Saturday, January 13, 2018


My day was good. I ran out of cough drops so I did go out briefly to get some more. I still got a nap though. I did decide what to use my amazon gift card that I got at the party on. I got a food steamer. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Thursday, January 11, 2018


I had quilt group today so I stayed up late last night to finish up my quilt to show.  It turned out really good and I really like it.  Thank you so much for the backing fabric Karen, I love it and it really makes the quilt.  This morning we went to Lee's to get some grocery's.  Oliver had school and had a fun time.  I had quilt group and Ruthie did really well and was cute.  It was good to talk with everyone.  Isaac got a sticker that said I had a great day, he said that it was because he did something good before anyone else.  He was really proud of it.  He said that they were going to email me about it but I haven't heard anything.  I wanted to make something fun for my book group tonight so I made these apple tarts.  They turned out really well and looked good.  They took more time than I thought though.  Isaac had fun helping.  I had book group tonight and it was fun.  We read a book about Hygge and it is about how the Danish are happier than the rest of the world.  It was a good book.  Part of it is sitting in front of a fire and being comfortable so she had a fireplace set up and bought us all cozy socks, it was really fun.  We are coming down tomorrow.  I think we should see The Greatest Showman, it looks like a good movie.



I am glad that it is almost the weekend also. I couldn't fall asleep last night so I was tired today. I so could have used a nap. Work was good though. Nothing exciting to report just the usual. I am also feeling better, still tired, and I have a cough, but much improved from last week. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

It's coming

I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. This is the first full week I've had to work, it's been rough. I felt alot better today. It was really nice to have energy. It felt like spring it was warm outside. It was nice. I don't think I will make it to dinner tomorrow mom. I've been working till 7 and with the work i need to do I'm sure tomorrow will be a late night too. I can meet up Saturday I can come over whenever.


I made it

I went to work today.  I slept really good and thought I was over it but got in the jeep and man I coughed for an hour.  It was so embarrassing.  I was good the rest of the day.  I was drugged but good.  I am glad that tomorrow is Friday.  We went to Winco after work.  I like to shop there but you really have to have two people because it takes so long to bag all your stuff.  Drive safe tomorrow.  I am putting chicken in the crock pot for dinner.  Robin and Karen you can come over for dinner if you would like to.  Everyone enjoy Friday.  I am glad you don't have to teach tomorrow Karen 20 minutes of sleep does make a difference  LOVE MOM

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


I am glad that everyone is on the mend and I am glad that you stayed home Mom, you needed it.  Today was good.  I volunteered at Isaac's school and we ate lunch with him.  The little kids did really well and we had a good time.  I tried to give Ruthie a nap but she wouldn't sleep so we went on a walk.  It was so pretty outside but it was really cold.  It was nice to get out for a while and stretch our legs.  After school the kids all wanted to make their box of cookies so we made all three boxes, they liked that, thanks Mom.  We did another piano lesson and that went well and I played a bit too which was fun.  After dinner I went and joined up the the young men and women.  We watched a basketball game and got a free tee shirt.  It was fun but long and we lost. 


Nice day

I had a nice day.  I just moved slow and it felt nice to just have a day off.  Robin, I am so glad you are starting to feel better.  I have been worried.  I am doing OK so far.  Just a bad cough.  I think I will try work tomorrow.  I will see how I sleep tonight.  I just don't feel the need to put myself out there right now.  That is probably a bad attitude but I have it and I am sticking with it.  I love your saying on the coffee cup.  You find the cutest things.  Karen, I am glad you had a nice day.  Are you coming down this weekend to play with us?  I think Rachel is coming down on Friday.  We are taking the kids swimming at the Murray pool on Saturday for a little while.  Everyone have a nice Thursday.  RAchel, I hope the basketball game went well for Mutual.  I am not going to hook up with the Gumm gang tomorrow.  I just felt like not coughing at Texas Road House  LOVE MOM


Things are foing good here in Kamas.  It rained most of the day. Work went good. We have the yearly iso audit coming up next week, so I had a meeting to go to about. I am glad that the weekend is getting closer. I hope you are feeling better mom. Have a great Thursday tomorrow everyone. Bye


I'm sorry you feel sick mom. I started feeling better. Tonight my bosses came in to say good bye and I started having a coughing fit for some reason. I had tears and my deface was red. It was embarrassing. I came home and cooked dinner and just watched netflix. Have a good one


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Might be my turn

I think it might be my turn for the dreaded disease.  My throat hurt today and I have a cough.  I am just hoping it is just the normal stuff for me and I am not getting it.  How did Casey hurt his leg?  Is he liking his new job?  Robin, I keep hoping you are going to turn the corner soon.  You got it the same time as Karen.  I am glad you didn't work overtime.  Rest does help.  I think Thursday we are going to South Town Mall and going to Texas Roadhouse with the Gumm gang if you want to hook up.  Rachel I am excited you are coming down this weekend.  What time should we sign up for the class?  Work was quiet and I am getting caught up.  That feels really nice.  They are going to do reviews soon so I did my self evaluation.  I hope I did OK.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. I am feeling better, but I still have a cough. It rained here off and on all day. It was nice not having to shovel this morning though. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Lights off

I didn't sleep very well last night. But this morning I started to feel better. I had so much work at the end of the day I just left, I didn't work over time. I couldn't deal with it any more. I figured you can only do so much as a person. Hope everyone had a good day



Today was a busy day.  I babysat this morning and that went pretty good but busy.  I met Casey at the bank to sign papers for our new account but I was late because of the babysitting kids.  That made me late bringing Oliver to school but I texted to her to let her know and it worked out ok.  The were learning about night time and he got to wear his pj's to school.  He had fun and he said she turned out the lights and they pretended to sleep.  When we picked up Isaac I am driving the girl next door home and Isaac had a play date so I had her in the car also, it was a full van.  Both girls ended up staying to play and they had a really fun time.  They were playing family or something and were being silly.  I didn't have young women's tonight, we are going to a Aggie basket ball game tomorrow.  It will take all night.  I hope that everyone is feeling better.


Oliver drew a I all by himself

Casey hurt his leg and Ruthie needed a sympathy bandage

Mr. Science

Monday, January 8, 2018


I am sorry you are still feeling bad Robin  If you need anything let me know.  I can come help.  I went to the doctor today to see about my neck.  He wants to do an MRI.  I think I am going to see how much it is and do it.  He gave me a really strong anti inflammatory.  I am hoping that will cure me.  Dad and I went to the mall after work and had dinner and walked around for awhile.  That was fun.  I was thinking Rachel if Stanley would like one of those balls he can walk around the house in.  Like the one in Bolt  :) I don't know if they have one big enough for him but that might be fun to have him be able to go around the house in it.  I am glad that Oliver got to go back to school.  He really does enjoy that.  One of the guys that works in the mail room died over the weekend from the flu.  That really upset me.  You guys take care of yourselves.  LOVE MOM


Well I still have the crap as well. I am feeling better though so that is good. Things are going good here in Kamas. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


I am sorry you are still sick Robin.  My throat and ears still hurt, it is a bad cold.  We had a good day.  I babysat this morning and I de-cluttered the upstairs living room and it looks better to me.  We were out of garbage sacks so we ran to the story after babysitting to get some.  Oliver had school and he loves it and is so happy afterwards.  My visiting teachers came while he was gone so I didn't get a lot of sewing done and Ruthie won't nap.  After we picked up Oliver we went to cheese factory for a snack and the kids loved it.  I have been thinking of having Isaac take piano lessons but a while ago Randy mentioned that I could teach him.  So I have been thinking about it and decided to try to teach him and see how it goes.  We started today and it was fun and he was really good to listen to me.  I think we will keep going, it was fun to do.  We have been talking about cutting Stanley's finger nails and tonight we tried.  Casey's got the back ones easily but we did the front one to much so we stopped.  Stanley was really good about it.  Casey has been really good to get him out and play with him inside and it has been really nice and the kids love playing with him.  Everyone get some rest, love you guys.


Momma mia

Today was ok. I still feel crappy. But what can you do. Work was busy but i was tired so I only half cared. Lol. I just came home and relaxed. Nothing to exciting. Have a good one


Sunday, January 7, 2018


Good luck tomorrow Mom, I hope that it helps.  I am glad that you had a quiet day.  We had a good weekend.  Yesterday we slept in and then went to the thrift store and walked around.  Casey found a awesome tent for $12 and I found four bags of fabric scraps for $4 that are pretty awesome.  The kids wanted Panda for lunch because the kids wanted too.  Casey set up the tent in the basement and the kids had fun with that.  It snowed and we shoveled walks and that was fun.   Today was busy.  I had a meeting this morning that was two hours long.  When I got back we went sledding and it was a lot of fun.  Isaac really liked it.  It was so pretty when we started and then the fog rolled in and we couldn't see, it was so weird.  Casey and Ruth took a nap and I took the boys to church.  Oliver is a sunbeam now and he had a hard time with it which surprised me.  I stayed with him until I had to go to young women's and then he stayed with Jenn.  After church their was a baptism preview for all the kids turning 8 this year.  So we ate fast and me and Isaac went to that.  It was too long but we learned what we needed to and they go him excited about it.  It was bed time when we got home.  I am excited for the quilting class, thanks guys for doing that with me.


Quiet day

WEll dad couldn't sleep last night so he went in and worked for awhile.  He mostly worked from home all day.  Grandma didn't want us to come down today so I went and got my hair cut and took a nap.  It was a nice day.  Man is it foggy out here right now.  Be careful going to work in the morning.  It will make the roads really slippery.  Casey is making it to his second week.  That has to feel a little bit better.  I am going to a physiatrist tomorrow.  He is kind of a physical therapy doctor.  I am going to see if he has any suggestions on my neck and what I can do about it.  I thought it couldn't hurt right?  Wish me luck.  I am excited for next weekend.  I get a three day weekend.  That is pretty cool.  We will sign up for the quilt class on Saturday.  LOVE MOM


Well I spent most of the day sleeping off and on. I do feel better, so that is nice. Thanks again mom and dad for coming up, it was fun. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...