Saturday, March 12, 2011

pile it on

So today wasn't so fun. I had a photoshoot and I just wasn't getting the results I wanted, so I was flustered. then I had to drive to park city. I got pulled over along the way from following to close to a car. psh. Heres the story its a three lane road I'm in the middle 2 cars on either side of me and a stupid truck in the front. all three going 10 under the speed limit. He should have pulled over the idiots that were driving retarted. anyway he let me off with a warning but I'm still bitter... obviously. Then I finally made it to the Egyptian, the show ran well. Tomorrow we start early so I have to be up there by 4:30. well anywho I am going to head for bed



Well I had a good Saturday also. I am doing laundry right now. I hope that I get it done before midnight. Too bad we loose an hour tonight. I wish we could just keep falling back, I like getting extra hours. It was no trouble getting the recipe for you mom you do it all the time for me. Well i hope that everyone has a great Sunday. BYE


We had a nice saturday. It was crazy busy but it was nice to be in SLC. I went and helped dad make some more those tubes stuffed with cotton so Neil could take them to Europe tonight. Came back home and then I came home and did 4 batches of clothes and then I took grandma to see James and family for lunch and then we went out to see Kyle and Julie. We came home and I went grocery shopping and am doing 2 more batches of clothes. I am tired. Rachel I was planning on Sunday dinner. We are having corned beef and cabbage. I even made green jello with pineapple. Karen thanks for the help with beef stew. I am going to make that on Monday. Well have a great spring ahead day. LOVE MOM

Super Cuts

We had a good day. We were able to sleep in and that was nice. Then we took Mandi to the waffle place by our house. It was really good. I got one that was filled with chocolate and Mandi got one with Ice cream in the middle. Then Casey took her to her friends house and she is going to stay their until she leaves tomorrow. After she left Casey watched the baby and i went and got my hair cut and went grocery shopping. It feels so nice to have gotten it cut a couple of inches,I took off two inches. Mom we are planning on coming over for dinner tomorrow if that is alright also. Also I was reading about Japan and I found some before and after pictures of the tsunami, it is pretty incredible. Here is a link to it: Pictures

Friday, March 11, 2011

Melt down

We had a nice day in Logan. We went to the italian place with everyone for lunch. Then we went over to caseys grandma assisted living place. I asked how much it costed nad it is 3000 a month, that includes food. Isaac was pretty good but he did have a one melt down. Then we went to caseys dads and had pizza. Isaac had the mother of all melt downs at there house. We eventually got him calmed down and we put him to sleep on there bed. I had him wear his jeans today and everyone thought they were really cute. Overall it was a fun day and it was fun to spend the day with everyone. Isaac did pretty good for traveling so much and everyone holding him.

Yeah it is Friday

I think I am getting the cold. I sure hope not. I am back on airborne. We met Kay's family for dinner tonight and Grandma had a really good time with everyone we are going to meet up with James family tomorrow for James' birthday. I am so glad that Isaac is having a good time with everyone. He is such a good baby. Good luck with your lesson Karen. I am going to help dad work tomorrow and then Laundry. Wild and crazy day. Have a great time in Logan Rachel.



Well I made it, it is finally the weekend. I had a good Friday. It was so nice out side, I didn't want to go to work but I made it. I am glad that your dress play thing is going to be good Robin. I have my lesson planed for Sunday. Hopefully it will be long enough. i am always worried that I will end to quickly. Thanks again for that website link Rachel I got a nice activity off of it. I have to speak in church on the 27 so i guess I should start working on it, but I like to procrastinate it until the last second so I can pretend that I don't have to do it. Oh well I will get it done eventually. Well i hope that everyone has a great weekend. BYE

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Well today was good. I worked and then I drove up to park city. I am going to dress there tick tick, boom show at the egyptian. I think it will be fun. It about the guy that wrote rent and such. I am going up tomorrow, saturday, and sunday. I am beat though its amazing how fast life comes at you. I'm glad Isaac was a good baby, he's so cute. I might have to go to again and bask in the sun rays. :) anyway I am going to head for bed


Fun day

We had a good day with Mandy. We picked her up and went out for lunch. Then we went and visited Casey grandma litchwalter. Isaac was a super good baby, he was really calm and laid back. It went really well. I will pick up the call button tomorrow for Grandma. Everyone have a good day.

Quiet day

Today was a quiet day. YEAH. I went to work and came home and made eggs for dinner. I am going to veg and watch a movie with dad. That sounds so nice. Hey Rachel if you go to the house while you are at Logan can you get the call button on the piano for Grandma's phone. I thought I would put it in her bedroom. I am excited for this weekend. Not many people are going to work tomorrow. It will be a quiet day. I am verifing data all day. LOVE MOM


Well my day was good. I was alittle bored at work for awhile, but it picked back up. I am glad that no one had to send any urgent emails out. I hope that Robin's 2 job day went well. It was really nice out side here today. It is suppose to be 70 all week here. Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Well today was crazy. I went to work and then came home and found grandma had fell. So I took care of her tell mom came home and then we went to the hospital. When I was at the hospital a guy that worked at pioneer theater called me and a dresser at the egyptian theater bailed and they needed help. So tomorrow I am going to park city to help dress their show. The show opens on friday so it will be interesting. It will run for three weeks on friday saturday and sunday. Well now I am going to head for bed. I am beat


Dad was right

I think that dad was right. Grandma is just dehydrated. They gave her an IV and by the time is was done her heart was beating better and she could walk again. No more sprite only water or crystal light. I hope that helps. She had to have 6 stitches and 8 steri strips on another cut. Her face is going to be bruised and her bum is bruised but she is going to be OK. They did a Cat Scan and blood work and urine test and everything came back good. Missed that bullet this time. I am doing her sheets right now because they had blood all over them and then I am going to bed.



I feel so bad Grandma fell again. I hope she is feeling better. Mandy is coming tomorrow at 1. We are picking her up at the airport. I think that Friday we are going to Logan for the day. I think Sat she is going to visit her friend and she leaves Sunday. That is the plan as far as I know. it will be fun to have her here. Let me know if I can do anything to help with grandma.

Half way

Well I am sorry that mom had another eventful day. At least you got a half day of quiet. My day was good. I stayed busy at work so that was nice. I was working on a design and Tom was having me change it. But the changes made it look stupid so when I took it into his office I told him that it looked stupid and he thought that was funny. So now all the engineers are referring to that design as the stupid looking one. At least they agree with me. I hope that Grandma is feeling okay after her fall. Well I hope that everyone has a great day tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Eventful Day

We started out having a good day, it was a nice morning but this afternoon it took a turn for the worse. Casey was driving home from work to get lunch and he hit some slush on the road and it made him loose control of his car and he crashed it into the curb and it bent his wheel. He was able to drive his car home but it isn't drivable. I think that they are going to tow it up to Clifton and he will fix it when he has more time. Then me and Isaac went over to Mom and Dad's and and we were visiting with Grandma, she went "upstairs" and she said that she got dizzy and fell. She wanted two people to help her up so I got her a drink to help her feel better and me and Isaac sat with her. Dad came over and got her up and taken care of. She cut her elbow but was is good shape other than that. Casey is working tomorrow so we are going to look for a blessing outfit for Isaac tomorrow. Casey's sister also is flying in tomorrow but I don't know what time yet. It will be fun to have her her for the weekend.

Oh what a day

Well I guess when you are sleep deprived your day is always long. Grandma fell this afternoon. Rachel had come to visit and grandma said her legs wouldn't work. She got her elbow really good. SHe also said that her bum was sore. She is really struggling with her walking. I am gettng worried about her living her alone during the day. I am going to have to think about it for awhile. It really scared her. I hope that tomorrow is a better day.



Well I am sorry that mom had a bad day. It sucks when the people above you are nosey and you can't sleep. I am also sorry that Casey's car got an owie. I am glad that Casey is okay though. My day was good. Nothing too exciting to report, which after listening to mom is a good thing. The evil flower trees down here are starting to bud. Ahh nasty allergies here i come. Well I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow. BYE

Monday, March 7, 2011

no to snow

Well work was good today nothing to crazy but we are starting to do more so its not so boring. It was raining today so I went to layton to help a friend do makeup for a high school production. when I left I had 3 inches of snow on my car. It was a crazy drive. they closed foothill exit so I had to detour. not so fun. but alive and well. I am going to help again tomorrow. well nothing else to outrageous have a great night



I had a good day. I did a lot of laundry and started cleaning the bathroom. I am made one block for my sea urchin quilt. The snow is really bad, Casey said a lot of people were stuck in the snow. I am excited to sew tomorrow. I hope Mom is right and it is warm tomorrow.


Well it rained here today. It also hailed for a little while also. It has stopped now, but it is still cloudy. Work was good for me today also. I do have to talk in church though. Oh well I knew it was coming. I have to talk on the 27th. They also announced today during our company meeting that they are going to give us a bonus on the 17th. They are doing this because they put raises on hold last year because of sales. Then it turned out that it was a better year than they thought so they are giving us a bonus. Well I hope that you all don't get too snowed in up there. Take it easier. BYE

Bogging early

Just thought I would blog early. Late seems to be hard to do. It is just pouring snow. It much be already 3 inches. Robin went to Layton for tonight. I hope she is OK. It is crazy. I think we are going to get slammed with the snow but by tomorrow we will be up to 40 degrees so hopefully the snow won't last. I don't have much news. Work was nice today. I was busy all day and they want me to do 2 more projects. That will be good. Good luck in the snow.


Sunday, March 6, 2011


today was good. I stayed in bed till the last possible minute that I could then I had a photoshoot. Then I came home and visited with everyone for a while. well hope this week goes well for everyone



Well I don't have much to report. I just thought I would blog anyway just to say hi. I am having allergies today. That is what happens when you get nice weather I guess. i hope that you all have a great Sunday. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...