Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Is it the quilt show yet?

Good job on your purchase Mom.  I really like it.  I am sorry that they dentist is stressful, I hate that.  Isaac has a molar coming in and is not a good sick person.  Oliver wore underwear all day and did pretty well.  I think he is getting better at it and it is nice not to change his diaper.  I also am not giving him his binki in the day and that is a lot better, I am not fighting him all day about it, it is just gone.  It was pretty outside and we played outside a lot.  I took the little kids to Chick fil for lunch, thanks again Karen, you are awesome.  Casey had scouts and I had young womens.  We did sewing and it went good and I think that the girls had fun.  Your sewing machine works great Karen.  It took me a bit this morning to thread it correctly but once I got it right everything works.  The quilt show is really close, I am really excited.


Ruthie and Oliver are getting along better

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