Thursday, May 4, 2017


Today was good. We went to ogies for lunch because tomorrow is a girls last day and a few people are out tomorrow. The waffle i got was all whip cream but i had no complaints. Then after work i took a nap and vegged. It was enjoyable. I am excited for this weekend. Have a good friday.


I thought I would keep up with the theme of the day.  Work was good.  I rode trax today so dad could take grandma to the doctor.  They went to Walmart and lunch afterwards.  We went grocery shopping afterwards and that was nice.  I am glad tomorrow if Friday.  I am going to Austin's graduation at 9:00 tomorrow.  I am meeting Kay and Julie.  It should be fun.  Rachel drive safe tomorrow.  I am excited for the quilt show.  LOVE MOM


My day has been good. Nothing too exciting to report. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Ruthie didn't sleep last night so we were tired today.  Isaac had school and then he went to Henry's house to watch Charlotte's web.  I missed him and it made me sad for 1st grade coming.  Me and the little kids just played outside mostly which was nice.  It was funny I sat down on a chair and said "It's wet" and Oliver walked by with a bucket of water and said "It's clean", it made me laugh.   We picked up Isaac and it was good to see their new house, it is cute and is out in the country which is fun.  We stopped at the cheese factory on the way home to get a snack.  We had spam for dinner because Isaac has been wanting it with scrambled eggs.  Isaac liked the eggs and ate them which was a good step.  I finished that little quilt and I took a picture of the back because all the seams are crazy.  I am excited to quilt it, it should be fast.


Wednesday, May 3, 2017


I am excited for the quilt show, thanks everyone.  Today was good.  We went on a walk this morning which was nice.  Oliver complained the whole time and then he didn't want to stop when we got home.  We played outside all day long and we are all sunburned, I need to think about it in the morning.  Oliver is potty training still so we didn't leave home much so we could hit up the potty as needed.  Isaac had martial arts and had a good time.  After dinner Kelly had some free wood that Casey wanted so he took the kids and I did the dished.  They had fun but didn't end up with any wood.  Thanks for calling Mom, it was good to talk.


That is Oliver's spider, he carried around all day and we would pet it.

Hump day

I didn't feel ambitious at all.  I visited most of the day and I think I would have gotten more done if I stayed home but some days are just like that.  Robin you always find the funniest things.  Thanks for posting them.  The quilt show opens at 10:00 and goes until 4:00 from 1 - 4 there is suppose to be super discounts.  It didn't say anything about a gift for the first people there.  I thought is we met at my place around 9:00 that should be enough time to get organized and get there.  Rachel is going to come down on Friday night and spend the night.  We are just going to wing it the rest of the time.  I know that is not a norm for me.  I am usually the clip board of fun.  Karen that was a lot to do in one night.  Have a great Thursday.  LOVE MOM

Bring it

Today was good. Nothing to exciting. I worked at scheels. It was finally really nice weather so i cant complian. I habe the rest lf the week off from scheels so that will be nice. Have a good night



Well my day has been good. Work is still good. Bur nothing exciting to report just the usual. I also made an eye doctor appointment for the 12th. After work I finished mowing my lawn and I sprayed for spiders around my place. I feel very productive tonight. I was wondering what time the quilt show started on Saturday and what time we are planning to meet up. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Is it the quilt show yet?

Good job on your purchase Mom.  I really like it.  I am sorry that they dentist is stressful, I hate that.  Isaac has a molar coming in and is not a good sick person.  Oliver wore underwear all day and did pretty well.  I think he is getting better at it and it is nice not to change his diaper.  I also am not giving him his binki in the day and that is a lot better, I am not fighting him all day about it, it is just gone.  It was pretty outside and we played outside a lot.  I took the little kids to Chick fil for lunch, thanks again Karen, you are awesome.  Casey had scouts and I had young womens.  We did sewing and it went good and I think that the girls had fun.  Your sewing machine works great Karen.  It took me a bit this morning to thread it correctly but once I got it right everything works.  The quilt show is really close, I am really excited.


Ruthie and Oliver are getting along better


Good jod on the random purchase mom. It looks nice. My day has been good. Work was good. It was meeting day so that took up a chunk of the day. Then after work I made spaghetti for dinner. It tasted realky good. I even got garlic bread. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye


Well, we only worked 1/2 day because we had a dentist appointment.  I just hate going.  I need to have a tooth pulled but he didn't want to pull it yet because he thinks I should put an inplant in the same time.  I know drama drama.  Dad has to have 2 crowns so he is going to have that done on Tuesday.  We needed some random after that so we decided to go look at the bunk bed at IKEA.  We found this hutch that we thought would be nice to store our junk in.  It was 200 dollars off.  We went and looked at the boxes and decided that there was no way to fit a bed in the car so we bought the hutch.  It took all night but we got it together.  I think they are doing it a lot better because they put it in 4 smaller boxes.  WE were able to carry it up and it fit in our car.  I have to admit that retail therapy always works wonders for me.  I need to try again to put pictures on the blog.  I will try next time.  Everyone have a great hump day.  Robin the traffic is so bad out by Scheels.  YOu get a gold medal for driving out there.  LOVE MOM


I was tired today. I didnt sleep well last night. Work was ok, same drama different day. Im sure we could be a reality tv show and make millions. I had to work at scheels so it was boring. Have a good one.

Monday, May 1, 2017


Today went well.  After we dropped Isaac off we went and got some new contacts for me.  Oliver loved the elevator so that was fun.  Then I babysat and the kids were really good and we had a good time.  We just played outside all afternoon and then Isaac had martial arts.  It was a really pretty day and Oliver got sunburned.  We tried out the underwear today and it went ok.  Lots of pee and poop hopefully he will start catching on.  I am making progress on my little quilt and I love, love it.  I just have three more sides of the border to put on.  Have a great day tomorrow.



My day has been good also. Work was just the usual for a Monday. Then after work I went to Walmart and picked up my prescriptions and went grocery shopping. Then I came home and mowed my yard. Well at least the front. I hope everyone has a great Tuesday tomorrow. Bye


Today was ok. Work was work. I finished my emperors new groove board. Today driving to work they switched the lanes around on 215 so traffic was terrible. Its no beuno. I guess its staying like this for months. I didnt have to work so i jist chilled. It was nice. Have a good tues.


Nice day

Work was good and then we came home and I cooked some sausages we got at Sam's and red potatoes.  It tasted really good.  They are kind of like the ones we get with Karen at Costco.  They put IMAGINE above the U this morning and it was fun to watch all the people climbing up there.  Austin is going to graduate on Friday and I am going to take some time off to go sit with Julie.  She wants to go to dinner that night but Austin hasn't made any decisions so it is hard to make a plan on what is going on.  I will keep you posted.  Not much else to report from my end.  LOVE MOM

Sunday, April 30, 2017


Today went well, we went to church and the kids did really well.  Isaac gave a good talk and was really excited to do it.  My lesson went well which was nice.  After church Casey transplanted all the maple trees into bigger containers so they have more room to grow.  I was looking at portable ironing boards and their was one made out of board and fabric.  Isaac wanted bird seed so Casey went to Lowes and got bird seed and a board for me and helped me make it.  I think it will be perfect for the sewing classes.  Casey also worked on the jeep for a bit and made bread.  Isaac helped him make bread and they had a fun time.  Thanks for the fun time yesterday, you guys are the best.



I had a quiet day as well. It was nice being lazy. I hope everyone had a great week. Bye

Quiet day

We had a really quiet day.  Dad started with a kidney stone last night and grandma didn't want us to come so we just rested.  Dad was out of lemonade so I went to Walmart and got some and bought him a couple of movies.  They were good.  He put them both of Vudoo.  I hope that Isaac's talk went OK.  Robin, I hope you got some string art stuff done and Karen I hope you had a nice day as well.  I did also get all my laundry done.  It felt nice to get that caught back up.  Have a really nice week. I can't believe that it is May already.  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...