Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Fathers Day

Sorry I have been an absent  blogger, sorry.  Things have been good.  We had a really good time with Mom and Dad this weekend.  Thank you for coming up.  I finished quilting my granny square quilt and I love it.  I love the minky on the back, thank you Mom.  I just have to hand sew the binding and then I will put a picture on.  I started on your apron today Karen.  The instructions aren't great but I am making progress.  It will be cute.  Today Randy invited us over for lunch so we just went to sacrament meeting and skipped nursery.  Isaac wasn't happy during church so we missed most of sacrament meeting also.  Lunch was fun and then we came home and I gave Isaac and nap.  Casey made it home safe and is doing good.  I hope that you guys had a fun weekend.  Thanks for everything.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...