Saturday, May 9, 2009


Well I bought an iron today. All my shirts are wrinkled from the air tight bags. It was murder to try to find one. Its took me this long to just find one. I went to a store called "the bay" its like an a ikea with a mall smashed together. Every department has a floor and each floor is like a block long. The worst one to get stuck on is the perfume store. Its like getting stuck in a gas chamber and the more you run away the more it gets worse. I think the ladies who stand out giving samples are there just to make sure your fumigated properly. So needless to say it was an experience but I made it through. Karen texted me and said that you went to star trek. I'm glad it was good. I have heard good reviews. The quilt show looked fun, I'm glad everyone had a good time. Riley is cute i liked all of her pictures with the quilts. Well I'm glad mondays almost here I'm excited for school to start. :) have a great day

Friday, May 8, 2009

Quilt Show

We went to the quilt show today and it was amazing, it was similar to the on in St George but a lot bigger. Kay, Jen, Mom and Riley came with me and it was fun.

Riley wanted me to take her picture in front of every quilt.

I bought Mom a unpicker and roller like Robin bought me for Mothers day. I also bought some quilting patterns. Mom bought a quilt kit that is grey and orange. It is really bright and a pretty quilt. I think that this summer we are going to take a quilt class with Kay and Jenn in SLC. It should be fun. :)

Here is a log cabin quilt that I really liked (this is sideways)

Walk and walk and walked

I'm jealous of mom's new computer you will love it. We will have to get on facebook the same time one night and chat. You should take a picture so i can see how slim it is. Well I hope Karen's Doctors apt.  went well. How was the quilt show? Well I bought some plants for my apartment. On is just leafs but the leaves are pink, and the other on is a cactus thing with flowers that are pink and yellow, its kinda spunky. I walked to where my church and school are going to be. Church is a 30 minute walk its by all these houses that are squished together. I looks like they took out one house and squished in a church, its kinda funny. My school is a 20 minute walk but its by all the fancy stores like cartiers, tiffanies, and chanel. So I don't think I'm going to suffer much.  there was a three drop diamond necklace it was so pretty if I was rich I would buy it for mom for mothers day. But alas I'm poor so i guess its on hold for a while. :) Have a great weekend. 


Well right now I am in SLC waiting for Rachel and Casey to wake up. I have to go to the doctor at 10 then we are goign to a quilt show. I am glad that you got all settled in Robin. I hate unpacking. I would be really paranoid about bugs now. Oh well at least they killed them all. Now at least you know where the saying comes from. Hope you are having a good time in Canada so far. Don't work too hard Love ya!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

New computer

For Mother's day dad bought me a new computer. It is one of those little ones we have been looking at Best Buy. I went out to Grandma and Grandpa Gumm's house and grandma got a perm and I planted flowers and did yard work and house cleaning. It was good. They also got a new window in the front window. The old one wouldn't open any more. Karen made it safe and sound from St. George. We are going to Leatherby's for icecream. Tomorrow is the quilt show and doctor for Karen. I am glad Robin got new sheets and pillows. I am sure you will get better at finding out where things are.


Well I kinda arranged my room. I have to clean the little stuff but everything is out of bags. Well I figured out why my router wouldn't work, they don't allow them so i guess I have to stay plugged into the wall its the strangest thing i think. I haven't meet my roommates yet but I hear them walk past my door every once and a while. I think there strange though. I put in toilet paper because there was none. but in the morning both bathrooms were empty.....? so i guess they take it with them as they come and go. I don't know strange???? it must be a canadian thing???? jk. I am missing the one stop shop at walmart and knowing where everything is at. I mostly shop at the eaton center. but once my hands are full of bags I usually stop shopping for the day. its draining. Luckly school starts next week and I only need a few more things, I bought most of what I need. Well have a great night. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I made it to Toronto!

I figured out how to get on the blogg. So I sat by this guy on the plane who was visiting SLC and he said the Blue Plate Diner was amazing. I guess its breakfast food for a reasonable price. So I didn't know if you wanted to try it out or not while everyone was playing this week. Well I got my pillows and sheets. Sears was having a sale. I got some towels, too. H&M was right next to sears but I resisted. I went to best buy to get a wireless router. Its not working so i just plugged into the wall till i had the patience to deal with it. Dad might get a call this week. :) I had to sign a paper when i got into my apartment that i needed to consult the front desk if I had a case of the bed bugs. I guess the had a problem in November but exterminated them all. I guess Don't let the bed bugs bite is more true then I thought. I think its funny. Well I hope everyone is doing well, miss you. 

p.s. don't let the bed bugs bite and sleep tight. :)

Signed up

This is Karen I have joined the group.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Me and Mom are in Clifton ID and are making an awesome blog. Please help us get going since we don't know what we are doing.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...