Saturday, January 9, 2021


 We had a good day.  I walked Tony this morning and it was pretty.  We watched Stephanie's dog Ringo today.  He is cute and the dogs had fun playing together.  I cleaned the house and Casey went with Isaac to help a friend move a couch.  Then then went to Casey's work to fix Isaac's computer.  His power plug was broken.  I watched on you tube how to remove tile so I started working on it.  I got one wall done but the dry wall didn't survive.  So Casey thought of just cutting the wall and taking it all off.  It was a lot easier and faster.  Taking tile off is not easy.  It was nice to have a day at home.  Love you guys.



Friday, January 8, 2021


 I am sorry you lost. Next time we will win. I hope you are feeling better Robin.  Today was good and we took it easy.  I walked this morning and skipped exercise class because Ruth didn't want to go.  We met Casey for lunch at el toro and that was fun.  We took Tony to the dog park.  Their was only one other dog so we threw the ball alot and it was fun.  Ruth went to a party with her friends at the sports academy.  She was so excited and had a fun time.  Love you guys and have a good weekend.  We are going to work on the bathroom.



Major Loser

 So don't buy anything with the lottery money.  We didn't win anything.  Oh well it was still fun.  Work was work and I am so glad it is the weekend.  It is payroll weekend so I was busy all day.  I kind of like that.  We are going to Costco tomorrow morning.  I did get a round steak and cooked it in the oven with carrots and potatoes.  It tasted so good.  I haven't made that in a long time.  I hope everyone has a nice weekend.  Robin, I hope your neck feels better.  Rachel, it is suppose to snow tomorrow.  I hope it is enough to go sledding.  The kids love to do that.  LOVE MOM 

Thursday, January 7, 2021


 I am so sorry your neck is hurting Robin,  You need to work from home tomorrow.  Tell them you can't drive.   That way you don't have to twist it.  I don't know if you can use it but I bought some aspercreme and all it has is lidocaine.  It really helps the pain.    I am glad you made it through preschool Rachel.  It is fun to work with the little ones.  They just love you because you are there teacher. I love that picture of Oliver.  Karen thanks for buying me a lottery ticket.  I hope we score big.  That would be amazing.  I worked today and then we had med checks with the doctor so we went there and on the way home we took Kay a puzzle. She has a really nice mattress she is wanting to sell.  Issac is going to come check it out and see if he likes it.  We went to Capriotti's on the way home and that made dad sick.  That is the first time that has happened.  I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday.  It is always hard the first full week back.  LOVE MOM 


Today was busy around 2 my neck started to tense up and by the time I got home it was completely stiff and twingy. So I just relaxed and put icy hot on it and got my neck massager out. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday I'm ready for a mini break


 My day was good. Work was just the usual. I saw that one of the lotteries was at 520 million so I decided to be random and drove to Wyoming and got me and mom lottery tickets for fun. The drawing is tomorrow so cross your fingers for me🤞. I am glad that the weekend is almost here. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye


It was a pretty morning this morning on our walk.  We helped in Isaac's class and that was fun.  Isaac is doing good at school and it is nice to go and see.  We worked out last day this week at preschool.  It was good and went fast.  The kids are so cute.  After school we had to the divide the basement into Oliver's half and Ruth's half.  We played hide and seek and it ended in tears with a misunderstanding on who's turn it was.  Love you guys and have a good Friday.



Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Hump day

 I went to work early and did screenings and then stayed a little late because I forgot to send out payroll notices.  It is good because me and dad have check ups tomorrow so I can leave early.  I can't believe what Trump did.  That is so scary.  Dad kept saying something would happen but I didn't believe.  I was half way home from work and I saw I had forgotten my computer so I turned around and went and got it.  We didn't make it to the gym tonight.  Rachel, I think that is funny Tony takes them outside.  He thinks they are his outside.  He is a funny dog.  Robin I hope you are doing well.  When do you get to start working from home again?  I keep hoping soon.  Let you move a little slower. l have a nice Thursday.  Karen is coming down to go to Costco on Saturday because it was closed last time.  It is suppose to snow on Saturday.  Be careful.  I have Martin Luther King day off.  I am ready to play.  LOVE MOM 


Good job going to the gym Mom.  I am excited for you.  Dad was right about something happening today but it was a lot crazier than we were expecting.  People are so crazy. We had a good day.  I have been walking with a weighted vest and it is getting easier.  We worked today and Ruth is a trooper to stay all day.  She is a really good kid.  The coloring books for primary were ready to be picked up and I went grocery shopping.  Oliver wanted to make beads from clay so we went to the hobby lobby and got some.  Isaac had basketball practice tonight and we finally got the right time and place.  Tony keeps taking everyones gloves and boots outside, it is driving me crazy.  Love you guys.



Today was good it was really busy at work but I made it out alive. We went to Costco and picked up groceries at walmart so we are restocked we went to fire house sub for dinner but it didn't taste good. It just didn't hit the spot. But I got over it. 



 My day was good. It was really cold this morning though. I was in a meeting at the end of the day so I ended up staying a little late. Other than that it was a quiet day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, January 5, 2021


Today was better than yesterday. I got a bit caught up so that was really nice. I bought jenkins a tooth brush his breath has been so bad. He hated it and won't even give it a go. So I tried.

Day two

Work was really quite today.  We are interviewing for the administrative assistant that will kind of be my boss today.  Tomorrow we will interview another person.  We did go to the gym tonight.  We made it two nights.  I walked and then did the bikes.  We are only doing 1/2 hour right now but I am hoping to work up to an hour.  I had water out for us and left it on the counter.  That is the hardest part not having water.  I am going into work tomorrow so I am not sure we will make the gym that we don't have to go every day.  Rachel that is fun for PJ day.  I am glad that Isaac was nice to the new Isaac.  He is a good kid.  Not much else to report on my end.  It just rained here.  Robin, I hope you are doing OK.  I hope you get to start working from home.  You tell them you will only go into work 2 times a week so you don't get COVID.  LOVE MOM 


 It snowed here also which is so nice for my morning walks.  It is warmer and the fog is gone.  It was a pretty morning.  I worked again today.  It was pajama day and Ruth was so excited.  I wore mine but I didn't have anything cute.  Isaac had a new kid in his class named Isaac.  He was so worried about it this morning but it was fine today.  The other Isaac didn't have any one to play with so Isaac invited him to play and they had fun.  We took down the party decorations.  They looked so nice I hated to take them down.  I sent out the new primary class lists to the teachers which is nice to have done.  Love you guys.




 It snowed here a little last night. It wasn't a whole lot so that was nice. Work was just the usual for a Tuesday. It was meeting day so the morning went by fast. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Monday, January 4, 2021


Today was a long day at work. It was definitely a monday. Hopefully tomorrow is calmer. I'm ready for some down time. I looked up my stimulus check and it said it's being mailed on the 5th so that will be fun to not wait 6 months lol. Hope everyone has a good Tuesday


 All I can say is isaac is amazing. I need to be more like that. My life is good. I went to Walmart and got tennis shoes and we went to the gym and walked and rode bikes. We didn't think about water. We made it 30 minutes. It felt good. I will bring water with us tomorrow. It was fun i talked with Ruth. She had an amazing birthday. Karen that is neat you are almost done with that tooth. Robin I hope you had a better day. I am super excited for next Monday. I hope she takes good pictures. Everyone drive safe tomorrow. It is suppose to snow. Love 💕 mom


 Today was good.  We were all dreading getting back to normal but it was a good day for everyone.  I am working all this weekend because Eliza went on a vacation so I am working for her.  It was so foggy this morning and it freezes on Tony.  We didn't walk far because I was worried about him.  He is fine and loves the cold weather.  Preschool went well and the kids were good.  Ruth has dance so Casey came and picked her up and dropped her off.  He didn't sleep well so he worked from home the rest of the day which was nice.  Isaac wrote new year resolutions at school and said he didn't have any because he liked his life how it is.  I thought it was cute.




 My day was good. I only worked half day today. I went to the dentist and got a mold done for my stud. I go back on the 28th to get it installed. Other than that it was a quiet day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Fun time

 Thanks for the fun birthday party.  Ruth is so dang cute.  I watched the weather all week and it wasn't suppose to snow.  Go figure that one out.  Not much else to report on my end.  Have a nice week.  it is the first full one I have worked in a while.  I hope I make it out.  It is hard to get back into the real world.  Everyone be safe tomorrow.  Robin, I hope you get to start working from home soon.  That will help.  LOVE MOM 


 Thanks for giving Ruth a wonderful birthday.  You guys are amazing.  We will have to think of a better way to do it for Oliver so you guys don't have to drive so far.  Here are some pictures from the weekend.  Thank you guys again so much.  We love you.




 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...