Saturday, June 22, 2013

Nice day also

I had a really nice day also hanging out with Karen and dad and Grandma Bodily.  It was a nice day.  I went and got the folding bed from Julie tonight and went grocery shopping.  It was a busy day.  Way to go Robin.  I hope he turns out to be a really nice guy.  Have fun on your hike tomorrow.  I am going to have a quiet day tomorrow and try to get laundry all done.  That will be a big accomplishment for me.  I will see you all on Tuesday night for dinner. 


starter date

Today was nice I slept in. Then I met a guy named Walter, on a dating site. but here the story I joined one for fun and it wasn't as fun as I remember people are crazy so I canceled it. but I did start writing this one guy so I thought I would meet up. and we went on a short hike. he had a friends party at night so we made it short. But tomorrow we are going to try going on a hike. so that will be fun. he seems like a nice guy. but I will let you know how it goes. That is exciting about the cabin it will be fun!!! well not to much else going on. have a great night Robin


I have had  nice Saturday. I slept in and then mom, dad, and grandma come up and visited. We had lunch and then went to Park City to the outlet mall. By then it was 4 and we all headed home. It was a lot of fun. I have just been lazy the rest of the night. Oh Rachel grandma was look for a bag for her trip. I showed her the picture of the ruffle one you made and she really like it. If you happened to make her a bag that closes with a zipper and has a few pockets inside she would love it. Well I hope that everyone had a great Saturday. BYE

Friday, June 21, 2013

Too excited

I think we did good for Island Park cabin. It looks nice in the pictures.  We are going to have a fun time.  It is a little over 5 hours to get there from SLC Robin so I you want to come up for the weekend, I think it will work.  When I get the link to the cabin I will give it to everyone.  We will bring some games and just play around.  Not much else going on with me.  I made it through work today with 5 hours sleep last night.  Can I just say that not sleeping is getting really old. We are going to take Grandma Bodily to Kamas tomorrow.  She wanted to go and it will be nice to show her Karen's house.  Have a great weekend.  LOVE MOM

Yea for Mom

Thanks Mom for getting the cabin lined up.  I am so excited for a vacation.  I will start looking for fun things to do.  We didn't do too much today.  We just did yard work and went on walks. I hope that everyone has a good weekend.  I am so excited for our vacation!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

How are you doing this week today?

Isaac came up this morning and asked How are you doing this week today.  It made me laugh.  Isaac woke up really early this morning and I stayed up late to say hi to Casey so I was tired today.  We went to the stokes nature center today.  It is the first day of summer today so they read a book about summer and we made wind tunnel things.  She had them paint them with plants and Isaac really liked doing that.  Isaac took a early nap.  When he woke up we went a got a present for the little girl next door birthday party that is Saturday.  I got her a doll with a extra set of clothes, I am not sure if she will like it or not.  Then me and Isaac went swimming and we had a really fun time.  We went down the water slide 5 times and he loved it.  We went later so it wasn't as busy which was nice.  It was a nice day.  I am excited for next week also.  It will be really fun.


Almost there

I am glad that tomorrow is Friday also.  It will be nice to have the weekend.  Julie has a roll away bed she doesn't want so I am going to go pick it up and use it.  I think it might be nice to sleep on.  We met Robin for dinner.  Thanks for the nice birthday present Robin, I love it.  We went shopping and dad got me some necklaces for my birthday and we went to Seagull book and they had a lot of cool things there for Isaac.  He may have a lot of new books when he comes to my house on Tuesday.  Ya just never know.  Well have a great Friday.  I have to admit I am so looking forward to Tuesday night and Wednesday.  LOVE MOM


today was good work was work. I am so glad tomorrow is friday ;) yeah!! I met mom and dad up for dinner so that was fun. I am going to go to bed early I am tired. have a great friday robin

the race is on

Well the race started in Logan today. So tomorrow they should be passing thru here. My day was pretty good. I had set up a webinar, but someone took the conference room I reserved so we had to watch it in someone's office. I was highly annoyed. Oh well it is over now. Other than that it was a pretty good day. I have baby peas now on my plants. My tomatoes aren't looking so good after the cold night last night though. Well have a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Birthday update

I don't have any plans for this weekend so I am good to do anything.  Rachel has a birthday party she is going to and Karen has the Wasatch back race coming through Kamas.  Robin if something sounds fun I am game.  Karen has a doctor's appointment on my birthday so Rachel is coming down and we are taking Isaac to the zoo.  I was thinking we could do dinner on Tuesday and Wednesday night if you would like to play.  I wasn't sure what your plans are.  I know you can't take off work but we can play when you get off.  LOVE MOM

A day ahead

Today was good, I had to work at 6 so that was early. I thought it was thursday so I am a day off. its rough. I am worn out though for some reason. MOM I got your birthday present in the mail!! yeah I can come over tomorrow and drop it off or I can maybe wait but its cool. Are we doing anything this weekend??? well have a great night robin

I agree

I had a nice time meeting Karen for dinner also and I agree with her.  Red Rock is better.  Rachel I am glad your peas are coming on.  They are so good.  I just love veggies out of the garden.  It is fun that you are getting some harvest.  Raspberries will be next.  We have over 7 tomatoes on our vines.  It has been so much fun to watch them grow.  China is off right now so dad will be home this weekend.  That will be nice.  It is really windy here also.  I love you guys  MOM

The Peas are on

The peas are starting to be ready to eat.  They taste really good and it is fun that they are getting ready.  We had another busy day.  We had play group this morning, we hadn't gone in a while so it was nice to go.  After lunch we went swimming.  It was cold today, it was windy but we still had a fun time.  We came home and Isaac took a nap.  My bear leader partner baby shower was tonight we went to that.  It was fun and Isaac did pretty good.  I am glad that you guys had a fun time in Park City.  That sounds like a nice evening. Everyone have a good day tomorrow and stay safe.



Well work was the same old same old. But I met mom and dad for dinner and that was fun. We went to Maxwell's. It is a pizza place. It was pretty good but Red Rock is still better. I finally passed the level I was stuck on in Candy Crush. Yea. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I did it

I passed my hard level.  I was beginning to think I would never win.  I always think if Karen can do it so can I.  Thanks Karen for giving us hope that it is possible to pass some of those levels.  I had a good day also.  Not much going on with me.  Dad took me to a new thai restaurant for dinner.  It was nice.  I am excited to come to Park City tomorrow also and pick up dads gift and have dinner.  Robin do you want to meet us in Park City?  It is up to you.  Rachel, I love the quilt and your pillow cases.  The pillow cases are always a hundred times better than what you can buy.  They will just be perfect for your quilt.  LOVE MOM


Rachel I am a hard level also. The apron looks really cute Rachel. Thanks for making it for me. My day was good. I had engineering meeting this morning, so that took up a lot of the morning. The crazy black birds are still out. I am being brave and still walking. My peas have a ton of flowers on them. They are about waist high now also. I am excited to meet you tomorrow for lunch mom. Have a great Wednesday everyone. Bye

Busy Day

Today seemed busy.  We went to story time this morning and Isaac did good.  We went out for lunch with Casey which was nice.  It was fun to go out.  Jenn came over to sew and Isaac didn't sleep the whole time.  He was good to play and watch a show.  He fell asleep right after she left, he didn't want to miss out.  He woke up in time for dinner and then we went to pack meeting.  We were in charge of the skit and the boys did good.  Isaac did good at pack meeting also.  The shot rockets off at the end and that scared him so we left.  I finished binding the quilt last night while I was waiting for Casey.  I love it.  I attached a picture of Isaac breaking it in.  I also finished Karen's apron and a pillow for our bed.  The pillows are fun to make.  If anyone wants one I can make it.  Well I am going to play candy crush also.  I am on a hard level so I may need Karen to pass it for me.



today was good. I was really tired for some reason. I think its because i thought it was a wensday and its only tuesday.... its going to be a long week.... well not to much else with me. I mailed off my costume I have been working on for a friend in california I hope its ok. it wasn't my best work. I was going to make cookies but I can't muster up the engery so I am going to blog and candy crush for a while. :) well have a great one robin

Sawing logs

I am sorry I didn't blog last night, I fell asleep and didn't wake back up.  I really needed that.  It felt so nice.  I am off to work. Dad had to work late last night so we met for dinner and then I took trax home and he went back to work.  It was fun.  Have a great day.  Wednesday is suppose to cool down.  Love MOM

Monday, June 17, 2013

Its a monday

TOday went well. Work was slow but time went fast so that was really nice. I worked on a friends project she wanted a super hero apron thing made. so I hope it looks good. not to much else with me have a great night RObin

A fun hot day

Today was good.  Casey mowed the lawn this morning and it looks really nice.  Me and Isaac went grocery shopping while he did that.  After lunch me and Isaac went swimming.  It was really fun.  The weather was perfect and it was really fun.  We got a snow cone and Isaac loved it.  I am almost done with Karen's apron but I needed a d ring so I will have to wait till tomorrow to finish it.  Not much else going on.  Good job on all your yard work Karen, that is a lot of work.  You are doing good.



Well my day was good. It did drag a bit, but I made it thru. I trimmed my rose bushes tonight. I just went thru an d trimmed the dead sticks off. Only one major scratch so that was good. The one bah is bloom and it looks so pretty. Dad's fathers day gift came today. Only one day late, not too bad. Well have a good Tuesday bye

Sunday, June 16, 2013


Well I slept most of the day also. When I woke up my head was plugged. I felt better after my nap though. I am trying to be better at watering my lawn and it is looking a little less dead. So I guess I just need to keep it up. I hope that everyone has a great week.

Quiet day

It was a quiet day here.  I slept most of the day and I really needed that.  We went and walked around Murray park and there were so many reunions there.  I didn't realize that there was a huge ice rink there.  We drove up around it after we got done with out walk. I am glad that Casey made it home safe and sound.  I did make my roast today and we made roast sandwiches with it.  It tasted so good.  I am going to make beef stroganoff and enchiladas with the left overs.  There is talk that dad will leave on Tuesday.  I will keep you updated on that one.  Have a great Monday.  I just love this time of year.  I have had such a nice weekend.  LOVE MOM

Happy Fathers Day

Sorry I have been an absent  blogger, sorry.  Things have been good.  We had a really good time with Mom and Dad this weekend.  Thank you for coming up.  I finished quilting my granny square quilt and I love it.  I love the minky on the back, thank you Mom.  I just have to hand sew the binding and then I will put a picture on.  I started on your apron today Karen.  The instructions aren't great but I am making progress.  It will be cute.  Today Randy invited us over for lunch so we just went to sacrament meeting and skipped nursery.  Isaac wasn't happy during church so we missed most of sacrament meeting also.  Lunch was fun and then we came home and I gave Isaac and nap.  Casey made it home safe and is doing good.  I hope that you guys had a fun weekend.  Thanks for everything.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...