Monday, May 3, 2010

like my car like got totally fixed..

Well I had to register my car today. I was rejected at first but I was able to fix everything today and get it approved. I was sitting by this girl, while I was getting my car fixed. who was on the phone and she was saying like every other word. I was going nutty. blah. anyway Me and rachel went to chik-fil-a today for dinner it was tasty. Then we went to her apt. and played a zombie game. I wasn't very good but I did save the world from zombies for a minute or two. anyway Tomorrow I am working at x-pose photography, they are going to do a fitness competition and I have to shade their abs to make them looked more toned. I know I live a tough life. Contouring men's abs. and then I think we are shooting for the film. we will see about that one. no abs though. lol. have a great night.


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