Thursday, May 6, 2010
karen is safe
Karen made it to slc safe and sound. My shoot was canceled...... so we went to dinner. It was fun then karen and dad watched a movie I think it enjoyed it with my eyes closed so It was a fast movie. :) anyway I guess tomorrow we are going to shoot.... hmmmm and I guess saturday. sorry if we do end up shooting hopefully I can still go to the quilt show. :) anyway i will see everyone tomorrow.
Off to the big city
I am taking 1/2 day off tomorrow. We are going to stop at the headstone place in Bountiful and then go to the apartment. I am excited for this weekend. Not much going on today. It snowed here and covered the grass with snow. There is still snow on the grass. Crazy weather. We will see you soon.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
take 3
I talked with Julie today and she wants to go to wendover with everyone. So I am going to watch Kyle in the afternoon. I told her we had plans in the morning to go to the quilt show and lunch but I would come and have dinner with Kyle. I am sorry about that one. I thought afterwards we could go see Ironman 2. Robin I don't know what your plans are for saturday. I had a good day at work. It is calming down and I like that a lot. It seems more normal. A week from Friday is Charlie's last day. WE are having a luncheon for him on Monday. I hope it turns out. We are having a potato bar. I am excited for all us to get together this weekend.
Well last night we were suppose to shoot out at lone peak again out by lehi. Well Two of the actors wanted to carpool, And I had the most stuff so I drove out that way. Once we got there they informed us that they were going to cancel shooting for the night. So we stayed and watched movies instead so we didn't drive all that way for nothing :/. then today we did shoot out at wheeler (sp?) farm. so we did get some shooting done this week. Later at night there was a meeting for the 48 hour film festival. I guess there are teams that form and on june 18 everyone gets together and they give you a prop, a line to say, and a person that you have to use with in your short film. then you have 48 hours to write a script, film, edit, and compose music. So I joined a team tonight. One of the fight choreographers from my movie now was there and so I joined their team. so that will be a fun little thing. anyway I am now baking my amish bread. I hope it turns out delicious. have a great night
Fun times
I am excited to come up north tomorrow even if it is cold up there. I hope that everyone has had a great Wednesday. Mine was good. Work is just truckin right along nothing new to report there. I am glad that your new job is going good Rachel. Well I have to go and pack so I am going to go. have a great one. BYE
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
before I fall asleep
Sorry I didn't blog last night I feel sound asleep on the couch and that was the end of my night. Rachel I am glad you and Robin got to have a girls night. I sure wish you email would work at work. I miss emailing you during the day. Karen I am excited for you to come up this weekend. Dad went to SLC today and made it safe and sound. I sprayed all my dandelions with posion tonight in the front yard they were bad. Robin I hope you have fun with the hunks. I am glad you got your car fixed up. Not much else going on here. LOVE MOM
This and That
Karen, It sounds like I need to take a trip down to St George, it sounds really nice there. I am liking my new job and it is going good. I really like seeing Casey everyday. It is nice. I didn't unpack today, I got reading my book. I don't read on my lunches anymore and I am missing that. I am not going to be able to plow through the book like I used too. I am reading Cutting for Stone and it is a good book so far. This weekend I listened to Chasing the Moon while we drove and it was stupid. I didn't like it.
Good thing
Well it was beautiful here today. I wish I could have played outside all day. Oh well. i am excited to see everyone this weekend. I just have one more day of work to go. Robin I hope that your shooting went well. I hope that your new job is still going good for you Rachel. Well I hope that everyone has a great night. Love ya BYE
Monday, May 3, 2010
long time gone
Sorry I didn't blog all weekend. It was busy. I had to work on Saturday and casey had bike class. Then we went to clifton, momand grandma came and helped us clean. It was a fun weekend. I am glad that you are coming up karen. I have your harry potter books for you finially. Mom that sounds like a good plan for this weekend that will be fun. We had a good night tonight, robin hung out with me. Kevin isn't going to rent the house, it is too far away. Well sorry that is a lot of random things, have a good night.
like my car like got totally fixed..
Well I had to register my car today. I was rejected at first but I was able to fix everything today and get it approved. I was sitting by this girl, while I was getting my car fixed. who was on the phone and she was saying like every other word. I was going nutty. blah. anyway Me and rachel went to chik-fil-a today for dinner it was tasty. Then we went to her apt. and played a zombie game. I wasn't very good but I did save the world from zombies for a minute or two. anyway Tomorrow I am working at x-pose photography, they are going to do a fitness competition and I have to shade their abs to make them looked more toned. I know I live a tough life. Contouring men's abs. and then I think we are shooting for the film. we will see about that one. no abs though. lol. have a great night.
Sounds like a plan
Well I am glad with all the plans layed out so far. I am excited to see everyone. I had a good day at work. I am a little tired though. But I only have to work two more days this week. If you don't count the Solidworks training as work. Well I don't have anything else to report. BYE
Sunday, May 2, 2010
change of plans take 2
Karen I am glad you had a good time at Ironmen. That is great you got to use your skills so much. I bet you learned a lot. You will have to see how many EMT t=shirts you can collect. I think we have a major change of plans for next weekend. At least so far. I think Robin and dad are going to take you to dinner on Thursday and then I will come down Friday afternoon. Then on Saturday we (me, you Rachel and Robin) will go to the quilt show and play all day and Grandma Gumm is going to Wendover with Kay and Julie and Jeff. Then we will stay the night in SLC and you can go home on Sunday and we will go home on Sunday. How does that sound for take II. There might be more takes to the plan as the week goes on but that is it for right now. How do you guys feel about that one? We went to SLC today and had a great time. We got to see Rachel's apartment and where she works. We stopped by and saw Julie and Kyle and then we went to Kay's house for a birthday party for Jen. It was good to see everyone. Grandma had such a good time. We made it home safe and sound and now I have to go and pay bills so I can mail them in the morning. Lucky me.
.....i can do anything iron can
I'm glad that the iron man competition went well karen. I think if I broke something I would give up. just to be honest. :) anyway today mom dad and grandma came up to have dinner at kays house. Rachel and casey joined us. We had a good time, I'm glad that kay and paul had a good trip. Anyway our shoot was canceled for tomorrow I know shocker. But I guess we are starting up again on tuesday so we will see how that goes. I'm excited for karen to come up. I don't think we are shooting on thursday so if you want to go out to dinner I think I would approve.
I am Ironman
Well I had a good time at the ironman competition. It was fun to see them all start and finish. I saw quite a few people come thru the medical tent. One guy fell on his broke and broke his collar bone, but he still went on and finished the race. Now that is tough. I am glad that everyone else had a good Saturday an I hope that your Sunday is going good as well. I haven't done too much today. I basically have slept thru most of it so far. But since I was awake about 22 hours yesterday I guess I needed to catch up today. Well I hope that you all have a great day. BYE
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...