Saturday, April 26, 2014
We did a random purchase. Our state taxes came and we spent it on a kitchen table. We decided to stay here and I told dad the one thing I would love is a table. So we went looking today and met up with Robin and Karen and we found a table. I have attached a picture. Karen I love your hair cut. It looks really nice. I hope your play was good. I hope Isaac gets feeling better. Poor kid. It rained here all day. It just poured. It felt nice to have such a nice clean rain. Grandma Bodily said she didn't feel well so she isn't going to the farewell tomorrow. I think we might go see Dirk and Melody. I guess we will see how I am feeling. I am feeling a lot better. The pain level has gone way down. That is so nice. Have a nice Sunday. I am excited for the blessing next week. Julie and her family have a hotel reservation at the Holiday Inn right now from our house. It is going to be wild and crazy. LOVE MOM
Friday, April 25, 2014
YEAH for Friday
I am glad it is Friday also. My headache was a little better today. That was encouraging. I have to work a couple hours in the morning and so does dad but other than that we don't have much planned. Rachel, I was wondering how some probiotics would help Isaac. Yogurt would be good but he won't eat that. Help balance out his digestion again. Maybe a gogurt. Just a thought. Karen and Robin have a great time a the play tomorrow. I hope your groupon is amazing. It really rained here also. LOVE MOM
Robin, I will think about the early shop. I think that is a good idea and will try to think of something fun to sell. Isaac seemed better this morning so we went to Clifton. He didn't eat much today and had some stomachs problems at lunch but I gave him some medicine and he seemed to be doing alright. We had a really good time in Clifton,I am glad we went. We took callers out to lunch in Preston and then just talked at her house. It was a good day. We don't have any plans this weekend. It will be nice just to be lazy. Everyone have a good weekend.
Yeah it's Friday. I hope that Isaac is feeling better. It is cloudy and windy here right now, but no rain yet. I really don't have too much to report though. Work was work. Nothing too crazy there. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Fun times
I am sorry that Isaac is sick. I hope he gets over it soon. I have had such a bad headache this week. I hope it goes away soon. I will buy us tickets tomorrow night. I was going to do it tonight but I don't feel up to it. I think that will be so much fun. Karen congratulations on the lawn. I bet it looks beautiful. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am going to just move slow all weekend. I got our new lease agreement and they only raised our rent 10 dollars so we are going to stay here YEAH. I am going to buy me a kitchen table. I need a place to do crafts. Robin that is a cool job. That will be a good place for you. I hope you get it. That would be so much fun. I am excited for you. Have a great Friday. LOVE MOM
Today was crazy I think I was nervous about the interview. It's for a composite technician and a job hiring service "yes" is doing the hiring. But they posted on workforce services, so weird. Anyway it's a government job and they are willing to train. It starts at 13 an hour and an option to work 4-10s.but since its through a job agency once the company has it's trail period the company will " hire" you. So weird i did it with schriebers you go through Kelly's services and once you get passed 30 days schriebers hires you. But then it's usually a raise... Anyway it's making fiber molds and stuff like that I believe they do helicopter stuff. Anyway the interview was with the "yes" services and I guess tomorrow I have an interview with the actuall company. We will see how it goes. It's going really fast though. Then after work I had a meeting with a photographer that wants to do a body paint lace thing. It will be interesting. Another girl he knows wants to do a fire paint so it will be cool. It was a lot to go through for the day so I am just going to chill for thee priest of the night. I'm sorry. Isaac is sick. That's no fun. I am for the concert. Sorry I didn't respond to your email mom I read it then forgot to respond. Karen 12:00 will work to pick me up that will be fun. If you give me a call I will come out. Well have a Good Friday!!
Well I was busy today. I had a project to work on at work so that made the day go by fast. We even had power all day. Then when I got home I mowed my lawn. It really needed it. The because of all the weeds in my yard and the fact it is suppose to rain tomorrow I put weed and feed on my yard. I had some left over from last year but it wasn't enough for my whole yard so I had to run to Ace and get some more. After all that I started laundry and jumped in the shower because allergies suck. I was way impressed with my motivation today. Rachel I am sorry that Isaac isn't feeling well. Stomach bugs are just no fun. So Robin on Saturday should I put you up around noon? Or did you want to meet earlier? Also how did the interview go? What job was the interview for? Well have a great Friday tomorrow everyone. Bye
I hope that your interview went well Robin and that it was a good job that payed a ton. Their is a William Joesph Concert at Thanksgiving point on May 9th the day before the quilt show. Me and Mom are going and anyone else is welcome to come too. It is outside and I think it should be fun. I was thinking about the quilt show and I think that we should get their when it opens to get a free bag and then meet up with Robin when she is done. We can think about it and see what everyone thinks. Isaac was sick today. He threw up this morning and this afternoon. He ate well though and after a while he was up and running and jumping. He did eat lunch and dinner. Casey bought him some stomache medicine, pedialight and sprite. We just took it easy today. He did want to go outside so we played outside for a little bit. I hope that he is feeling better tomorrow. Casey is going to work a little overtime tomorrow. We were thinking about going to Clifton but if Isaac is still not feeling well we may not go. I attached some pictures below. Isaac likes all the blankets on his bed but it gets to hot so I spread them out all over his bed. I thought it was funny. Oliver fit in his new monkey outfit so I attached a picture of that also. Everyone have a good night and I hope that you don't get sick.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
That was quick Robin for a job. I hope it is a good one. It was administration day today and they bought me bagels for breakfast. It was really nice. I just didn't feel good all day. I got home and crashed on the couch. I hope I have a better day tomorrow. I love the pictures Rachel. Those quilts turned out really cute. I hope the groupon play is a good one one. Not much else going on with me. It was such a pretty outside today. I am with Rachel this week has gone by really fast. I can't believe that next week we start with May. April has gone by really fast. LOVE MOM
Today was good nothing to crazy. I did apply for a job last night and they called me today for an interview. I am going tomorrow on my lunch break. Rachel on Saturday Karen had a group on for a dinner mystery party so we are going to try it out. Karen I am good with whatever. Maybe spaghetti factory.. The winds were bad this morning they were chopping down a pine tree that blew over. I went to Joann's to get some stuff for a mask, I am going to do a peacock mask. Rachel. I am going to look into it more but I am considering opening an etsy account to sell some masks, if you want to put some stuff for sell in my account we can do that. Nothing serious just going to try it out. Well have a good night
Robin, I love your hand. You did a really good job on it. That is a lot of work. That is fun that the power was out Karen, I guess it can be boring not being able to do anything. At least you got payed for just sitting around. :) The wind was pretty bad. I hope that you are feeling better Mom and got some rest tonight. We had a good day. We went visiting teaching this morning and my visiting teachers came this afternoon. It was a lot of visiting. Isaac wasn't super excited about it and didn't like me talking to people. He survived some how. The movie of the week is Tangled. He really likes it. I was able to hand sew the bindings of the eye spy blankets during it and I am done with them. It is nice. This week is going be really fast. I can't believe it is Thursday tomorrow.
off and on again
Well the power was off and on all morning. The power company was rotating power around. After lunch it was fixed enough that they didn't need to do that any more. But it made for a boring hour and a half at work while the power was out. After work I went to WalMart and went grocery shopping. Exciting times I know. Robin that will be fun to meet for lunch. Where would you like to go for lunch? Well I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Blown away
That was some storm here also. It was so windy. I had such a bad headache all day. I knew it was going to be a bad storm. I was half way to dad's work when it hit. My glasses we a muddy mess. It was a huge storm. I am glad that Oliver is doing good. I was worried about him. He won't feel the best for a couple of days. I am glad you made story time also. That is good to get back to a routine. I love the hands Robin they are amazing and so is the mask. You are so talented. Not much else going on with me. I went to Carters after work because I have a baby shower tomorrow at lunch time. I got some fun stuff and a 10 dollars off my next purchase. I am ready to shop. Have a great Wednesday. LOVE MOM
They call the wind Mariah
I missed what you guys are doing. What play is it? That sounds like a fun time. Oliver is doing good and is a lot happier today. He was really tired though and slept a lot. We went to story time for the first time since Oliver was born and it went really well. I brought a bag to carry the books and just carried Oliver, he slept the whole time. Jenn came over to sew and I worked on my pineapple quilt. Yesterday I was able to put the bindings on the two baby blankets so I am almost done with the blankets I wanted to make Vickie. Then after dinner we went grocery shopping. It was so windy and rainy today. It was pretty crazy. I haven't seen wind like that in a while. I don't have much else going on. Everyone have a good day tomorrow.
So windy
Today was good. I made it through work so that was a bonus :) I am good for hanging out Karen I didn't know if you still wanted to get your hair cut but we can meet for lunch get you hair cut and then got to the mystery dinner. It was so windy today I was going to the gym but it was so windy I decided to stay in. I think it was mostly my laziness making excuses but I will take what I can get . I started a mask project. I wanted to play with the worbla I bought so I thought a mask was harmless. Well have a good Wednesday
My day has been good I went to bed early last night, so I wasn't tired today. Work went good. I had engineering meeting this morning, so that took up most of the morning. It is really windy here today. It is also rainy here tonight. I hope that Oliver is a happy camper today. Well have a great Wednesday everyone. Bye
Monday, April 21, 2014
Busy Day
I am glad that Oliver is doing OK. I hope he doesn't get really sick from the shots. You might be in for a long couple of days. Robin, I love the hands. They look really cool. You are so gifted. It was so nice to see you also this weekend. I am glad you had a good time. Karen that is fun you are going to the play this weekend. I hope it is amazing. We went to the doctors today and he said dad is doing really well. We don't have to go back for one year. That was really good. We got done early so we took Grandma Bodily to dinner and Pam. She is staying for Erica's home coming. It was nice to visit. Have a great day. I sure had fun this weekend. LOVE MOM
Well I made it thru Monday. It was rough getting out of bed this morning, but I did it. Work went by pretty fast so that was nice. Robin did you want to hook Saturday before the dinner show and hang out? Or did you just want to meet for dinner? I am good either way just wondered if we had a plan. I am glad that Oliver had a good checkup. Have a great one.
Thanks for the fun weekend it was good to see everyone. Sorry I didn't stay long. Walters family party was good. Work was slow but I think it was just Monday after a fun weekend. I worked on the hell boy hand. I think it's finished. I posted pictures below. I did go to costco because I needed cereal and it was the closest place to me. I was being lazy. But it's so cheap there for what you get I might take the easy route more often. :) well have a good night
Not a happy camper
Oliver had his two month check up today and everything checked out good. He is 10# 15 oz (30 percent) 22" (20 percent) head is 39 cm (30 percent). He had shots and didn't feel well today. Isaac said he was not a happy camper. Casey stayed home from work to help with the doctors. He mowed the lawn and we went up and visited with Randy. We went to park with him. He also took us out to dinner with Kimi, Max and Collin. Mom, I love your pictures. I don't they are grainy, I think they are good. I hope everyone had a good day. Thank you everyone for a wonderful Easter.
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Hoppy Easter
We made it home safe and sound. Thanks for the fun weekend. Karen I am glad you found that broken pipe while we were up there. It is all fixed now. Robin I hope you had a good party. Your cheesecake was delicious. Thanks for coming up and bringing Grandma. I took some pictures of the party but I did that before you came. I wished I had taken some more pictures. Sorry, I am bad at that. I had such a nice weekend. Thanks for everything. LOVE MOM
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...