Sunday, January 7, 2018


Good luck tomorrow Mom, I hope that it helps.  I am glad that you had a quiet day.  We had a good weekend.  Yesterday we slept in and then went to the thrift store and walked around.  Casey found a awesome tent for $12 and I found four bags of fabric scraps for $4 that are pretty awesome.  The kids wanted Panda for lunch because the kids wanted too.  Casey set up the tent in the basement and the kids had fun with that.  It snowed and we shoveled walks and that was fun.   Today was busy.  I had a meeting this morning that was two hours long.  When I got back we went sledding and it was a lot of fun.  Isaac really liked it.  It was so pretty when we started and then the fog rolled in and we couldn't see, it was so weird.  Casey and Ruth took a nap and I took the boys to church.  Oliver is a sunbeam now and he had a hard time with it which surprised me.  I stayed with him until I had to go to young women's and then he stayed with Jenn.  After church their was a baptism preview for all the kids turning 8 this year.  So we ate fast and me and Isaac went to that.  It was too long but we learned what we needed to and they go him excited about it.  It was bed time when we got home.  I am excited for the quilting class, thanks guys for doing that with me.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...