We had a nice day. Me and Karen went to joanns to look at crocheting. They didn't have anything. We did walk around target afterwards. We needed milk. We came home and casey came and him and dad worked for awhile from home and then they went to work. Me and Karen got the Christmas eve planned and then we ran a couple of errands to get everything ready. It was so much fun. I think it will be fun. We went and picked up dad. He was not feeling great. Casey is still at work. We got a lot done. Tomorrow I am going to get ready to go to logan. I am going to spend a couple days up there to listen to.isaac and olivers concerts. I am picking up Luna on Thursday. I have a really good week.planned. Casey just came home and we are.goong to watch a movie. Love mom
Saturday, December 7, 2024
I am sorry Dad had to get his teeth pulled. I hope he feels better soon. I went to exercise class this morning and it was tough one. I fed Oliver the cat when I got home. Casey went to SLC to work for Dad. I took thr kids to the Christmas Carol musical. It was good and we had a fun time. We cleaned when we got home and then went to the warehouse Christmas party. Their were a lot of people and the kids were super excited and crazy. We did get a picture with Santa which is good. Everyone have a good Sunday.
Love Rachel
Friday, December 6, 2024
I took dad to the dentist because that one tooth was hurting him. There were two right next to each other that were bad. He pulled them both. The other one next to it is iffy but we didn't pull it because he would have no molars in the right bottom. They did bone graft so we can get a stud done in 3 to 4 months. It was hard to get the teeth out. Poor dad. I brought him home and then went and got his antibiotic and pain pills. I also went grocery shopping. I did make the.ramon broth this after noon and the meat. They also had a soup veggies kit at the store so I made chicken and rice soup for dinner. I was on a roll. Dad has soup for a while. Karen bought two wobble kits so we made them tonight. They are fun and have great instruction videos. My isn't perfect but it is cute. Boy we have such bad fog. I hope it clears up soon. Love mom
Did you like the book Robin? Did you guess the twist? Today was good. My classes all went pretty well day. We had assembly at the end of the day also. My grant things came and Oliver helped me out out the new mouse pads. He put the box in his belt and it was cute. We walked to the park and threw the ball for Tony. The kids had fun playing with the ice in the canal. Isaac had D&D and me and the little kids went to Costco to look for hoodies. We met up with Casey at Sub for Santa. We built a bike and then Oliver wanted to go. Ruth stayed and helped Casey build a bunch of bikes. Love Rachel
Thursday, December 5, 2024
Well things were interesting at work today. The actual work went good. I assembled fixtures. I got them all done and tested so we can ship them tomorrow. The ceo is planning to get rid of our two 15 minute breaks. I looked and you are legally required to give breaks in utah. I was annoyed. So I am glad tomorrow is Friday also. I hope everyone has a great one. Bye
Today went pretty well. Their have been some high school students that come and help on Thursdays and it is nice. They were all pretty good today. We had a prep team meeting and it is always good to talk with them. Oliver had a hard time in art today. The noise was bothering him. We didn't have any activities today which is nice. Casey didn't feel good so he worked from home and made black beans. He took Oliver Christmas shopping this evening and they had a fun time. The kids are so cute about buying presents. I went to exercise class and it was High and I love it.
Love Rachel
I had a fun day. I took trax to the festival of trees and met Jen and kay. It wasn't very crowded and it was nice to walk around. We went to a taco place to eat. It was good. I met Karen at valley fair for dinner and we had a good time. We went to hobby lobby to get another crochet kit but they didnt have any. We stopped by Walmart and they had a couple. We are going to do them tomorrow. Robin I am glad your audits went good. That it a really long day. Hopefully not too many weeks left. Rachel I hope the classes went well today. Dad is getting a broken tooth pulled tomorrow. Hope all goes well. Have a great Friday. Love mom
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
I didn't work today and that was nice. The day just seemed to slip away though. I ran errands this morning and met Casey for lunch. I sewed the thanksgiving pillow and programmed a bit. I walked with Tony to get Ruth and it was such a beautiful afternoon. Oliver had orchestra after school. Casey took the little kids to sub for Santa and they worked on bikes. Isaac had young men's and they went bowling. I had bookgroup and we had my favorite things party. My favorite thing is the wicked movie and I bought everyone a notebook with a quote from the movie on it. They really pretty.
Love Rachel
I had a quiet day. I had way to much caffeine yesterday and couldn't sleep. I got up early also. I went back to bed and slept in late. Threw me off. I just took it easy. I am going to hook up with kay and Jen to.orrow and go to the festival of trees. Not much else to report on my end. Love mom
My day was good. I really don't have anything exciting to report. I did do my crochet bee last night. It was fun and turned out cute. I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
I had a big busy day and loved it. I took dad to work this morning and then ran some errands. Kohl's emailed me 20 dollars kohls cash so I went and spent that. I drove to doterra and picked up Luna. We had lunch with Robin. We went to the kangaroo zoo. They have bounce slides. We had fun. We went to Lunas house and played. We went to McDonald's for dinner and then went to cabelas to see the animals. Robin had her Christmas party. Rachel I am super excited for you to go to Josh groban. They had an ad for him tonight. Rachel was the grant for school? Love mom
A couple fun things happened today. I applied for a grant and it was awarded today so I got to order my stuff. I got headphones, mouse pads and a wireless mouse. Also Josh Groban is playing in Vegas in May and me and Casey got tickets to go. Ahhh!!! It is going to be so fun and it wasn't that expensive. Work was good, I just had prep today. Some classes came in to do testing but I am not a part of that. Isaac had violin lessons and Ruth had tumbling. Thank you Dad for taking with Oliver. Casey worked at sub for Santa tonight. Their were a bunch of bored firefighters and they helped him so they are pretty much done. I went to exercise class and picked up Ruth from tumbling on my way home.
Love Rachel
Monday, December 2, 2024
I did laundry and it took most of the day. I did make miso soup for dinner. It tasted so good. I need to make some more broth. I am going to pick Luna up from day care tomorrow and we are going to play while Robin and jeramy go to her Christmas party. I am glad the weather is staying good. Have a nice Tuesday. I can't believe it is December. Love mom
WOW Karen, thank you so much for all the details. I love it. You are amazing and so smart. I love your turtle also Robin. Was it hard to make? Today was super busy. The kids were all sad to go to school but they ended up having good days. My classes all went well except second grade was a bit rough. I had a dentist appointment to get my teeth cleaned. Everything looked good. I also had a computer specialist district meeting and that was good. It was informative. Casey got off early and ran the kids where they needed to go. Isaac and Oliver had orchestra and he picked Ruth up from school. Thank you so much Dad for helping Oliver. I really appreciate it. I really like the white board and how you both can write on it. Casey went caving tonight and I went to exercise class.
Love Rachel
Your turtle turned out really cute, Robin. I am impressed. My day was good. I started out processesing job folders, basically review the bom and print to make sure they match. Then I was going to watch a video about common findings on ISO 17025 audits, but I got called into a production meeting. Then I had to call anodizing to see if the parts we dropped off were finished, they weren't but they should be done Wednesday. Then I went and flagged all the jobs that are on goal to ship this week. Then it was lunch. After lunch I had to review a warrant claim. It took a while to find information on it because it didn't get transferred to the new ERP system so I had to get the folder out. Then I had to write that up once I had everything. Then I got some foam on order for when we ship fixtures. I checked in with the machine shop to make sure they had everything they need. Then I got some quotes for parts we need. After work I came home and mom made miso soup. It tasted really good. Then I just watched some shows while mom and dad were on the phone. Then I read the text book for the certified quality engineer. I hope everyone had a great day and enjoyed my detailed blog. Love ya
Sunday, December 1, 2024
We had a good day. Alyssa came and got the quilt rachel made for her. She loved it. We went to Costco to get a few things. Then we came home and decorated the Christmas tree. I also wrapped. Christmas presents. Good luck getting back to the real world. I can't believe it was 2 years. That made me have anxiety. I am glad he is doing so well. Have a great Monday. Love mom
Casey had his heart attack two years ago today. It is so crazy it has been that long. The kids were so little. We had church this morning and Isaac didn't have a shirt and Ruth didn't have any church shoes so we ran to the store and got everything. Oliver wanted to make a pillow case with his name on it so we did that. He loves this red thread color so we used it for his name. We put up the Christmas tree and the kids were so so excited. Ruth was super excited so Casey took her shopping to get presents for everyone and then she wrapped them. We went to Randy's house for dinner. The kids all had fun playing. Everyone have a good Monday and good luck going back to work.
Love Rachel
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...