Wednesday, December 22, 2021


 I worked today and it was a quiet day. I came home and Rachel and the kids made it here safe and sound. We went to dinner and then the zoo lights. We had a lot of fun. It was crowded but it was so nice to see all the lights and have snores and hot chocolate. I am excited for tomorrow for robins birthday. Drive safe Karen and I am glad you get to work from home tomorrow robin. Love mom

Tuesday, December 21, 2021


 I am ok with Dad being sick.  He probably from Isaac.  Are you ok with us still coming?  I thought we would leave around 1:30 to 2.  I don't know what to do about the storm.  Casey said he feels comfortable driving up to kamas in the snow.  Today was good.  I walked this morning.  The kids went slow this morning which was nice.  We went shopping to get things for Isaac Christmas plum pudding.  After lunch we made some of the ingredients for it.  Isaac accidentally burned the ginger which was fine.  We went to WinCo and the had everything we needed and we should have gone there first.  Then we went to the jump zone which was fun.  Oliver and Ruth had been playing cute together.  Oliver had been on top of her bed playing.  They have been making the string crafts like crazy.  I made a box of the sticks glued together and Oliver has been selling them to Ruth.  I stopped that.  Casey and Isaac have been working on the Christmas pudding this evening.  I forgot Oliver lost a tooth today.  He bite into a chocolate and it came right out.  Well love you guys.




 My day was good. Work is getting quieter so I think tomorrow will be a ghost town at my work. I am planning on coming down Thursday around lunch as long as I am not snowed in. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye 


Today was good. It was a ghost town at work so that was nice. Then I had to finish a bag for Jeramy sister. Jeramy watched Luna. Nothing much else exciting. 


Winter solice

 Today I got a lot done at work and that felt nice. They bought us cafe Rio for.lunch it tasted good.  Today was the shortest day of the year. We made it. The days get longer and longer now. Tomorrow is the last day of work for the week. Drive safe Rachel. Dad isn't feeling great and has a little fever. Is that ok? It is suppose to really snow we might need back up plans. I think we need to be flexible and keep an eye on the weather. Everyone have a great Wednesday. Love 💕 

Monday, December 20, 2021


 I went to work and came home and then just went slow. It felt nice. I did finish wrapping everything so that felt nice. I am glad you went to the doctor robin. I hope the meds work. Rachel I am glad you had a quiet day. You have been running. Karen thanks for getting new eggs. They fell out of Karen's car when I moved them. Have a nice Tuesday. Can you work from home robin?


 I am sorry you are sick Robin, that sucks.  The kids were home today and that was nice.  I got up to walk but it was so cold I chickened out.  I wasted the morning.  The kids slept in and played video games and I sewed.  I ran to Sam's club also which was a nightmare because it was so busy.  I need to not shop the week of Christmas.  We just hung out all afternoon.  Ruth made everyone Christmas presents.  Oliver destroyed his room again so he cleaned that.  I washed the kids sheets and cleaned their beds out.  Ruth and Oliver covered themselves in makeup and took baths.  We finished wrapping all the gifts so I think we are ready.  It was nice to go slow and not have an agenda.  Love you guys.




Today was good I went into work I still have a cough but that's it. I called into the doctor and he prescribed me an inhaler and some medicine. So we will see if it helps. I took some tonight and it made me super tired. So I might just take it at night. I'm glad everyone liked the gifts Karen. Luna has started saying da da. I'm not sure if it's connected to Jeramy since she says it all the time. But it's cute. 



 Things are going good here. I brought the gifts Robin made me for work and handed them out. Everyone loved them and thought they were super cute. Thanks again so much for making them, Robin. Work was good. I stayed busy so it didn't drag too bad. I left work 30 minutes ealry so that I could go get my allergy shot. After I got my shot I went to the store and got some eggs. Then I came home. I hope that everyone ahd a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, December 19, 2021


 Today was good.  I had my presidency meeting this morning.  Then Isaac had a interview with the Bishop to get the Priesthood.  Church was busy.  The kids sang in sacrament with the choir.  We handed out Christmas presents.  I had to deliver some that weren't their this evening.  Casey worked and when he was done we went sledding.  I held Tony while the kids went down and then let him go when the stopped.  It seems to work well.  Isaac and Casey made dinner which was nice.  We are out of school next week and I am looking forward to it.




 Karen spent the night and then we went food shopping. We will it starve for sure. I am with robin. I can't believe that Christmas is this week. Time goes too fast. We came home and took naps and just rested. I did get all the hamburger browned so that will.make dinners easy. Every enjoy the week. See you all soon. Love mom


We had a good weekend. Thanks again Karen for watching Luna. We had alot of fun at the pen class. We learned alot. Then I took my car in to get the air bags fixed. I guess they have been recalled and they were stalking me. So I finally got that done. So after the class we picked up my car. We went to Costco today and Jeramy bought me a new rug. It's so soft. Then.we went to jaonns. I am making a jean bag for one of Jeramys sisters. I can't believe it's already Christmas week. This month and year have gone by so fast for me. 



 My day was good. I spent the night at mom's and dad's last night. So we got up and got food for Christmas. Then after lunch I came home and put all the stuff away. I also did laundry. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...