Thursday, February 7, 2019


It was a good day today.  I got a lot done.  The sun came out on that snow and it was a bright day from my window.  Robin that was nice your work took you out.  It is suppose to get bitter cold tonight.  Karen you might want to drip a faucet.  Drive careful tomorrow Rachel.  It is suppose to snow on Saturday but less than an inch.  Is that OK?  Robin I was wondering if you wanted to hook up tomorrow night.  The kids are here and we haven't seen Jenkins for awhile.  We could come your way and go to Kohls.  I have a gift card that is burning a hole in my pocket.  We are planning the aquarium on Saturday.  Everyone have a great Friday.  LOV MOM


Today was good and went fast.  While Oliver was at school we had to go and talked to our internet people because our bill went up since we have been there a year.  They were nice and lowered it close to what it was.  Isaac got out of school early because of parent teacher conferences.  It was a pretty but cold day so we walked and that was nice.  The kids had a fun time playing on the way home so it took forever.  Isaac made a kite which was cute.  We played in the backyard for a while which was nice also.  I had book group this evening and that was fun.  We met at Kneaders and it was fun to talk with everyone.  We are headed down tomorrow.  We will be there at lunch time.  Love you guys.


One more day

Today was good. Nothing to wild, they took us to kings buffet for work. It was on 3500 s. And state street. It was alright. Nothing amazing. Then I just came home and took Jenkins out the dethawed, then take Jenkins out again.....then dethaw. It was basically all night lol.



Well I had to shovel again this morning. So far that is every morning. Hopefully i can snooze in tomorrow. Other than that my day was good. I kept thinking that today was Friday so tomorrow might be a long day.  The missonaries stopped by after work and said hi. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Love snow days

So we got as much as Robin did.  It is crazy.  I just decided to not go to work today. I had to call into a meeting this morning but other than that I just rested.  It was nice. I did make my roast and it tasted really good.  Rachel we might be cursed for the aquarium.  I looked and they said we are having a brush by on Saturday night but nothing huge.  I will continue to keep an eye on the weather.  it looks like it might be stormy for a while.  Crazy weather.  Have a nice Thursday.  LOVE MOM

No snow

That is crazy you got that much snow.  It is taller than Jenkins.  We didn't get hardly any.  It snowed a bit this afternoon but nothing that stuck.  I worked out for the first time in forever and it kicked my butt.  Oliver had the sharing bag for school and he finally got to bring his tiger and was excited about that.  Isaac had scouts tonight and they learned about knots.  He had a fun time.  Casey and the little kids ran around the church and had fun.  Good luck with all the snow.  Is is supposed to be bad this weekend?  We are headed down Friday so it might be our luck that is snows again.


We were hit

We had so much snow. in Ogden they only had an inch. It's still snowing here. When I took Jenkins out tonight it was up to my knees. At lunch time it stopped for a while and we had a foot. They called a snow day at work so that was nice. It said it's going to stop snowing at 5 so we will see if I have another snow day or not.


Well i had about 5 inches on my walks this morning . It was also super windy and snowy. But i was tough and made it to work. It snowed most of the day but not much stuck. It us suppose to snow again tonight, but I am hoping i won't have to shovel in the morning . Other than that my day was good. It was a quiet day at work because a lot of people stayed home. I hope everyone had a great day .Bye

Tuesday, February 5, 2019


We got a lot of snow as well.  It was neat to watch the storm come in.  I went into work early today to take minutes for a meeting.  I am going to use the hours to leave early on Friday.  I drove to work and it wasn't bad driving home the roads were just wet.  The missionary's came to our house two different times tonight.  It was interesting to have so many people come and visit.  I have a roast also Robin that I was going to cook tomorrow.  it is a good snow day meal.  Everyone have a great hump day and be careful in the snow.  I love Isaac's poster also.  LOVE YA


I like Isaac's poster. It's super cute. My day was good. We played mahjong at work. Then a waffle love truck shows up so we got that for lunch. It was fun. It was snowing when i got home. I was craving potatoes so I went to the store and got some. I also bought a roast because I'm hoping for a snow day. And that sounds like good snow day food.



Rachel, tell Isaac that he did a great job on his poster it looks awesome. My day was good. I had meetings all morning. But it made the morning go by fast. Then it started snowing this afternoon. It didn't stick yet so that was nice. I did have to shovel this morning , we had about 3 inches. It is suppose to snow all night so I am going to have to shovel tomorrow as well . I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


It snowed a little today.  It rained all weekend and we didn't have much snow left.  It looks nice with some fresh snow.  Isaac and Oliver went to school and had a good time.  We went to story time while they were gone and that is fun.  We shoveled the driveway, their wasn't much snow and they kids had fun.  Isaac worked on his super star poster and is so excited.  He knew just what he wanted to do.  After dinner we took the TV box to the recycling center and then got some ice cream.  I am glad that this week is short and we get to play on Friday.



Monday, February 4, 2019


Thanks for the hotel Mom.  I am super excited.  We could all meet in Lava and swim and then head up to Pocatello.  This will be a fun vacation.  Thank you for planning it Mom.  We are excited for this weekend also.  Good job with your water heater Karen, if you need help just let us know we can come up anytime.  We aren't a hundred percent but everyone went to school today and that was nice.  Oliver had a hard time with me leaving him but he had a good time.  I told him he could have a prize if he went to school so we went to Lees.  The poor thing was coughing so much he threw up.  So we just took it easy the rest of the day.  Isaac was picked to be super star next week and he is so excited.  We picked out what pictures he wanted and I sent them in and will pick them up tomorrow.   Love you guys.


Just a monday

Today was good..I didn't so much so that was nice. I came home and just relaxed with Jenkins. I heard the weather is going to be bad the next couple of days. Everyone be safe


Clip board of fun

So I made hotel reservations today for the night of the 16th in Pocatello.  I was wondering if it was easier for us to meet in Pocatello.  The 4 of us can drive one car and the logan bunch can drive their car.  How does that sound?  I wasn't sure what was easier.  Lave hot springs here we come.  Not much else going on with us.  We did got to Sprouts after work and get breath mints and probiotics for dad.  Karen we will come up on the 12th and listen to what they think.  Rachel is coming down this weekend and we are going to the aquarium.  Everyone is invited.  I have a turkey breast I thought I could make for dinner.  Well now that I have planned everyone's life, I will let you go.  I have to be at work for a 7 am meeting.  I am hoping this is the last time.  LOVE MOM


It was a snowy Monday here. But not much stuck so that was nice. I have a consultation on the 12th for a new water heater. Should be exciting.  Other than that it was just the usual here . I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Nice Weekend

thanks for the fun weekend.  Man Karen sure has a lot of snow at her place.  The minutes we came down the first mountain pass most of the snow was gone.    The new game Karen got at Target is so much fun.  It is pandemic and so far we have never won.  The epidemic got us.  We stopped by Home Depot on the way home and it was just nice to hang out.  No rush.  Rachel, I hope the little ones get feeling better soon.  I am worried about them.  I have to admit that I like Ho Hut better.  I guess it is the sauces I like better.  They have converted me.  Everyone have a great Monday.  LOVE MOM


Thanks everyone for the fun weekend. I had a fun time hanging out with mom and dad. I am looking at replacing my water heater. It us not heating as well as it used to. So we went to home depot. I am going to have a consultation and then i will probably get one. I hope everyone has a great week .Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...