Saturday, December 7, 2024


 We had a nice day. Me and Karen went to joanns to look at crocheting. They didn't have anything. We did walk around target afterwards. We needed milk. We came home and casey came and him and dad worked for awhile from home and then they went to work. Me and Karen got the Christmas eve planned and then we ran a couple of errands to get everything ready. It was so much fun. I think it will be fun. We went and picked up dad. He was not feeling great. Casey is still at work. We got a lot done. Tomorrow I am going to get ready to go to logan. I am going to spend a couple days up there to listen to.isaac and olivers concerts. I am picking up Luna on Thursday. I have a really good week.planned. Casey just came home and we are.goong to watch a movie. Love mom

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...