Saturday, September 7, 2019

One day off

Tomorrow is actually our anniversary.  I know I thought today was the 8th.  We did celebrate it and went to Yellow Fin for lunch and bought a new pillow.  Dad worked on the jeep and he thinks just a little more time and he will have it done.  It looks like some bearing went out so he replaced that.  I hope that Casey and Isaac had a fun time camping.  Robin, I hope you got some rest.  LOVE MOM

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary mom and dad. I hope that you had a great one. My day was good. I got to sleep in which was nice. Then I read text books for a bit. Nothing too exciting. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Friday, September 6, 2019

Happy Anniversary

Tomorrow is our anniversary 43 years.  That makes me sound really old.  We are just going hang out and go slow.  Work was quiet everyone was at a retreat.  It felt nice, I didn't get a lot of emails.  We bought a pizza at Winco yesterday and had that for dinner.  It tasted pretty good.  I hope Isaac has a fun time camping.  That is nice that Casey took him.  It does feel nice that is it cooling down.  Robin, I hope you are doing good.  LOVE MOM


We didn't get a lot of rain, just a little this morning but it was cooler today.  I walked and went to exercise class this morning.   Kindergarten is earlier on Fridays so we had to rush to get ready to go.  I forgot it was show and tell but Oliver was good about it.  Me and Ruth went to the store after we dropped him off.  Randy came over and tiled, it is looking really good.  Casey friend Nate came over also.  Him and Casey went camping tonight.   They ended up taking Isaac so I hope they are having fun.  I took the little kids to the park and it was a nice evening.  Love you guys and have a fun Saturday.



My day was good. It did drag a bit, but I think that is just because I wanted it to be the weekend. It rained off and on most of the morning and then I big thunder storm came over this evening. I love that it is raining again. I have missed the rain. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Rain storm

We got quite the rain storm tonight.  The lightening was amazing.  It was so much fun to watch.  Work was good.  It was busy but I got it done.  The meetings are all over with for another month.  We are drying the last of our peaches.  They are so juicy.  I think it must be the heat because I have been really tired as well and I had a bad headache today.  We did go grocery shopping tonight and that was good.  Everyone enjoy your Friday.  LOVE MOM

One more day

I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. I'm tired. Today was good. I got caught up on a bit of work so that was nice. We picked up jeramys pills. They put him on ammocillican for his throat so hopefully that will help. It was raining alot tonight and the thunder scared Jenkins so he was really cuddly it was cute



I was tired today also.  Maybe it is the heat wearing us down.  I did walk this morning which was nice.  Oliver and Ruth had school this afternoon so I sewed while they were gone which was nice.  It was another hot one walking home from school.  Casey gets paid tomorrow so we went to noodles and company for dinner and then came home to do homework.   I had book group tonight but I wasn't sure where it was and I was tired so I skipped it.  Love you guys and have a good Friday.



I am glad that the weekend is almost here. My day was good. I was a little tired so it dragged a bit, but all in all it wasn't too bad of a day. It did rain for a few minutes here. I hope that it rains more tonight. I hope everyone had a great Thursday. Bye

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Busy day

It was a busy day for me as well.  I got my 10,000 steps in today.  We stopped and got meds also and then picked up firehouse and watch Jurassic World.  It is suppose to start cooling down.  It tied a record the hottest day.  I hope that Jeramy is OK.  That worries me about his lung because he says his throat is swelling.  Did he tell the doctor that?  Karen I am glad your watch worked today.  I got to work early and I am going to try and make it again tomorrow.  The Lehi Design team is in town again. Not much else going on with us.  LOVE MOM

Baby step

Today was so busy at work. My boss paid for a massage at work for 15 minutes so that was nice. Then Jeramy needed to refill his pills but he wanted to see if they could give him stronger anxiety meds. So we ran down to the lehi doctor he likes. He was ok with everything. They saw a black spot on his lungs last year so Saturday we are going in to get new exrays just to make sure it wasn't growing or still hanging out. Then we came home and made Shepard s pie. It tasted good



Things are going good here in Kamas. I got up on time today so that was nice. Work was good. It went by pretty quick. I kept busy, so that is probably why. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye


We miss Jenkins a lot too.  I even do and that surprised me.  He would follow me everywhere and I keep looking for him now.  He is a good dog.  I was really unmotivated this morning. I didn't walk or go to my exercise class.  We did turn in my 100 mile walking papers and I guess they mail me a shirt.  I am not sure how it works.  Then we went to the park and played until lunch.  We walked to take Oliver to school.  All the kids in his class was turning in homework from a blue folder and Oliver did bring home one.  The teacher had no idea where it could be and Oliver couldn't remember what he did with it.  They found it and we did homework tonight.  He was so excited and did so good on it.  Ruthie didn't have school today so we played games and folded laundry.  I had her clean her room and it looks really nice.  We walked to pick up the boys and it was a million degrees, it is so hot.  The kids played in the sprinklers when we got home.  We did homework after dinner and then Isaac had scouts which he really likes.  Casey worked late so he came home when the kids were headed to bed.  He is swamped with this new job.  Ruthie loves taking the little pieces of fabric from my garbage and puts them in bags.  It is cute and keeps her busy.  Love you guys and I hope that you have  a good day.  This week is going so slow.


Tuesday, September 3, 2019

My heart

Ruth is so cute. I hope Jesus helped you not cry lol my day was busy. I came home late then we just watched deadliest catch and relaxed. I think Jenkins misses Everyone. He gets hyper and runs around. Then just sits on my lap lol have a goodnight


I hate waking up late Karen, that is stressful.  Thanks for the fun weekend guys and for all the work on the shower.  It looks so nice having dry wall up, I love it.  It was Ruthie first day at school today and she did so good.  When we were walking in she was trying to make me not cry.  She said to remember I had Jesus in my heart and I had a ton of pictures of her.  She wasn't nervous at all and sat down and starting painting.  She had a good day and was good to tell me what they did.  I volunteered at Isaac's class while she was at school.  It was good I helped the kids that I helped in first grade which was nice.  I was able to have a hour to sew afterwards also so it worked out good.  Oliver and Isaac had a good day at school also.  Oliver drew a picture of him sad because it was raining, I attached a picture of it.  Love you guys and I hope that you have a good night.


Thank you

Thank you all for such a nice weekend.   I had such a fun time in Logan and then having the grandkids and going to boondocks.  What a nice time.  Thank you all.  Robin, I am glad the pictures didn't take long.  That is a long drive for 10 minutes.  I am glad we got Josh a back pack.  That was fun.  I had to go to work early to take minutes and then left early to take dad to the eye doctor.  He suggested getting computer glasses.  They are like bi focals in one glasses and then regular glasses in the other.  I think we are going to try them.  We came home and the apartment was dark and I fell sound asleep.  I was going to call Ruth to see how preschool went.  That was so cute when she told you Jesus was in your heart and you had lots of pictures of her so you wouldn't be sad.  She is one smart girl there.  I can't believe that tomorrow is Wednesday.  That feels so nice.  The lehi design team is in town the next couple of days so that will make me busy.  LOVE MOM


Well my watch battery died during the night so my alarm didn't go off this morning. So I woke up at 8. I rushed and made it to work by 808 though so it wasn't too bad. Other than that my day was good. Work went by fast and then I did homework most of the night. That pretty much sums up my day. Thanks everyone for the fun weekend. I am on my third batch of drying peaches. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, September 2, 2019


Thanks again for the fun day at boondocks. We made it to pictures in time. It only took 10-15 minutes then we grabbed McDonald's and drove home. Jenkins did well and was really cuddly all night. Good luck tomorrow



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...