I went to work early today so I got to leave early. It was nice. I did dishes. We met Karen for dinner and went to Costco to get alyssa a present. We are all set. Drive safe rachel. Just FYI the freeway is closing at 10 tomorrow night. Dad still has a bad cough. It wears on you. Love mom
Friday, September 11, 2020
Tony is doing good on our walks. He is starting to get faster which is fun. We were cruising this morning. They made a new road that just opened and they put a walking trail along it which is amazing. It was so fun to walk on. We went to exercise class but left early so I could take Ruth to preschool for a makeup day. I picked her up and we got sandwiches for lunch. We went to walk to pick up the boys. I wouldn't let her take her huge blanket or journal. She was so mad she had a tantrum all down our street. We ended up having to go home and drive to get the boys. Oliver got the brown bag for school and was super excited. He gets to pick 4 things that tell about him and bring to show the class. We just played in the backyard this evening and I took Tony for a walk. It was a pretty evening. We are headed down tomorrow. Oliver's friend is having a yard sale so we are going to that in the morning. We should be down for lunch.
Thursday, September 10, 2020
I am with Robin it seems like a long week to me as well. I went into work today and got over 8,000 steps. It felt nice to be moving. I came home and we just vegged. Dad isn't feeling great so we are taking it easy. He did go to work so I don't think he is too sick. I have to go into work early and do screenings tomorrow. I get to leave early however because I am an hour over my time. That always sounds so good to me. Watch Ruth and make sure her foot is OK. That is always kind of scary to step on nails. Do we have a plan for Saturday? I was just wondering if we wanted to go out to dinner after the shower. LOVE MOM
It is so cold and dark in the mornings now I had to break out my reflective vest this morning. I think Tony likes the colder weather and is enjoying it. I worked at Ruth's preschool today. We packed a lunch and Ruth was excited to bring a lunch like the boys. She did well going to both classes. They play a lot so she had fun. It was fun to be there. I reminded me a lot of nursery. I knew some of the kids so that was nice. It was a good day. The boys had a good day at school. Isaac has a book report due tomorrow so he finished that tonight. Ruth stepped on a nail this evening. I guess a fence baked blew over in the wind and she stepped on it. It didn't go to deep and she is ok. Love you guys and have a good Friday.
Well my day was good. It was trash day. So that was nice to get my trash can emptied. I did have enough extra to fill it almost again, but there is room for a bag or two so I should be good. Work was good. I had a random meeting in the afternoon that took 2 hours so that made the afternoon go by quick. Then I came home and worked on school stuff. I still have an hour lecture to watch but I ran out of concertation so I will have to watch it later. I also got the extra dishes mom ordered me, Thanks they look great. I even used a bowl tonight. First dish I have used. I hope that everyone had a great Thursday. BYE
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
I was glad it was the middle of the week. It was nice to have Monday off. I worked from home and dad stayed home as well. He still wasn't feeling 100 percent. I went and bought some Zyrtec and gave him one of those. It helped his breathing and he didn't cough as much so that was good. We did go to Sam's after work to get some more cough medicine. It is suppose to get way cold tonight. Crazy weather for sure. Rachel, I can't believe how grown up Ruth has gotten. I am so glad that school went well. I love the super star that Isaac made. I am going into work tomorrow so that should make the day go fast. LOVE MOM
My day was good. All the meetings I usually have on Tuesdays I had today instead, so it felt like Tuesday all day. The Dr. Pepper was out at work so at lunch I went to Food Town and got one. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Ruth was able to start school today and she loved it. She had set aside a new outfit for the first day and was excited to wear it. We went to exercise class but had to leave early to take her to school. I think it will work out ok. I cleaned while she was at school. I had quilt group at my house and wanted to get ready for that. I also started a diamond art project. It was fun. Quilt group was fun. We haven't met since February so it was good to see everyone. We walked to pick up the boys. Isaac was super star and was really happy. He had a big story about taking out the recycling. It was harder than he thought. I had to go grocery shopping also. Ron and Casey worked on cleaning up branches at his house and ours this evening. I did homework with the kids and folded laundry. It is windy every night and it is hard to sleep. I hope this windy goes away soon.
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
I woke up with no power and panicked that it was payroll. I didn't even think what had caused the power failure. That was an interesting drive. Trees are every where. I am so glad everyone is safe. I live all the pictures. Rachel that was a lot of branches. Robin you always find the best jokes. I love them. Be careful out there the wind is suppose to be bad again tonight. Love mom
My day was good. It was cold all day here. I don't think we got over 45 degrees today. Work was good just the usual. I am glad that you all have power and that you didn't have any damage. It never got really windy here. Have a great one. Bye
Thanks for the fun weekend. It all was so nice and we had a wonderful time. It was so windy last night we didn't get any sleep. Luckily we didn't have any damage. A tree next door fell into our yard. They cancelled school today and we didn't have power until after 1. We did crafts and played games. We went to noodles and company for lunch since we didn't have power. When Casey got home he chain sawed the tree branches. They were going to have boys activity days at the park but Casey canceled it because of the bad weather. Love you guys. The blog put the pictures on in reverse order and I don't have the energy to change it. Sorry.
Monday, September 7, 2020
I sure had a nice weekend. It was hard to leave and come home. Thanks everyone for the fun time. Be careful tonight it is suppose to be really windy and cold. Record breaking heat to record breaking cold. Go figure that one out. I am hoping it will help dad's allergies. Not much going on here since last we met. LOVE YOU ALL MOM
Thanks everyone for the fun birthday and your all your help around my house. It was fun to play. I hope everyone has a great week 💓
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...