Thursday, April 24, 2014


I hope that your interview went well Robin and that it was a good job that payed a ton.  Their is a William Joesph Concert at Thanksgiving point on May 9th the day before the quilt show.  Me and Mom are going and anyone else is welcome to come too.  It is outside and I think it should be fun.  I was thinking about the quilt show and I think that we should get their when it opens to get a free bag and then meet up with Robin when she is done.  We can think about it and see what everyone thinks.  Isaac was sick today.  He threw up this morning and this afternoon.  He ate well though and after a while he was up and running and jumping.  He did eat lunch and dinner.  Casey bought him some stomache medicine, pedialight and sprite.  We just took it easy today.  He did want to go outside so we played outside for a little bit.  I hope that he is feeling better tomorrow.  Casey is going to work a little overtime tomorrow.  We were thinking about going to Clifton but if Isaac is still not feeling well we may not go.  I attached some pictures below.  Isaac likes all the blankets on his bed but it gets to hot so I spread them out all over his bed.  I thought it was funny.  Oliver fit in his new monkey outfit so I attached a picture of that also.  Everyone have a good night and I hope that you don't get sick.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...