not much else goin on with us. I think tomorrow I am going to take Grandma out to see Kyle and Julie we haven't been out there since Easter. Have a great day.



Well I had a good day. I stayed busy at work and that was nice. Then after work my visiting teachers came over. I have a puzzle on my table that I am working on and they both like puzzles so we sat around my table and worked on my puzzle while we talked. It was fun. Then I work on Jed's thing and I think that I got it done the way they want so that was a good thing. I had to break down and call Neil to explain to me what he wanted on the last comment, but it worked out cause now I am sure that I did it right. I am glad that you are playing the piano again Rachel you are really good at it. Well I hope that everyone has a great rest of the week. BYE

The Casio is amazing

I had a good day. I finished unpacking the sewing room and it is nice. The weather was better so we went on a walk and that felt really nice. I started to play the piano but it was so out of tune I decided to play the Casio. I accidentally broken the stand I think so I put it on the rocking chair, but it was really fun to play. Isaac was good to sit on my lap while I did it. It is really fun because their are all these accompanists on it and it is fun to play with. It helps me keep in the correct rhythm. I am going to start practicing again, it will be fun. Well that is my exciting life. I hope that everyone is doing well.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

roll to the beat

That is awesome that isaac learned to roll. I have the smartest nephew ever. Today went well. I am uber tired but I think i'll pull through. I worked at zions and then pioneer. The show ends on saturday, I'm pretty excited. I am hoping for nicer weather it makes going to work more worth it. Then I know I can spend my money on summer festivities. :) well I am going to head for bed

love you

He's getting it

Isaac rolled three times in a rows and rolled off his blanket. Here is a picture but it is kind of blurry. I need to get better at photography.

We had alright day. I am missing the warm weather and being able to be outside. I did get some more boxes unpacked so I think that I got all the boxes in the garage done. I just need to finish the sewing room. Casey came home tonight which is nice. I don't have much else going on, just pray for good weather. :)


Well it was really windy here today. It is suppose to be nicer tomorrow though. My allergies have been crazy today because of the wind. I heard the Isaac is mobile.There is now a rolly polly in the family. It won't be long before he is crawling. I hope that Grandma's doctors appointment went well. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. love ya BYE

Monday, May 9, 2011

late night early morning

Well today was good mostly work stuff. They had a photo sesison after the show today so we were at work till way late. Tomorrow will be interesting. I am living off caffeine. I'm glad that you liked the skirt karen. I was nervous I will have to make you another one.... one day :) well I am going to head for bed. have a great one


Back to the grind

I made it to work today. THe reason why grandma's hearing aid didn't work was because it had ear wax in the clear part that goes in her ear. Go figure. WE went to Best Buy tonight and got Angela a WII for her wedding. I thought it could be from all of us. Dad bought me a fancy remote for the TV because I can't figure out how to turn everything on when I am home alone. Kay is taking grandma to the doctor tomorrow. WE are going to get a doctor's order so we can get home health to start coming in. I think it is time. Angela can still come and we will work around her coming so we have someone every day here. Well that is all my news. LOVE MOM

Sewing Bug

I am all jazzed about sewing since the quilting fair, I need to get the sewing room in order so I can get back too it. I had a good day, it was rainy and I think that Issac missed going on his walk. I made lasagna today and I figure I can eat that this week. It tasted good and it was fun to cook. Well not much else going on, I hope that everyone had a good day.


Well I made it thru Monday. I took a nap yesterday so when it was time for bed I couldn't fall asleep. Oh well the nap was still worth it. It has been super windy here today. We have gotten a little rain but not a whole lot. Just enough to mess up your windshield. Robin I forgot to tell you that I wore the skirt to church yesterday and it is really cute. I like it. Well i hope that everyone had a good Monday. BYE

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Spoiled mom

Thanks you guys for the best two weekends. It has been a really good mothers day. Jeff and Kay and Paul and Jen and Riley came over. Grandma just loved it. It was nice to see her so happy. Kay took the hearing aid to get it fixed. I forget how truly nice it is to have it. It has been so good to have her hear. I am glad that Isaac got a good nap. He was so cute yesterday. He loves to be outside. I didn't think Casey was coming back to Logan. That was nice he got to come home for the evening. Karen I found a new game that is nice it is called flood it. It is kind of a tetris kind of game. Well have a great week. Not much going on for me. Should be a quiet on. Robin came up with a good gift for Angela. A WII. I thought I would buy one this weekn and put all of our names on it.


Happy Mother's Day

Robin, that is cute, I have never seen that picture before. I really like it. I had a good day. Issac slept until 8:30 which was nice. So we got ready for church and I made him a bottle so I could feed him that when we got there. I go out to my car and the car seat isn't their. I figured that Casey had taken it down with him to SLC in his car, it was about to rain so I didn't think I could walk. So I just went inside and went in Isaac room and feed him. I went out to the living room an hour later and the car seat was by the piano. I felt like an idiot. I think that I was just tired and I didn't see it. I took the day off and it was nice. Isaac took a two and half hours nap and I took a nap also. It was really nice. Then Casey's Dad called me and we went over there for dinner. Terry got despicable me for Mothers day and we watched that. Casey came over when he got back to Logan. Isaac wouldn't let anyone hold him. Eventually Terry held him for a while and then Kim, he fell asleep when Kim was holding him. I think that it just may take him a while to warm up to everyone. Well Happy Mother's day Mom, thanks for being the best Mom in the world.



Robin when you are finished with scanning the photos will you burn me a copy of them on a CD? I had a good day. I went to church and it was cute to see the primary kids singing in sacrament today. It was nice this morning but then it got really windy. I hope that everyone had a great Mother's Day. I hope that everyone has a great week. BYE

Happy Mothers Day

Happy mothers day mom. Well today I worked at zions and then I came home, I started to scan in all of grandmas photos. I found a cute one of you guys when you were younger I thought you would like it. Its not posting on this one so I will try to add it to another post. Hope everyone has a great monday



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...