Saturday, May 9, 2009


Well I bought an iron today. All my shirts are wrinkled from the air tight bags. It was murder to try to find one. Its took me this long to just find one. I went to a store called "the bay" its like an a ikea with a mall smashed together. Every department has a floor and each floor is like a block long. The worst one to get stuck on is the perfume store. Its like getting stuck in a gas chamber and the more you run away the more it gets worse. I think the ladies who stand out giving samples are there just to make sure your fumigated properly. So needless to say it was an experience but I made it through. Karen texted me and said that you went to star trek. I'm glad it was good. I have heard good reviews. The quilt show looked fun, I'm glad everyone had a good time. Riley is cute i liked all of her pictures with the quilts. Well I'm glad mondays almost here I'm excited for school to start. :) have a great day

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...